But no, no matter what reason he thinks, he is not the third prince.

Not drugged? Sure enough, there was an unspeakable uneasiness in the mind of Branding.

It's not medicine, then what is it?

He absolutely believes that the way the sage is at this time is related to the three princes, otherwise, why is a person so old all of a sudden.

"Hu Gonggong," he shouted Hu Gonggong, Hu Gonggong rushed in, his knees also crumbled on the ground.

"His Royal Highness, Lord."

Hu Gonggong shed tears, his heart is really sad.

"Holy, what did you eat?"

Biao Hengsi believed that if the emperor did not prescribe medicine, but the emperor took it himself, then he would definitely not be able to conceal a husband.

Grandpa Hu raised his face, and after screaming for a long time, he couldn't help but tell him, but he was ashamed to talk about this matter.

It turned out that Shengshang felt that his waist yarn was sore and weak, and the strong wind was not there. He determined that he did not want to be too old. He also wanted to give birth to a son again, rather than being on the court Forced to set up the prince.

After having the prince, he was afraid that these people would force him to abdicate.

Which emperor is not so, so in order to maintain his youthful vitality, he has tried his best, but the imperial physician in the palace can't say that, such a shameful thing, how can he export it?

So he had to ask someone to go outside the palace to get him that kind of medicine. The medicine was bought, but this medicine was originally a three-point poison, and eating too much was not good for people's health.

However, the emperor was probably driven crazy by the ministers, so he ignored these and started taking it. When he took the first few pills, he really felt that he was younger. Back, of course, I also feel that I am a teenager. I want to come, and I want to be a prince.

It was only gradually, but he didn't know it, and he also began to feel those uncomfortable feelings of powerlessness, and every time he took that kind of medicine, he was born again within a short period of time.

It’s just who knows, I’m eating like this when I’m eating. At first, it’s just weakness, then coughing, then vomiting blood, and the amount of medicine is also getting more and more, until the medicine can’t catch it. At that time, the situation is gone.

From the voice of Hu Gonggong crying and talking, Bro Hengsi already knows the ins and outs of the matter. How many emperors in this world are obsessed with the longevity. What is ridiculous is that his good emperor is the same. Addicted, not because of longevity, but because he wants to regenerate a prince.

Is this reason ridiculous?

And this matter, he knew, there must be three princes to help it.

"But can it be saved?"

Branding asked Mo Fei.

Mo Fei didn't move for a long time, and then shook his head. He didn't have enough power to return to the sky. Even if Daluo was present, he might not be able to save him. He took too many medicines, and the poison had penetrated into his lungs and was difficult to cure.

Bro Hengsi closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he met the three princes. The eyes were a little cold. The life and death of his father was unknown, but he was thinking of something else, really, dancing with the wolf. It is not a blessing in the end.

When Luo Hengsi returned to the mansion, he saw Shen Qingci standing at the door, waiting for him anxiously.

Brando Hengxi walked over, and then touched her hair. There might be changes in Beijing. I am going to send you to another place. When the matter subsides, I will pick you up again.

Shen Qingci opened her mouth, and finally she nodded.

I am afraid that the emperor’s side is not good, and the situation in the capital, at this time, I am afraid that ordinary people can not control it, so Branding considers sending her away. For her and for Branding, this is the most important thing. Good choice.

"What the **** happened?"

After Shen Qing resigned, he still didn't know what happened in the palace. Why did Brandon worry about sending her away when he came back? It can be seen that the situation in Beijing is no longer under their control.

Bro Hengsi tightened his thin lips, and his fingers were also stroking Shen Qingci's hair, and he was very sorry for him. It was not without a few good days, but such a thing happened unfailingly.

And he had to think about where to send Shen Qingci to be safe. It seems that it is not safe outside, so there is only one place to go.

"Holy Master may not be made."

And Branding's words really scared Shen Qingci.

"Isn't he still in the court yesterday?" I heard that he had a big quarrel with the prime minister. The prime minister was trained to be like his grandson. How good is it, but it didn't work?

"He has been taking some kind of medicine."

BAO Hengxu did not tell the truth. It is said that there are drugs that are harmful to Longyan. I will not find people to test for drugs. The most common is to try it with a silver needle, but it is somewhat poisonous , It is the silver needle that cannot be tested, and there are some poisons, which are accumulated as little as possible. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, it will be out of control.

"We don't have one..."

What Shen Qingci said was the medicine.

"A Ning," Luo Hengsi interrupted Shen Qingci, "that medicine is not a magic medicine, it won't save him."

He squeezed Shen Qingci's shoulder, remember, we don't have medicine, do you understand?

Shen Qingci was stunned for a moment, and then nodded vigorously. She understood that she understood, and the appearance of Branding really scared her.

"I'm sorry," Beng Hengsi stroked Shen Qingci's back, also comforting her slightly trembling body, A Ning, forget the medicine, never mention it again, and don't remember it.

"You have to understand that if someone knows about it, it will be hard for the world."

Shen Qingci sniffed, and she knew that she was afraid to speak.

"It's good to know," Beng Hengsi squeezed her face, also calming her too nervous emotions at this time.

"I will send you to Xiangjue Temple tomorrow, while they still have no right to care about other things."

Among all people now, she is the only one who is the most dangerous and most likely to let people take advantage of the loopholes. No one dares to move the Weiguo Palace, because Lin Shangshu cannot move the tens of thousands of troops in Shen Dingshan's hands. It is the pillar of the court, and Prince Jun's mansion is also unmovable. He is the emperor and the foreign relative, so if they find someone to start, Shen Qing will be the first to quit.

Because the person they most want to deal with, the person they want to kill most is not someone else, but him, and the first person to bear the brunt is Shen Qingci, she will be the first object they want to worry about.

And he wanted to send her to Xiangjue Temple, and to his uncle. He thought about going, and only his uncle was the safest place. Even if he gave the three princes a hundred courage, he would not dare to go anywhere, even if it was. When he became an emperor in the future, he definitely couldn't do it with Xiangjue Temple.

As for the four princes, he has to figure out a way out for him.

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