How could he give up the handy throne, and he will definitely try his best to pull the four princes down. This life is not like the previous one. The four princes are helpless, so the three princes are anxious, even if they are brothers and sisters. What's more, for the throne, he simply used his shamelessness to the limit.

"How to do?"

In fact, the current Shen Qingci is not sure what to do?

Not only are they like headless flies, but she is also herself.

She is in fact no different from others. She doesn't know what will happen. Everything she knew in her previous life is all over here.

And where the four princes are, she is even more helpless.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Lao Hengxi comforted Shen Qingci, we will find him, Master Jingkong said that the four princes were hit by a few calamities, but there are always nobles to help, and it will not be critical.

Shen Qingci heard what Lao Hengsi said, and there was no such thing as tactics. The old monk, although a little treacherous, but what he said is credible to 90%, and the remaining 10% is necessary It's fate.

Bro Hengsi only said a few words with Shen Qingci, and then went out again. Shen Qingci actually wanted to go out. If one more person finds it, it might be better, but the more she gets to this time, the better Don't panic, she can only stay in the house in the eventful autumn.

She closed her eyes, her expression gradually turned gloomy.

This royal is really troublesome. Shen Qingci really feels that if his life is short for a few years, he will definitely be taken away by the royal, but there are some things that she can't stop.

At this point, it seems that she has no chance to look back.

I just hope that a really lucky person has his own natural appearance, once again, there is no danger.

She supported her forehead with her hands, and didn't want to do anything bothersome.

"Where is Miaomiao?" She asked Sanxi on one side. Since the fourth prince disappeared, she was a little unable to improve her strength, and she didn't manage Miao Miao too much. A leaf can be played for a long time on its own. Why is it no longer seen today?

"Master, Miao Miao is out to play."

Sanxi quickly said, it has liked to go outside recently, but when it comes to eating, it will come back.

I know, Shen Qingci still sits still a little lazily. As for Miaomiao, she doesn’t have to worry at all. It is a very shrewd cat, and in the capital, it is known that Shuo Palace has raised a white cat. Cats, beautiful cats as long as Miaomiao, know at a glance that they are raised by wealthy families, and most people don't dare to move.

But she was worried about the four princes.

In fact, the third prince is indeed more suitable for that position than the fourth prince. Why is it ruthless enough, bad enough, calculating, and shameless enough, and several people who can sit on the throne have not had blood in their hands. ?

That was a road that came from the dead bones of others.

This is a blood-stained country.

Shen Qingci stood up, and was about to go to the incense room. No matter what, she couldn't sit down here. It didn't help. She might as well save more money, maybe she could run away in the future.

Of course, this is also the worst way to go.

But after all, it is better than no back.

At this time, in a small alley in central Beijing, a white cat jumped off the wall and also jumped into a house.


When a rich and fat young man saw the cat on the ground, he couldn't help but screamed. It also made people hurry around the place and wanted to catch the cat.

The result was that the cat was anxious, a paw went up, and a lot of people were scratched, even the rich and fat boy Jialian was also caught with a paw on the back of his hand.

"Damn it!" The fat boy couldn't help but looked at the back of his hand, grinning with grin, "Come on, go and grab the cat for this boy. If you don't take the cat's skin, this boy will not be named Du. ."

Several people were scratched their paws by the cat. How can they dare to approach the cat now? How can they think that the cat looks small, but it is fierce and tight. Why do they like to catch people so much? At the same time, you have to blur the flesh and blood of people?

"Go catch it!" The fat boy stretched out his foot and kicked his little servant's ass. This kick also kicked the person to the ground and ate the dirt in his mouth, but the cat squinted contemptuously. He clicked on his round eyes, and then jumped into the corner of the wall. Within a moment, the cat's shadow was gone.

"Follow me!"

The fat boy was almost always jumping with anger, and the back of his hand was so hot and sore, but he didn't even touch the cat's hair. How reconciled he was, he heard that hookah girls like cats. If this cat is If you give it to the hookah girl, you will definitely get the hookah girl's favor.

But who knows, his cat didn't catch it, but the cat scratched a paw, and the back of his hand was hurting.

Look at me, I look at you, but I don’t know where to go to catch the cat. This cat is too fierce and it hurts to catch people. Like a fly, looking randomly.

At this time, the cat they were looking for also jumped to a pyre, tilting its head from time to time, and then got into the pyre.


A hoarse voice came.


What returned to him was the sound of a cat.

And this pyre was not someone else, it was the third prince who made the entire capital look crazy. At this time, he was lying in the pyre, his body was covered with grass, and even his hair was messed up into a chicken coop. , And his lips were chapped, he was hungry and weak, and he didn't even have the strength to climb.


The white cat took a few steps forward, and then stood in front of the fourth prince.

The fourth prince could only see the cat's appearance by responding to the dark light in the pyre.

"you are……"

The fourth prince stretched out his hand and also touched the cat, but by accident, the cat, who was still very fierce just now, was obediently motionless.

"Are you Miaomiao?"

The voices of the four princes were all surprised. He had seen the cat raised by the imperial family brother. The imperial cousin also raised this cat very squeamishly. Of course, he also raised the cat to a fine, fine-tuned cat. Terrible.

His hand moved to the white cat’s neck, and he really touched a small sign there. Although he could not see the words written on it, he was already certain that this was a wonderful thing, and it was a brand. The cat raised by Shen Qingci.

And he gritted his teeth, tore off a piece of cloth from his body, and then bit his finger, and wrote two words on it, help, he tied the cloth strip to the sign that Miaomiao carried on her neck. What should I do if I am afraid that others will see it?

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