King Xiaojun asked again. Now he can't wait to put wings on his back, and then fly back to the house to see his little girl. He is finally a daughter, he must take a few days off first. , Accompany your daughter for a few more days.

The young man opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't speak.

And he held back for a long time, but still did not hold back the words.

"Say it!" Lord Jun is a little impatient, and they will go in for a while.

"Lord, little lord..."

Xiao Si glanced at them, but could only bite the bullet.

"Who gave birth to Princess Xiaojun..."

"The Sheriff?"

King Jun and his son answered quickly.

Xiao Si laughed dryly.

"It's a bit..."

"Little boy."



Losing money!

The Zhezi in Lord Jun's hands also fell to the ground. He didn't believe it. He clearly belonged to the little princess, his granddaughter, but he became a stinky boy again.

"Father..." Xiaojun Wang looked at the folded papers that fell on the ground, and he was blinded. What should I do now?

"What else can I do?"

Today's Lord Jun is simply resentful, "Go back."

His granddaughter is gone, do I still need to go in and deliver the paper? Is it possible to raise Xiaoshi as a girl. This is not a joke, but what is this?

King Xiaojun picked up the fold from the ground, with a look of lovelessness. He had been looking forward to the daughters and daughters he had been looking forward to for a few years, but there was no more, and maybe in the future.

What should I do?

There are no more girls.

He really wants to cry.

Not only did he want to cry, even Prince Jun also wanted to cry, and Shen Qingrong, who was waking up at this time, was constantly wiping tears, very sad.

Because she didn't have the ability, she couldn't give birth to a daughter, and she gave birth to someone to lose money.

Others think that their son is crazy, but her son is crazy

It's another dowry gift, when will she save it?

"Come on, bring clothes for the princess."

She gritted her teeth and struggled to sit up. Although she had only given birth, after taking a few medicines, the lost vitality was also quickly replenished. In just a few days, she already felt so good. , Can also walk down the ground.

After changing her clothes, she looked in the mirror again, put on a pint of rouge, and then put on some mouth fat. At this time, she was completely pale after giving birth. She was originally a luxurious girl, even if she was again. Ten children have been born, and they are all just like girls, and with the right clothes, they are completely different from the women who had just given birth.

She doesn’t stay in bed every day, and she doesn’t sleep well. What else should she rest?

At this time, a young boy about ten years old walked outside, with long and beautiful eyebrows, but with a calm temperament. He was already a handsome young man.


He yelled,

Shen Qingrong raised his face and waved his hand to the young boy.

"My brother, come here to mother."


Brother Jin was over, and he walked over and stood in front of Shen Qingrong.

Shen Qingrong looked at the grown-up son in front of him, and he was very proud. Although he said that he had given birth to ten children, the status of Jin's brother in her heart would always be unmatched. This is the eldest son and also her first. A child, although twins, is really the eldest son and grandson of King Jun's mansion.

"Mother, the child has seen Xiao Shi just now."

Brother Jin tightened his lips, and after a few breaths, he said.


Shen Qingrong didn’t want to hear Xiao Shi’s name at all, just like the original Xiao Qi Xiao Ba Xiao Jiu, it also made her stay away from seeing her for a long time, and Xiao Shi may not wait to see you even more, at least Xiao Qi Xiao Ba Xiao Jiu After that, there is still a small ten, but behind the small ten, there is no more.

That's why Shen Qingrong is so reluctant to mention Xiaoshi more, even the people around him can't mention it.

"Go somewhere with your mother."

Shen Qingrong stood up, and it was about time to calculate the old account. She Shen Qingcirong was not a person who complained with virtue. She has identity, has ten sons, has an endless dowry, and a poinsettia bonus. Since I was born, I have never suffered such a loss.

They eat everything at the Palace of the Guardians, but they will never suffer. They want her to swallow these losses.


Hearing this in winter, I was all in a hurry. I was still in confinement, but I couldn't go out.

However, Shen Qingrong was determined and insisted on going out.

If the matter is not resolved, she is holding this breath in her heart, how can she do well this month.

Brother Jin is busy helping Shen Qingrong. At this time, he is almost as tall as Shen Qingrong, and he has grown up, and he can protect his mother.

In a dungeon of King Jun's Mansion, a shaggy woman was also shrunk in the corner. Under the dim light, she was shaking like a chaff-like body.

Inside the dungeon, it was originally dark and damp, and there was no window or door. The only thing that allowed light was the faint light coming from one side of the aisle.

Suddenly, as if everything was lit up at this time, a guard walked in with a torch, and behind the guard was Shen Qingrong, who was wearing a cloak and wearing a cloak, and she also kept supporting. The youngest son of her Jun Wang Mansion.

With a bang.

The iron chain above the prison door rang, and the woman who was shrunken inside, as if she had seen a ghost, raised her face quickly, but when she saw someone, she shrank her body in the corner of the wall.

"Why, afraid?"

Shen Qingrong sneered and knew that she had never hated a person so much. She had never cared about this, but she had always trusted and treated each other with reason, and even a woman who took care of her. It was a knife on her heart.

"Brother Jin, look at this woman well."

Shen Qingrong's icy voice resounded here, like ice, and it made the woman who had shrunk in the corner tremble violently.

"It was she who caused your sister to give birth prematurely, and in the end her sister became a younger brother."

Shen Qingrong said angrily, although this is unfounded, but why her daughter became a son again, not because of this accident, and how the accident happened, everything is also because of this Women rise up.

"I remember it."

Brother Jin stared coldly at the woman in front of him, and that childish face was full of gloom at this time.

Among so many children, Lord Jun chose him as the youngest son. In addition to being the eldest son, he is also his character, rigorous contemplation, self-reliance, and a supreme head of the family.

"Okay," Shen Qingrong took a long and deep breath, suddenly feeling a little dizzy on his head.

"Mother!" Brother Jin hurriedly helped Shen Qingrong, with real worry in his heart. His mother gave birth to so many sons. Except for Lin Geer and Sen, he didn’t know, the remaining younger brothers, mother. He had all seen his postpartum appearance. He had never been as weak as this time. Even when he gave birth to Xiaoqi and the three of them, they were better than they are now.

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