As a result, seeing Xiao Shi's appearance made my heart hurt terribly.

"Hurry up and find the genius doctor Mo!" Xiaojun Wang hurriedly ordered the young man on the side, also letting people find Mo Fei.

As soon as Mo Fei heard about this, he came over immediately, and of course Shen Qingci and Luo Hengsi also came with him.

"Is Xiao Shi okay?"

When Shen Qingci looked at Xiao Shi at the time, it seemed that he was not as bad as that. It was just a little bit smaller, so it wouldn't be really a deficiency. How could it be better? Even if the eldest sister gave birth to a hundred children, each one was a treasure, and one would not be possible without one.

"Nothing," Luo Hengsi once hugged Xiao Shi. Although he was not good at medical skills, he checked Xiao Shi's body with his own health-preserving internal qi at the time, fearing that he would be inadequate. of.

"Uncle, my brother..."

Brother Jin is also worried about the little brother inside, he is afraid that something will happen to the little brother, and when he thinks of his little brother if he is gone, what can he do?

Lao Hengli stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, "I'll know when Mo flies out."

Soon after, Mo Fei came out and also walked in front of Brando Hengsi.

"How is Xiaoshi?" Shen Qingci asked him busy.

"Fortunately," Mo Fei didn't have the slightest intention of nervousness, and he was relaxed. "Although the little son was born three months prematurely, as long as he is well raised, it is not difficult to grow up."

"in this way……"

Pao Heng was concerned about what he thought of, "You will say with Lord Jun and the others that Xiao Shi is indeed inadequate. It is easy to take care of him, otherwise he is afraid that he will die early."

Mo Fei bowed his hands.

"My son, Mo Fei knows."

When Mo Fei entered again, Shen Qingci blinked his eyes, and now he knows why Brando worried that Mo Fei went in to see the doctor without saying anything, he must see him first.

It turns out that he had this idea a long time ago.

"Thank you, uncle."

Brother Jin also understands. Unconsciously, his eyes are sore, and the corners of his eyes are a little hot, and he also suffocates the tears from the corners of his eyes. My grandfather said that men bleed without tears. They are all men in their family. Can't cry.

He also knows what he means, whether it is a mother or a father, or a grandfather or a grandmother, or even a grandfather, uncle, and aunt, they all want Xiaoshi to be a girl, even if they are brothers. , Also can't accept that Xiaoshi becomes a younger brother.

But the younger brother is the younger brother, that is not someone else, that is his brother.

If Xiao Shi keeps up like this, I am afraid that it will be ignored by his family. Just look at Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba. Xiao Jiu is okay. After all, Xiao Ji has a beautiful face, but Xiao Shi, His little ten is already so pitiful, and it's impossible for his father to love his mother or not.

The child in the family must be painful to more people.

If Xiao Shi was born with an inadequacy, then no one would say that he was not a sister anymore. After all, he could not choose whether he was born or whether he was a male or a female.

Bro Hengsi patted brother Jin’s shoulder again, this child is a good seed.

"I have some good books there, you can come and take a look."

"Thank you, uncle."

Brother Jin’s eyes lit up, and he heard what he meant to teach him. They all said that the king of Zhou Shuo was shocked, but he was never born. However, there is really no one in this body. Acceptable.

If you can worship him as a teacher, you will definitely benefit a lot.

"I'll go to see Xiaoshi," Shen Qingci turned around and left. Men's affairs, men's own, they are better for women and children.

When she walked inside, Princess Jun had already left with King Jun. After Princess Jun was shocked, she seemed to be in poor health, so Mo Fei was asked to help.

There are only Shen Qingrong and Yu Wenxu inside. They are all looking at their own Xiaoer, and they are reluctant to leave him. They seem to be afraid that if they really leave, they will lose Xiaoshi. .

And so, Shen Qingkong really regarded Xiao Shi as his own eyeballs. Who made her a mother wrong, she was pregnant with him, but he was born so small, so it was the same. weak.

The genius Doctor Mo said that if Xiao Shi is not well taken care of, he will most likely die early.

And how willing and willing she is.

She was crying in her arms again, and Yu Wenxu was also on the side, and she blamed herself.

If it weren't for someone thinking about him, Shen Qingrong would not be allowed to give birth prematurely, and it would have hurt Xiao Shi's foundation. It was the husband's deficiency that caused him to be born, and this son almost always became their heart disease.

Shen Qingci looked at Xiao Shi who was still asleep, but couldn't help but smile in his heart.

"Xiao Shi, look, this is a gift from your uncle, do you like it?"

But don't forget, but you can't grow into a dude, otherwise, you are sorry, the hardships your aunt has gone through today are the secret medicines of Tanglin.

Although those medicines are not enough to make you live a hundred years old, you will be safe and sound for the rest of your life.

And Xiao Shi also seemed to feel something. He shook his small fist, then persuaded his small body to move, and then fell asleep obediently in his mother's arms.

Xiao Shi actually doesn't like to cry. It may be due to his congenital weakness. When he cried, he didn't make any sound, but only shed tears. When he cried, he almost always cried a lot. Even the children in the mansion felt very sorry for this new little brother. It didn't matter if it was his sister, as long as the little brother didn't cry like that anymore.

And when Shen Dingshan heard that his grandson might die early, he was scared for a long time without speaking. The father and son almost took out all the valuable medicinal materials in the house, not by hugs, but by carriages. of.

Since they were all saved their lives by those centuries-old ginseng, they knew that this was a good thing, and the money at home was not bad, so as long as they met, they would buy it. This is a house. No, as soon as I heard that the little Yaoer might die early, the frightened father and son both wanted to vacate the warehouse, and their such a big battle also shocked everyone in the capital.

I don’t know who passed it on. It is said that Princess Xiaojun gave birth to her tenth son, but this is also a premature birth, with congenital shortcomings. In all likelihood, he will not survive to adulthood. It was a cart of medicinal materials that went there, and they were all 100% medicine villages.

There is such a powerful and silver maiden, how many incense has Shen Qingrong burned in the past life?

Even if it's a concubine, how can someone have a good father? Even if so many medicine villages are treated as grass, they can still be eaten well.

The fact that Shen Qingrong will give birth to a child is not a secret in the capital. This perfect thing is almost everyone knows, and it must be what the Master Jingkong said.

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