Will the father abdicate?

He is so old, what good is it even if he is full of ambitions?

Jiangshan has new people coming out of his own, and he believes that with his ability, his force, and his talents, Da Zhou can definitely be governed into a powerful country that surpasses several countries.

Rather than being like the father of today.

To say it nicely, this is called keeping a low profile, but it is awkward to say, this is called a useless, such a useless emperor, how could he rule Da Zhou into a powerful country?

And the emperor father is also old, and should give up the throne.

Even if he sits in this position for decades, Da Zhou is still the current Da Zhou, and he has not even grown a little bit, but it is only a Northern Qi, what is the use?

What he wants is for the four kingdoms to bow their heads, and all the nations he wants to drive, not so, guarding such an acre of land, and finally doing everything.

"His Royal Highness will continue to wait?"

Qi Yuan straightened up, the light from his eyes became colder again, and of course he was bound to score some points.

"If your Royal Highness wants to stop, now there is still a chance. If you continue, even if your Royal Highness wants to stop, it will be too late."

"Close hand?"

The third prince laughed at himself, "The palace has no way to stop. At this point, it is not what I want to accept, so I can accept it."

"How long is there?"

The third prince asked Qi Yuan.

"Up to two months."

Qi Yuan raised the teacup on the table, and then buckled it with his two fingers, "Congratulations, Your Highness, after two months, the throne of this Great Zhou will definitely be His Highness."

"That's good."

The third prince tucked his clothes, he was sure to win the throne, but he suddenly tightened his eyebrows.

"Shen Dingshan has an army of 100,000, and Lin Shangshu students are all over the world."

"They must be the first to disobey me."

These are all trivial matters, Qi Yuan has never cared about this matter, under Pu Tian, ​​is it Wang Tu; Li Tu is the shore, it is Wang Chen.

All the power of life and death in this world is in the hands of His Royal Highness. The king wants his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die. As long as His Royal Highness sits in that position, everything will be under your control.

"Shen Dingshan is not convinced, so what?" Qi Yuan sneered again.

"He's just a military commander. He retires at most and returns to the field, but he will not use the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers in Da Zhou as a bargaining chip.

Shen Dingshan’s temperament is like this. He never wants to fight for the emperor’s power. Otherwise, there would be no one in the Weiguo Gong’s mansion. The Shen family’s daughter is not in the royal family because she does not want to involve the emperor. It's just a dispute.

If the three princes really became emperors, Shen Dingshan would not reverse it, and the three princes could use thousands of reasons to take him down. As for the branding, he would live for life and die for death.

As for Shen Qingci, Qi Yuan would take it in his hands, and he would never want to escape his sight all his life.

The third prince knew in his heart that he couldn't wait any longer. If he waited any longer, another change would happen if he waited. He finally got here now, and he definitely won't make these surprises. He broke his position as the emperor.

The two said that so far, they didn’t say any more. The third prince was also inconvenient to sit here for a long time. When he stood up to leave, he thought of something. It was an eventful season outside, and the palace sent an imperial physician over. This also prevents you from being distracted and spoiling a major event.

When Qi Yuan heard this, it was the same reason. There were no people around him who could trust him. Originally, that Gu Master was also a usable person, but he was branded and considered to give the result of a sword. Today, he still has not found a way to replace this person, so he can only accept the proposal of the three princes.

The third prince flicked his sleeve, and when he walked out, he also happened to meet Shen Yueshu.

"The Third Prince Ann."

Shen Yueshu bowed his knees to salute.

"No," the third prince moved his gaze to Shen Yueshu's belly. Unexplained, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and at this time, it was only God knows and he knew.

The third prince only paused here for a few breaths, and then left here in strides.

Shen Yue couldn't help but glanced back, then quickly turned around and walked towards Qi Yuan's study.

At this time, a man in black stood beside Qi Yuan.

The man in black told Qi Yuan what Qi Yuan wanted him to investigate. When I first heard it, there was nothing weird about it, but because there was none, it was a bit too much. Weird.

"Master Hou, do you want to continue the investigation?"

The man in black asked, if you continue to investigate, you can definitely find some clues.

"no need."

Qi Yuan stood up, putting his hand under his hair bun, and then took a hosta from the top, no need to check it, maybe it was just a coincidence, it was his own mistake.

"Yes, Lord Hou, his subordinates retire."

The black-clothed guard saluted again, and then retreated. Qi Yuan was still standing in the room, his fingers rubbing the hosta in his hand from time to time, but he didn't know. At this time, Shen Yueshu was hiding outside. , She covered her mouth with her hand, and then carefully left here step by step. At this time, Qi Yuan was immersed in her thoughts, and she did not notice the strangeness outside.

Shen Yueshu quickly ran into her house, panting with big mouths, her face was pale and terrifying, but only the red lips were extremely gorgeous.

She lifted her face and panted with big mouthfuls. After a while, she felt a little pain in her abdomen. She quickly put her hand on her lower abdomen, and then carefully sat on the bed. With this pain, her face was not so good in the end.

It wasn't until the pain in the lower abdomen eased a little that she finally exhaled the muddy breath in her lungs.

He was actually suspicious.

Did he really doubt her?

And how did he discover it?

Shen Yueshu thought about what she had left behind that was the reason for others to grab her handle, but nothing, nothing, she has always been very careful in doing things.

But Qi Yuan was still suspicious, and it was also secretly investigated.

It’s no wonder that she gently stroked her belly. He has been tempting me in many ways recently, as if he knew something, and this also made her mentally strained to the extreme, and today is a little worse. Leave yourself at a loss.

Fortunately, yes, fortunately.

Fortunately, the child came in time, otherwise, he really didn't know how Qi Yuan would be forced, and then he said everything.

Then, waiting for her result, life is better than death.

She knew that Qi Yuan would surely suffer a lot from her.

And she couldn't bear Qi Yuan's anger.

No matter how tightly she grasped the clothes on her body, she was constantly pressing down on that fear.

"No way!"

She closed her eyes and shook her head again.

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