She made the spices for a day, but still picked up the spices and continued to make them.

She couldn't sleep, and she could only get some attention away from these constant busyness.

I just can't sleep, and it's the same when lying down. It's better to wait here.

"Mo Li!" She yelled at the room.

"Mo Li is here," Li Li's voice also rang outside, and Shen Qingci knew that Li Li had moved here from the house.

People who practice martial arts will not have bad ears, and Li Zi is the same. She also heard the sound she made in the house, so she was waiting outside the incense room, and it was already a storm outside at this time. , Tomorrow will know that the sky will still be clear, but this night, it will rain again.

"Mo Li, come in."

It was windy and rainy outside. At the beginning, she traveled alone, and she also suffered from the hardships of the road. She also slept under other people's roofs. Good-hearted people gave her a meal and a meal. People are everywhere.

Human feelings are cold and warm, she has tried almost everything in the way.

As far as she is concerned, she doesn't want to embarrass others anymore.

Soon after, the door of the house dinged and opened.

Then Li Li walked in with some slight rain on him.

At this time, the rain outside seemed to be heavier. Shen Qingci grabbed a coat from one side and threw it away to Li, "You find a place to sit casually, I may be here today, no gone back."

She couldn't sleep, and she didn't want to sleep either. When Born and worried came back tomorrow, she knew what had happened, no matter what happened, and she really didn't intend to sleep now.

"Mrs. Xie."

Mo Li took the cloak and put it on himself. Shen Qingci's body has not been scented, and sometimes there will be a faint fragrance of morning dew, but it can't be smelled.

And Shen Qingci had already made spices at this time, and the Ye Mingzhu on one side was soft and bright, and it also fell on her face, and it seemed to give her a faint halo, even her The cheeks are also blurred a little.

An exquisite little face is like a fourteen or five-year-old, no matter how many years, it is only like this.

Her fingers are sometimes fast, sometimes very slow, and she can make all kinds of spices without a little thought.

And sometimes she will melt away with everything at this time, it seems that she is incense, and incense is like her.

Few people in this world have seen the appearance of her making incense. As far as sword practitioners are concerned, Shen Qingci’s realm at this time is what they all want to have. The so-called human and sword unity, also This is the case, and it is also a realm that few people in this world can reach.

Now it was done by someone who didn't know the slightest martial arts.

Li Li sat aside, also looking at her own sword. I don't know when, she seemed to be entering the realm of the unity of human and sword.

As a result, when she was in a trance, she heard a sound from Ah Hee, and she looked up.

He saw that Shen Qingci took a piece of clothing for himself and put it on, and then continued to make spices. There was no time for a few breaths, and it was a state of selflessness.

The corner of Li Li's eyes twitched slightly.

She suddenly discovered that she was too optimistic.

She can't do it in this state.

Shen Qingci's night is night. Sometimes when she is extremely sleepy, she will put her hands on her forehead, rest for a while, and then wake up, continue again, until the dawn of the day, until the east is bright and the sun rises.

She stood up, and then entered the house from the secret tunnel behind. She was useless all night, so that she made a lot of good spices, and these spices are more than just for her. It's just spice, or silver.

It is a lot of money.


Miaomiao also ran out of the den, and then ran to the master.

Shen Qingci knelt down and rubbed its little head.

"I'll make it delicious for you later."

Miao Miao rubbed her master's hand with her little head, and she looked as lovely and cute as before.

Shen Qingci smiled unconsciously, then squeezed its small ears, and then asked Sanxi to drink water, and she wanted to freshen up.

She couldn't help but took another look outside. It was early in the morning, and she didn't know if he would come back?

It’s just that she waited, waited for one night, and waited for another day, until the night fell again, Brandon Hengsi came back, and her look was not very good, and his appearance made Shen Qingci’s heart. She couldn't help but chuckle, she knew.

This is the fourth prince.

And at this moment, for her in her previous life, she was already locked in that small courtyard. She didn't know what happened outside, and she didn't even know whether the four princes were dead or alive?

So she is really a little help and can't help.

If it really happened to the Fourth Prince, then. .

"A Ning..." Lao Hengsi walked over and touched Shen Qingci's hair again. His complexion was not very good, but Shen Qingci was also the same. He did not return all night, she was worried too. , He all saw the bloodshot eyes in her eyes.

She also stayed up all night, right?

"I'm a bit busy lately, can you stay in the house by yourself?"

"Okay," Shen Qingci nodded lightly, knowing that she couldn't help much, as long as she didn't make trouble.

"What the **** happened?"

Shen Qingci was worried about the fourth prince, and what she didn't want most now was the fourth prince. As long as he was fine, then it was easy to say anything, but if it really happened to him, what should I do?

She herself has some six gods, not to mention other things.

Brandon weighed his forehead lightly.

"Something happened to the fourth prince."

Unconsciously, Shen Qingci felt that his head was blinded. Some people who didn't believe it heard what he heard. The more he was afraid, the more he came.

"Something happened, what happened?"

Was it assassinated, poisoned, or something?

"Missing, like last time."

Bro Hengsi was also exhausted. He hadn't closed his eyes one day. The disappearance of the four princes almost angered Long Yan, but they were partial, but they couldn't even find him.

"Where is the third prince?"

Shen Qingci's first feeling was that the disappearance of the fourth prince must have nothing to do with that person.

"He has always been in the palace and has never left." Luo Hengsi also knew that the matter must have something to do with the third prince, but the third prince was able to pick himself out, no one could doubt it.

"He is there, but it doesn't mean that he did it, or there are others?"

Shen Qingci never believed in the man of the third prince. A few years ago, that man dug her one after another, and made her jump down. Not only did she dig a hole for her, but also her father's life. It was him who killed him. It couldn't be easier to get yourself out. Obviously, this was something to the third prince, but it was just raising a finger.

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