She must not panic, now for her, it is also a great fortune in misfortune.

This child came in time, not only dispelled Qi Yuan’s doubts about her, but also the biggest bargaining chip she could turn over in the future, so what she has to do now is not anything else, but to give birth to this child properly, only the child Only when she is born peacefully can she have the opportunity to live as a human being.

Is it dead, is it still a human being.

Is it better to live than to die, or to be rich for the rest of your life.

It also depends on whether she can give birth to this child safely.


The maid's shout suddenly came from outside.

Shen Yueshu quickly wiped her face and also straightened her clothes.

"Come in," she pretended to sit and rest, waiting for someone to come in.

The maid walked in and gave her a blessing.

"Madam, the third prince sent an imperial physician over to check the pulse of his wife.

"Invite him in."

Shen Yueshu sat at the table again, waiting for the imperial doctor to come in, and when she heard that the imperial doctor had been sent by the prince, she didn't worry as much.

Soon after, an imperial doctor walked in, also dressed in casual clothes. He was not very old, but the three princes could send people over. Needless to say, they were all his confidants. Otherwise, it would be impossible to get here.

The imperial doctor put his hand pillow on the table, and then took a silk paw.

This is the respectful voice to Shen Yue.

"Mrs. Hou, please."

Shen Yueshu put her wrist on it, the imperial doctor took the silk scarf just now, and put it on her wrist. This was the beginning of her pulse, and at this time Shen Yueshu's heart It's also overwhelming.

Soon after, the imperial doctor removed his finger and also took down the square silk paw. This was Shen Yueshu's retracting his wrist.

"Doctor, what happened?"

Shen Yue asked the imperial doctor carefully, fearing that the imperial doctor would say something bad.

Mrs. Hou is two months pregnant.

The imperial physician respectfully said, "The fetal phase is very stable, so Madam can rest assured."

And as he said, the light in his eyes changed.

"Two months?" Shen Yue couldn't help it, her body stiffened, "Are you sure it's two months?"

"Yes," the imperial doctor still nodded, "It is just two months, Madam Hou can rest assured that the next official will come to Madam Hou every few days to ask for a peace pulse, and she will definitely keep her mother and child safe."

"Then thank you for the doctor."

Shen Yueshu put her hand on her lower abdomen, and for a moment, she looked at the doctor's gaze, a little sly light past.

Then, the overflowing smile between her red lips finally showed a bit of arrogance.

"Child..." She lowered her head and stroked her belly.

"You have to be born sooner. When you grow up, you will definitely be a rare and noble person in the world."

At this moment, Qi Yuan walked in.

When the imperial physician saw Qi Yuan, he also bent over and luggage quickly.

"See Lord Ningkang."

"Don't be polite."

Qi Yuan strode over, also standing beside Shen Yueshu.

"The child is well, how many months are pregnant?"

He asked like this, but it made the smile on Shen Yueshu's face sink a little bit, and then he drank tea to rest as if nothing had happened.

"Master Hou, please rest assured," the great doctor knew everything he could say. "Ms. Hou's fetal condition is very good, the month is still light, it should be nearly two months, as long as there is no major accident, the child will be safe Grow up."

And Qi Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the baby was nearly two months old. Then he turned around and walked to Shen Yueshu's side, and then put his hand on Shen Yue's belly. Thank you for your hard work, I have a bad temper these days, and it also hurts you.

Shen Yueshu shook his head.

"Big Brother Qi Yuan, I am not wronged. You are all people who do great things. I am just an ordinary woman. Having children for you is what you should do."

She stretched out and hugged Qi Yuan's waist, with one hand still on her lower abdomen, her gorgeous red lips were still fluttering, and there was inexplicable excitement added to it.

Besides, when the imperial doctor returned to the Three Princes' Mansion, he also wanted to report to the Three Princes.

"Are you sure?"

The third prince asked the emperor.

"Yes," the imperial physician flattened his body, "it's just an ordinary month of pregnancy, and the official will not make mistakes."

"Go down," the third prince said solemnly to the imperial physician, remembering what the palace had ordered, don't let anyone know. "

"The lower official understands."

The imperial doctor hurriedly responded, and of course he understood what the third prince said. At this time, he would be careful and careful, and he would never make a mistake again.

The third prince picked up the wine in the glass, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Wait another two months, yes, wait another two months, everything is over.

He can have what he has always wanted, and he can become the master of the world.

Only two months, only sixty days.

No, not a day has passed, and soon you can sit back and relax.

But a month later, the emperor still hadn't promised to set up a crown prince. He was not dead yet, and the crown prince was established. Could it be that he came to curse him to death and rob him of the throne?

He is still at this age, and there is still a long, long time away from death. Are these people so impatient to force the palace?

And his four emperors, why still haven't come back?

In the imperial study room, the emperor coughed again, but at this time he coughed up more and more blood. It was also possible to see that his face became more gray and defeated, and he took medicine.

He hurriedly asked Grandpa Hu to get the medicine, his eyes were congested, and there was some urgency.

Hu Gonggong quickly took a bottle of medicine and placed it in front of the emperor.

The emperor didn’t need Hu Gong-gong to do anything, he poured one out of it. When the medicine was swallowed, he let out a sigh of relief. After the medicine’s strength was dissipated, his complexion was visible with the naked eye. Time, I got better little by little,

"Holy, this is impossible."

Hu Gonggong sincerely persuaded the emperor, the sage is better to ask the great doctor to take a look.

He always felt that there was something wrong with this medicine. Why didn't it feel like he was going to die when he didn't take it, but when he took it, he immediately became alive and alive, even at night. It was the memorial that was approved in the middle of the night. The saint still had good energy, and he would go to the concubine in the harem to give birth to a son, so as to prove that his treasured sword is not old.


The emperor breathed out a sigh of breath again, "I feel that I am much better, so I don't need to ask the emperor to come over. In this great Zhou world, I still have to support it."


Unconsciously, Hu Gonggong felt sour in his heart. How could this be good? The world of this Great Zhou was not owned by the Holy One, but no one came to share with the Holy One.

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