But Grandpa Hu didn't know that there were some people in this world who wanted to share with the emperor, but the emperor didn't want to, at least, he didn't want to share with that person.

Such ambitions will surely provoke wars in the world.

There is no emperor in this world who likes to be a bear, but is it easy to stabilize a crumbling world here?

However, it was only a few years before he saved a little bit of the foundation in the treasury, even shamelessly, letting a baby support the soldiers of Da Zhou.

Who wants such incompetence, who wants to be so shameless?

Just because of the difficulties in this world.

And this throne, he still doesn't want to hand it over. As for the third prince, he has long been not the most suitable candidate for the crown prince in his heart. He just hopes that his four princes will come back soon and give the third prince some suppression and avoid the court. It is not stable anymore.

And so far, those memorials that want to establish a prince will add one or two pages every day, and the memorials are piled up to the height of a table. Most of them belong to the prime minister’s school. As for Shen Dingshan and others, they are all in the slightest. What was not proposed?

The prime minister became more and more courageous. The emperor already hated the prime minister in his heart. He took his salary and food, and he was doing things for him, but his arm was turned outside. Yes, there is no reason for the kidnappers, and they are not afraid of people making jokes.

This prime minister, he gave it if he wanted to give it, and he could take it back if he didn't. Don’t really think that he is the only prime minister in this world. There are many people who can be prime minister in this world. It’s not just that.

Just don't know why?

The emperor put his hand on his chest, and he always felt that he had become more and more powerless these days.

Must be angry by those ministers.

He stood up, also ready to go to rest, cultivate the spirit well, and wait until tomorrow to deal with the old thing that the prime minister.

The stars and moon outside are cold, and the sky is gradually getting colder.

"His Royal Highness, it's cold, it's better to pay attention."

Mo Fei walked over, holding a piece of clothing in his hand and draped it over the shoulders of the Fourth Prince.

"Thank you."

The fourth prince touched his legs and said, "What's the effect?" He has been raising for a month, and the more he raises, the more anxious he becomes, and the more anxious he is, the more he feels. Is arrogant.

"His Royal Highness is in no rush."

Mo Fei comforted the four princes, "Now is the most critical time. Your Royal Highness must be patient. Last time, because His Royal Highness collapsed privately, it was hurt again. Otherwise, he might already be able to walk as usual. Up."

The four princes who said this really felt ashamed. He lay for more than a month, but there was no sensation in his legs, and he always thought that it was Mo Fei who lied to him, and it was suddenly in his heart. A sense of sadness arose. Later, when there was no one else, he actually collapsed and wanted to leave. In the end, he didn’t expect it to be like this. Then he got stuck, his leg was broken, and he was still Folded at the place where he first folded, an angry Mo Fei howled outside for several days.

At that time, the four princes knew that Mo Fei used a special method to prevent him from hurting. Otherwise, his legs would hurt again during the treatment. Itchy, very uncomfortable, but he didn't listen, he had to lie to him for everyone.

So now, he is really broken, bones are being repaired, and then bones are being set. In a few months, he will not even think about walking.

BAO Hengxiu has a good medicine in his hand, but that medicine can't live or die. At most it is a medicine for longevity, not to mention one, even if ten pills are fed into his stomach, it will be fine. Let his legs go right away

And the four princes knew that he was absolutely self-inflicted, and whoever made him disobey, it was because he broke his leg, not someone else hurt him, so all the causality of all this was eaten by himself.

It hurts to die, it's all his own.

But now there is still no feeling in his legs, and he once again wanted to die.

"His Royal Highness wants to know what it feels like on your legs?"

Mo Fei asked the four princes.


The fourth prince hated this kind of days when he was powerless, "Even if it hurts again, it is still my own leg. I don't want to look at it like this, but I can't feel it."

"Since so..." Mo Fei thought for a while, and if he thought so, then he could only agree.

Soon after, I heard the screams of the four princes from the courtyard.

That one, like a pig, was really tingling on the scalp and goose bumps.

By the time Brando Hengsi came back, the four princes seemed to be fished out of the water.

"Cousin Huang, save me, save me..."

He weakly pulled on the sleeve of the brand, "Help me, I am going to die of pain!"

"Didn't you say that this is your leg, whether it hurts or hurts, do you want to feel it?"

Branding used the words of the four princes, and then returned it to him.

"Since you have made such a decision, don't regret it."

"It's you, not others, who will hurt you, Xiaosi, no one will always follow your **** and clean up the mess for you."

Branding worry about how much mess he has cleaned up for him since he was a child. This time he was almost lost. Even the cat in his house saved his life. What else does he want?

"I hurt, I hurt..."

The fourth prince screamed again, he had been in pain for a day, and he was so hurt that Gilt hit the wall with his head.

Mo Fei stood aside and spread his hands, he was really helpless.

Because he said it a long time ago, if this is solved, it will take three days and three nights to make it happen, and only after three days can he be sealed off again. He is a doctor and not a genius doctor. More medical skills have improved, and there have been more methods, but it is not so painful that it hurts, and it doesn't hurt if it doesn't hurt.

Therefore, the fourth prince still has to bear the pain, he originally thought it could bear the pain.


Oh, let's not talk about it.

Talking too much is tears.

In this way, the screams of the four princes really rang for three days and three nights. It was not until the fourth day that he sat there weakly, and the whole person was thinner, just like a living ghost. Up.

Finally, the ears became clear, Shen Qingci held Miao Miao, and sat down, playing with Tong Miao Miao again.

"A big man can scream so badly?" She has really gained knowledge.

"Different." Luo Hengsi was not speaking for the four princes.

"He has been different from others since he was a child."

"Different, where is the difference?" Shen Qing said that he really didn't realize that the four princes are different from others, and they are all the same. No one is longer than others, and has the same length.

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