If this matter is known to the son, it will be troublesome.

The fourth prince was also stunned for a long time. After all, he was a member of the royal family, and his heart was more understanding than others. If he did not understand what Shen Qingci meant, then his royal food for so many years would be for nothing. Up.

Shen Qingciben was to let him know that these silvers were not in vain, and all the military rations handed over to the court were made of her flesh and blood. The royal family ate people’s flesh and drank their blood, and they drank it. It has been more than ten years, and the remaining twenty years of Shen Qingci, are also used to sell their royal blood.

These royals, He De, how can they eat others, drink others, and even harm them.

He immediately felt his scalp numb, and even got a lot of goose bumps on his body.

He struggled to get up from the chair, and no one was allowed to help him, and then he was covered in cold sweat all over his body, even on the top of his forehead, there were big sweats falling.

His hands gripped the table tightly, and the blue veins on the back of his hands jumped up with it. At this time, there was a needle-like pain in his legs, which made Mo Fei's heart tightly worried.

I'm afraid the fourth prince really broke his leg, what should I do?

The fourth prince gritted his teeth, and finally stood up straight. He slowly moved his hand away from the table, then clasped his fists with both hands, and bent down deeply in the direction of Shen Qingci.

"On behalf of the thousands of people in Da Zhou, thank Princess Shuo for the grace of exchanging blood for silver over the past ten years."

This tribute Shen Qingci was tolerable, after all, her silver was originally taken by the royal family.

Shen Qingci raised his face and looked straight at the Fourth Prince.

"His Royal Highness, please remember what you said." He owes them too much, and it is also because of him. The ups and downs of her and Branding's worries are also caused by this. They are unwilling to be involved in the throne dispute for no reason. of.

But the matter is here, then there is no possibility of retreat.

Between them and the three princes, either you die or I die, they must not be born in this world at the same time.

"Don't forget in this life."

The four princes swear by their late mother and concubine that if he ascends to the throne in the future, he will respect and love his imperial cousin and his wife and will never forget his kindness.

And this grace is too great, and only he can recite it.

Third brother, he absolutely cannot bear the blood that Shen Qingci has lost for more than ten years.

Shen Qingci lowered her eyelashes again and started to spice up. It was also when everything had never happened. The corners of her lips were always slightly lifted. The light from the corners of her eyes seemed to feel that other people were putting them on. The respect and fear in her.

There are a few people in this world who can do like hers.

Not only did she do it, it has even been more than ten years.

The heart of the four princes was like being crushed, and it was all very heavy. When Mo Fei pushed him back, he was a little bit depressed and couldn't lift a trace of strength.

"Mo Fei, what she said is true?"

But now he still doesn't want to believe it, and of course his scalp is tingling.

"Really," Mo Fei didn't speak for Shen Qingci, "Madam's blood has always suffered a serious loss, even if Qi Yuan has let off so much blood, it really won't be the case. I don’t know why."

"Now that I know, it turned out to be because of it."

"You said..." The fourth prince swallowed and said with difficulty, "Cousin Huang knows what will happen?"

"This?" Mo Fei couldn't answer. First Pinxiang still has to be opened. After all, first Pinxiang has been opened now, it doesn't mean that it can be closed after turning off. Besides, Madam no longer has such a lack of vitality and blood, the son should still be able to tolerate it. That's right.

The four princes were downcast, and the blood debt was unclear.

"Will he know?"

The fourth prince asked again in a low voice.


Mo Fei nodded back without even thinking, "We won't tell, but some people will say," Who said, Changqing.

It's not that Evergreen is a big mouth, but that something like this would have been told to Brandon, because he is the guardian of Brandon, and he will definitely be very loyal to Brandon.

This matter can be big or small, he dare not hide it.

The fourth prince hugged his head, and after a while you would say that you have a headache and you can't see the wind.

Mo Fei's eyes twitched.

Your Highness, we are the prince, and we are also the future emperor. Can you not be like this, can you succeed?

Shen Qingci stretched his waist, and was also very satisfied with the results he made recently. This batch of spices is delicious and fragrant, and the quantity is large enough to be sold by three stores for about a month.

She shook her fingers, and liked the speed of her hands more and more.

As a result, after she left the house, she found that Beng Hengxi didn't know when he would come back. He held a tea cup with two fingers, his eyebrows and eyebrows were cold, until she came in, they were always the same. Not moved.

"Changqing with the big mouth."

Shen Qingci murmured, because she was so good to him, not only gave him money, but also married Xiaomei to him, so that he would not be an old bachelor for a lifetime, but how did he complain to her, there will be no future The money is made.

And Changqing, who was standing outside, wiped the cold sweat from his head, feeling such a thorn on his back.

"Do you feel warm?"

Chang Geng glanced at him, the sweat was like rain.

"What do you know?"

Changqing wiped his cold sweat again. He is more than hot now. He was roasted in the fire at all, and he was not even cooked.

Shen Qingci sat down generously, propped up his face at the table, and stared at Bing Hengsi without blinking. The coldness in his eyes faded a lot. After all, the four princes could be found, but there was none. The big thing.

Now outside, it's just pretending.

Brandon put down the cup, then stretched out his jade-like hand, and then pinched Shen Qingci's face, "Did you tell me something?"


Shen Qingci blinked her eyes. She is an honest child. If she could hide from him, it would be wrong, except for the fact that she was resurrected for the rest of her life. She would not tell anyone about her past, her own memory, or anyone else. There is no way to carry the calamity of a lifetime for her.

"Lou Jiaxiang was inspired by blood?"

Brando Hengsi squeezed Shen Qingci’s face tightly, and also looked closer in her eyes

"No," Shen Qingci also half-squinted her eyes, she is sleepy, she wants to sleep for a while, of course she will answer the question of anxiety, she said, it is also honest, he only needs to ask , She will not hide from him.

"Lou Jiaxiang’s incense is me. I use blood as the lead, but I can make a better incense." In the past, she needed a lot of blood, so she pierced the blood hole in her fingers, bottle by drop of blood, bottle by bottle. Thousand taels of silver, this blood is cheap enough.

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