And Xiaoqi and the others still have three children, but Xiaoshi is only one, and they are born like a kitten. How could the mother be like this? How could he not know?

His younger brother is going to be gone if he is worse, and if he is more dangerous, both mother and child may not be protected.

He was ten years old, but they were not even two years old, and they became motherless children.

Xiao Shi can be a younger brother, but he absolutely can't live without a mother. It's also impossible for the younger brothers to have a mother.

"Mother is fine."

Shen Qingrong shook his hand lightly, and let the maid on one side support him.

"Let's go," she said to the maid, also preparing to see Xiao Shi.

She has given birth to so many children, all of them are born full-term, even if they are twins and three children, all of them are in good health. I don’t know what happened to Xiaoshi. Although it is really difficult for her to accept Xiao Shi from a ruan Nuo daughter to a money-losing son, but she even feels sorry for Xiao Shi. It is possible that Xiao Shi is born with a deficiency.

She is also afraid that she is a mother, and I am really sorry, Xiao Shi, what should I do?

Brother Jin watched Shen Qingrong leave, but his feet were still standing here, unmoved, only a pair of gloomy black pupils, and they were always the woman looking at the corner.

"Little son, please forgive me..."

The woman in the corner also came over quickly, kneeling on the ground with a plop.

She was actually thinking, the little master is soft-hearted, and seeing her so pitiful, she will definitely feel pity, so that she can go out alive, right?

She didn't mean it, she really didn't mean it.

Xu was happy and happy in her heart when Shen Qingrong drank the bowl of soup.

But when she was locked here, she regretted it.

She just remembered her identity. She said it bluntly, but she was just a poor person who had been sent away. Now, Shen Qingrong, who was injurious, gave birth prematurely. She may also have a dead body and two lives. She knew that she might be really unwilling this time It's dead.

But now Shen Qingrong is not dead, she is not alive, that means mother and child are safe, so she does not have to die, she can go out, right?

Brother Jin looked coldly at the woman kneeling in front of him. Suddenly, the corners of his lips were lifted up, and the smile looked like a ghost in the woman's eyes.

And such an expression, it seems that a child who is only about ten years old cannot appear on him, so gloomy, and so cruel.

"Come here!" Brother Jin shouted to the outside.

Soon, a guard walked in and stood in front of him.

"Give sin word."

"Yes," the guard took his orders.

The so-called sin word is to **** a sin word on a person’s face with a needle, and then apply it with a specific potion. The potion will grow with the skin and flesh, and it will not be washed away for the rest of the life. Unless you dig out that piece of meat raw, you still have to see where the word stab is. If it’s on the face, neck, etc., unless you dig it along with the bones, you have to take it all your life. Use these words to death.

And the woman obviously doesn’t know what the word “given sin” is. She has just arrived in Beijing not long ago. She has seen the prosperity of the capital, and she has tasted the benefits of wealth, and she still lacks all these. Qi enjoyed it, she didn't want to die yet.

And she was really wrong. Sometimes it's better to die than to live, just like her in the future.

Brother Jin walked out, and heard the woman's screams.

He smoothed the corners of his lips, and there was no hint of pity in his eyes. Although he was small, he already knew that he had to have a certain means, and of course he had to understand cruelty.

He has nine younger brothers, and the master said that if he cannot be the eldest brother as a father, if his younger brothers are not afraid of him, in this colorful world, it is possible to grow crooked, when the time comes, he will be afraid of glory. , A loss is also a fear of loss.

My grandfather said that if you want others to be afraid of you, you must first fist hard.

Uncle said that if you want others to be afraid of you, you must be good at it.

My uncle said that if you want others to be afraid of you, you must grow into a certain mind.

He still needs to learn a lot, and he still needs to know a lot, and the most important thing he needs to understand is that he must kill people at a young age, not as human life.

It is also necessary to learn how to kill, and sometimes it is more useful than killing, that it makes life worse than death.

What others want, then he will destroy something.

What other people care about most, he takes something away.

He snorted coldly from his nose. This is to walk forward in strides, and also to see his ten brothers. Although he is not the sister he wants, but the brother was born to his mother, and that is his brother. .

Only he can beat his younger brother, he can scold, and everyone else can't move a hair.

When he arrived, Shen Qingrong was already holding Xiao Shi. Xiao Shi had not opened his eyes. Because of the premature delivery, he was very small. Even if he had only one child, he didn’t know Xiao Shi was there. No matter how long inside the mother's belly, she was born in July, but it was too small.

Shen Qingrong originally didn't want to see Xiao Shi, that is, because of Xiao Shi, her beautiful daughter was gone, but when she saw Xiao Shi’s pitiful appearance, her eyebrows didn’t grow out, she stepped a little. The body is not much different from a hairless mouse. She woke up and cried for a while, but she only knew that she opened her mouth, but there was no sound, and her heart was about to be broken.

Her little ten, her Yaoer.

Well, she doesn't want a daughter, she really doesn't want a daughter anymore, as long as her little ten can live, like his brothers can live.

Xiao Shi cried for a while, and fell asleep in her mother’s arms, her skin was all red, she was afraid of touching it, she was not holding her fist as big as a walnut. What should I do if I break him?

He has nine elder brothers, even the elder brother with three children, when he was born, they were all older than him at this time, and now Shen Qingrong is afraid that her little ten will not be able to support her.

When King Xiaojun came to see Xiaoshi, he originally wanted to scold the stinky boy. Because of the stinky boy, his daughters were gone. But when he saw Xiaoshi's appearance, this Shi was also distressed.

Father and son connect their hearts.

This is his Yaoer.

I don't know who passed it out. It is said that the tenth son of Princess Xiaojun was born with a congenital deficiency, and it is very likely that he will die early. After all, he was born in this July.

Princess Jun woke up just now, and now she hasn't alleviated the fact that she doesn't have a granddaughter. This is because Xiao Shi had wanted to look early, but she fainted a little bit, and she quickly let someone help her over. I want to see my little ten.

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