"His tolerance for pain is worse than average."

Bro Hengsi didn't lie, it's always the same since childhood. If someone has a small wound, it won't hurt like this, but he will, as long as he is injured, he will cry until he almost stops breathing.

"We used to think that even he himself thought he was too squeamish. Later, when I met Mo Fei, Mo Fei said that Xiao Si felt more painful than ordinary people, so he was unbearable. pain."

It is also because of this that he rarely hurts himself. Of course, this is why Mo Fei wants to close his feelings because he is afraid that he will be too painful and will eventually be unable to endure self-harm.

Shen Qingci touched his arm, "Fortunately, he doesn't have to have children."

Branding to worry about "..."

What does this have to do with having children?

After three days, the four princes finally calmed down. Of course, after three days of hard work, they could finally get a good night's sleep.

As for the affairs of the court, it was still the case. The folds handed up by the minister were all piled up, but there seemed to be no change. The minister continued to hand the folds, but the emperor never agreed.

"Come and get me the medicine!" The emperor covered his chest with one hand, and quickly asked Duke Hu to take the medicine for him. Duke Hu hurried over to take the medicine, but when he opened the medicine box, there was a pill inside. The medicine is also gone, and how did he forget that the saint had eaten the last medicine yesterday, and there is really no medicine now.

"Medicine, where's the medicine?"

The emperor seemed to be bitten by ten thousand insects, breathing heavily from time to time. He was originally a middle-aged beard, but it seemed that in an instant, he had disappeared.

"Medicine, medicine..."

The emperor reached out tremblingly for medicine.

Hu Gonggong brought the medicine box, but now there is only the medicine box, but there is no medicine.

When the emperor saw the empty medicine box inside, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell asleep after turning his eyes.

With a scream, Grandpa Hu also dropped the pill box in his hand to the ground, and then yelled at the outside with a sharp voice, "Come here, come here, call a doctor..."

When Brandon knew it, he couldn't help but tightened his brow.

Did he start with the holy? He didn't believe what he heard.

It's impossible, he is fully guarded against the death of the four princes, but the last three princes did it, but it was the uncle.

His courage is too great, can he still want to be addicted to the king?

Mo Fei, we enter the palace once.

Luo Heng was about to take Mo Fei and leave, and this matter, for the time being, was hiding from the Fourth Prince.

Shen Qingci stood at the door with some worry, still holding Miao Miao in his arms, and Miao Miao also looked at her master with round eyes.

Pao Hengsi walked over, and then stood in front of Shen Qingci, and then gently pinned the hair around her ears behind her ears.

"Don't worry, we are just going into the palace. I am a member of the royal family. I am not restricted by the rules of the palace. Under all eyes, no one dares to attack me."

Shen Qingci nodded gently, but in the end she still felt something wrong. She thought about it, took off her purse, and hung it on his waist. There was nothing embroidered on her purse. Complicated patterns, so men and women can wear them.

"The white pill inside is a drug, just crush it."

"I see." Bing Hengsi helped her adjust her clothes again, "Don't go out in the near future, just stay in the house."

Shen Qingci understood that she would definitely run around, and finally reached this point. They waited for two months, but it was the third prince who was waiting for the emperor.

Although it was the emperor, it was also the biological father of the three princes.

The third prince is really vicious, even his own biological father can be counted.

Lao Hengxu and Mo Fei also rushed to the palace. At this time, people were everywhere outside the emperor’s palace, and the imperial physicians inside also knelt down. The concubines of each palace were standing outside crying, but the emperor was Lie there upright, as if dead.

The whole body was dead, and he was still alive yesterday. How could he have become like this, as if he had been sucked up by a fairy and blood, just a glance, he has begun to grow old quickly.

Being so old is very abnormal.

Branding did not have the opportunity to drink that cup of tea for the emperor. The emperor did not trust others, so he would never drink the tea he made, but even without the secret medicine, he would not be old so fast. After all, he is not in his 50s. How could a good person be like this in an instant.

"Mo Fei."

Lao Hengli called out Mo Fei's name, and Mo Fei also took a step forward and stood in front of Lao Hengli.

"Three princes, I wonder if it's OK?"

BAO Hengxu asked the three princes. Under the eyes of the public, the three princes would not refute the proposal of BAO Hengxi. Otherwise, it would be easy to be mistaken for someone else and want to put the emperor to death.

After all, such a treachery of father killing, even if you are an emperor, you can't afford to bear it. Even if you really become an emperor, it will be shameless by the people of the world, and it will last for ten thousand years.

The three princes are not that stupid. He wants to sit on the throne and show his ambitions. The first thing he needs to do is not to make his reputation too ugly. Otherwise, how can he obey? The officer was convinced.

The third prince stretched out his hand, also compared with a word of please.

"My palace has long heard of the famous doctor Mo, please."

Branding thought secretly for a long time, but the third prince didn't even change his expression. He hid himself very well, and it was right. No matter how he was in the past, he did not make any mistakes on this day.


Mo Fei bowed to the crowd, and then walked into the tent. Under such a large crowd, no one would be so stupid, and even the third prince would dare not be able to do it here.

Mo Fei checked for a long time, and his thick eyebrows were also frowning to death.

Soon after, he walked out, also standing in front of Brando.

"How's it going?"

I still don't know what happened?

But what can be seen from Mo Fei's look at this time?

It's not so good.

Mo Fei really doesn't know what to say?

"The saint took medicine that shouldn't be taken," this time even the **** Daluo could not be cured.

"Taking medicine that shouldn't be taken?"

Lao Hengsi looked at the third prince, but the third prince was very magnanimous, of course, there was also a color of righteous indignation on the face, who was as bold as the above, and dared to drug his father.

"Maybe it's not medicine."

Mo Fei is actually not suitable to say this. He is eager to kill the third prince here, and all his faults are put on the third prince, so that his father-killing charge will be settled. Stinky for years.

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