She also didn't know the deep money like that, and changed her blood to silver money. Anything can stop, she understands this sentence.

Later, after she took the secret medicine of Tanglin, she was full of energy and blood. Yiyuexiang only needed a drop of her blood to make a spice that was better than before. Such a good thing, she wanted made.

One drop a month, very rarely. She held Bold Hengsi's wrist. Although the other person was thin, but the bones on her body were very big, even his wrists, she had to hold them with two hands.

Brandon squeezed her face again.

"Can you guarantee?

Shen Qingci nodded vigorously, "It is guaranteed," her current vitality has finally been brought back, which is equivalent to giving her another life, and she will not use half of her life again.

Only when she is sick will she know how good it is to have a healthy body. Now she has **** feet and no longer cold hands and feet in winter, and she can sleep peacefully every night. When she wakes up, She is a hundred times more energetic. This is something she has never had in her two lifetimes. In her previous life, she served the Huang family as a cow and a horse. Not only did she lose her family, but she also lost herself. In this life, she will never repeat the same mistakes. .

"Does your guarantee work?"

Branding worried about how so disbelief.

This woman is quite courageous. She dared to explode the mountain. There is nothing she dares to do, and there is nothing she cannot do.

Shen Qingci's face puffed up. Although she is a woman, she is also a promise, and now there is nothing that can make her bleed all at once. She was originally a drop in a month, and the reason why she is a drop is to give it to four. The prince sees, don't think that her silver is the wind blowing, and the world is falling down, it is a worthless business.

Businessmen all over the world are profitable, and there are few merchants like her who are not profitable.

Pao Heng was worried that her face was really bulging like a goldfish. In fact, she felt a little bit ridiculous. It was originally a questioning teacher, but after a while, she rubbed her face like a dough. She rubbed her face and flushed to the point that it looked more like a squirrel. Her vitality and blood had been so full now that she could see it with the naked eye, so she didn't lie.

"I will ask Mo Fei to help you see. If there is a loss of vitality and blood, I will shut down the first-grade incense, and I am not raising you." He is dignified, and maybe even his own princess cannot be raised. ?

"I see," Shen Qingci is now quite confident in his body, and of course he also believes that there will be nothing, or nothing will happen.

After Mo Fei arrived, he also helped Shen Qingci to check his pulse.

Medical skills are always about seeing and smelling and asking.

Madam is like this, her complexion is so good, she also has a faint morning dew and lotus on her body. Under a smile, the water in her eyes flashes like stars in the sky. She looks like fourteen or five years old. The situation has not changed, and the unique situation has grown into her. It will be difficult to find a second one in this world.

It is indeed blessed. The virgin body has grown until the age of seventeen, and the seventeen-year-old also came to Tiankui, so the face has always been like a virgin. In the past few years, the slightest has not changed. Saying that it’s just now, I’m afraid I believe it, the secret medicine in the palace for more than ten years is not for nothing, but it has adjusted her body to the best.

If it hadn't been for meeting Qi Yuan at the beginning, if it hadn't been for Qi Yuan's release of a lot of blood, she wouldn't end up in the same way. Her complexion had never improved before, and later, she had released herself one after another. Blood, so that the blood qi is getting worse and worse.

But now that her energy and blood can't be filled anymore.

As soon as this hand was pressed, she could feel the beating of her pulse, and every meal passed over his fingertips.

After a while, Mo Fei retracted his finger.

"My son, don't worry, Madam's body is fine."

Shen Qingci smiled triumphantly at Lao Hengsi, her cheeks are rosy, her eyes are clear, she is like a little girl, innocent and innocent, as long as you don’t neglect her hand that can be blown up to the mountain, and you can hold it. The fierceness of the scissors stabbing into the body of others.

She has never been a good woman. When necessary, she can have her hands covered with blood, just for her own sake, and she is also the person who needs to protect.

Biao Hengsi pinches her red cheeks again, really feel the tentacles are warm, this good ice muscle and bones are rare, he knows that Shen Qingci has been eating those secret medicines in the palace since he was a child Big, this secret medicine in the palace is not free, and the addition of the secret medicine of Dongling Tomb has allowed her to live for a hundred years, which is enough to show that her face today can be kept for decades.

This can be regarded as another gift that God gave her after she suffered.

Shen Qingci smiled and fell on his lap. It was quite fun to play alone. I don’t know if it’s because of the long time with Miao Miao. Miao Miao likes to roll around, and she herself starts to like to roll. Go get out.

Besides, the four princes, after knowing the big secret, began to eat and sleep badly. Everyone could think of Shen Qingci’s pierced fingers, which suddenly turned into a big blood hole, and the blood flowed to his face. Down.


He sat up abruptly, and was also shocked in cold sweat.

He was really scared to death.

He wiped his forehead with his sleeve. He didn't dare to forget this dream in his entire life.

He let out a sigh of relief softly, and then raised his head, but he met a pair of ice-free black eyes.

And he hit another Ji Ling, and quickly grabbed the quilt and pulled it on his head.

"What are you afraid of?"

Brandon asked quietly.

The four princes took the quilt by the hand and paused for a while, and then sat there with a dry smile, and didn't dare to move.

"Cousin Huang, you... why are you here?

He glanced at the outside secretly, it was almost dark, could it not be so late and let him rest for some time?

Branding still stood, looking at him condescendingly.

"Little Four."

Brando Hengli suddenly called out the nickname of the Fourth Prince.

The fourth prince felt that his eye sockets were tight for no reason. This nickname was given to him by his deceased mother concubine. Because he was a fourth, he always called him as a junior, but after the mother concubine was gone, Few people have ever shouted.

Unexpectedly, he heard his own nickname again, but at this moment, it was also from the mouth of Branding.

"Do you know wrong?"

Luo Heng anxiously asked the four princes, his carelessness, so much so that they did not let them follow him and wiped out the whole army. Similarly, there may be the precarious Great Zhou Jiangshan, and Sheng Shang did not think that he established the third prince. They will still guard the great Zhou dynasty like this.

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