Qi Yuan stood up and walked in front of Shen Yueshu, and then stretched out his hand and clenched Shen Yueshu's chin. Shu'er, tell me why you are so nervous and why you care about the three princes. thing.

He approached step by step and questioned step by step, and his heart was as cold as water. At this time, the anger and cruelty in his eyes also scared Shen Yueshu. His cruelty was only in Shen Qingci's body. Used it, and only used it when dealing with the enemy, but now it was used on her.

Shen Yueshu's squirming red lips and a trace of panic flashed in her beautiful eyes, but such a trace of panic did not escape Qi Yuan's eyes.

"Shu'er, what are you hiding from me?"

Qi Yuan tightened Shen Yueshu's chin again. With such a pair of scarlet eyes, it was as if he was about to eat her.

"Qi Yuan!"

At this moment, a sudden voice made Qi Yuan stop his hand, then the corner of his lips lifted, and then put down his hand casually, it seemed that the ghost-like man just now was not him.

He straightened his sleeves, and also faced the door, and then he made a gift.

"His Royal Highness is polite."

"En," the third prince walked straight over. Although he was not proud of the spring breeze, he could already see his high spirits. The matter was half done. As for the other half, it was definitely just around the corner.

He still doesn’t believe it. He has deployed for so long and has broken so many roads paved in his early years. He still can’t get what he thought. If he really can’t get it, then it’s proof that he will die this day. .

He walked over, sat down, and glanced at Shen Yueshu without leaving a trace. Shen Yueshu stood on the side and lowered his head slightly. Maybe he was really frightened by Qi Yuan. His body is still Rustling.

"Why does my palace never know that if you Ning Kanghou, if things go wrong, you still want to take a woman out?"

"Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial, and I really haven't heard of them. They really need to use a woman's way of exasperating. As a man, you are not afraid of losing your identity?"

"His Royal Highness taught it."

Qi Yuan accepted it humbly, but the coldness in his eyes remained undiminished.

Shen Yueshu finally raised her face, and her beautiful eyes looked towards Qi Yuan, but she shed tears when she didn't say a word. The beauty shed tears, which is extremely pitiful. That's why the pear blossoms bring rain in this world.

If a woman with five big and three thick cries like this, someone might kick it forward, but the beauty is different. When teardrops roll down from that beautiful face one by one, I am afraid it will be stiff again. The heart is softened into water.

Shen Yueshu stepped forward, also pulling Qi Yuan's sleeves, but Qi Yuan's heart was like a pool of stagnant water, unable to raise a trace of waves, so when it started, yes, when.

He actually couldn't remember, where did the fire-like feelings that he once had, how did he forget, how could he not remember?

"Big Brother Qi Yuan," Shen Yueshu pulled his sleeve again.

"I'm just afraid. If the situation in Beijing is unstable for a day, we may have nowhere to go." She lowered her eyelashes and put her hand on her belly, "Brother Qi Yuan, I already have Speaking of being pregnant, I think he was born in a peaceful and prosperous age, rather than knowing where he will return. And we may be desperate at any time, or we may die at any time."

Everyone knows that the throne was originally stepped on the flesh and blood of countless people. As an emperor, how many blood debts he has on his body, success and failure, this is the unchanging principle of the ages.

Qi Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he also clenched Shen Yueshu's wrist.

"Are you pregnant?"

And he looked at Shen Yueshu's stomach in this way, as if there was a little monster inside Shen Yueshu's stomach.

"Yes," Shen Yueshu nodded, "it's already a month."

The four princes shook the cup lightly, and then suddenly smiled. The palace is about to congratulate Ning Kanghou, and there will eventually be someone to succeed.

And this sentence was followed by others, which also made Qi Yuan finally wake up from the shock.

He let go of Shen Yueshu's hand, and the corners of his lips that had been flattened, finally lifted up. Heirs are something that every man must put in his heart, and he is the same.

Now Ningkang Hou Mansion is only in his line.

He sincerely hopes to have his own heir, and he can continue the blood of Ningkang Hou Mansion.

"I'm sorry, Shu'er."

Qi Yuan stroked Shen Yueshu's face lightly, "I misunderstood you."

And wanting to be cruel, he couldn’t help. He was also very sorry in his heart. It turned out that Shen Yueshu was not because of anything else, but because of fear, fear of their children being born in troubled times, and fear that their children would suffer. Implicated, since this is the case, then he will definitely give his unborn child a real peace age.

And the third prince must also sit on the throne.

"Have you finished?"

The third prince put down the cup, and he didn't feel as impatient as that, "If you are finished, you can talk about business, Qi Yuan, can you just let it go now?"

"Your Highness, forgive sin."

Qi Yuan turned around and also saluted the third prince.

"Forget it," the third prince waved his hand, "you don't need to say, my palace understands."

The husband and wife have been married for many years and have nothing to do. They eventually had children. They were naturally ecstatic, just like him. He has been married for a few years, but he still has no children. If he could If the eldest grandson was added to the father, the throne would not be so difficult.

They talk about the business first.

The three princes stepped back about, this is where Tong Qiyuan sat down.

Qi Yuan was also a father for the first time, and the hostility in his eyes had faded a bit, and occasionally he could catch the joy in his eyes.

The third prince put his hand on the table top, and then tapped gently.

"Today, the prime minister has already mentioned the appointment of the prince, but the father did not agree."

The third prince felt a little depressed when he thought of this. Now he is the only prince left who is qualified to sit in this position and, why are you still thinking about the fourth child? I can't come back.

In the end, the world of this great Zhou could only fall into his hands, his body.

"The saint is reluctant."

Qi Yuan hit the nail on the head, "Maybe I am used to sitting in that position, but I don't want to come down."

"If he is reluctant, what about this palace?" The corners of the third prince's mouth were smiling, but the lip line was also cold with silk threads. This palace has been standing for a year, and he will not abdicate after 30 years. , Maybe this palace is already dead.

A person’s age is momentary, sometimes only a few years away, and when a person is most glorious, it is also this time. It is impossible to wait until he is in his seventies and eighties.

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