The three princes must have made all the preparations, and his ascending to the throne was definitely not prevented.

The current four emperors are bad at doing things, they can't beat the three princes at all, blame it, none of them thought that the three princes were so frantic, and they acted on the emperor, it was not the holy self who entered the game.

And the situation that Sheng Shang entered not only harmed himself, but also harmed the chaos in the DPRK, and it was all out of control. Even if it was like him, he was a little bit powerless about it.

The most troublesome thing is that the saint may really last a few days.

He was the emperor who was aloft, but now he has become a man without a man, a ghost, or a ghost. This is where everyone climbs up with the flesh and bones of all people. There is high above, and in addition to the indispensable rights and status, there is also convenience. It is the dangers that will never be foreseen.

Father and son fight each other.

Therefore, he disliked the capital so much, and disliked the palace so much. He didn't want to be involved in it, but in the end he still couldn't get away.

Not to mention this, tomorrow will send Shen Qingci over, and let his uncle take care of him, even if the third prince really takes care of him, he will not be distracted anymore.

In the morning of the second day, Shen Qingci was ready with Miaomiao, what she used daily, as well as the ingredients she used to make spices, as well as Li Qi and Baimei to follow.

Branding can't let go of Shen Qingci, and Changqing can't let go of Baimei. Letting them go together is also the province's worry, and Xiangjue Temple is no longer a safe place.

When the group of them arrived at the outer gate of Xiangjue Temple, a little novice monk had already walked out.

"Donor, please follow me."

The little novice monk folded his hands on his chest, and led them to the side room in the backyard. No, it’s not the side room, but a small independent courtyard. It’s in the middle of Xiangjuelan, like an iron bucket, of course. The place is big enough, and there is a large vegetable garden inside, which is also planted with vegetables.

Baimei liked these dishes as soon as she saw them. Fortunately, Qiuniang came this time too. Qiuniang made delicious food. They also brought food. After all, most of them are monks here. They live here for female guests It's already considered rude, and if they still take what they eat, it will be even more rude. No one said twice this time, but three meals a day, they really don't have such a thick face.

So when they came, they also prepared everything, because they didn’t know how long they were going to live here, so when they came, they brought a cart of things, and all the food and everything were brought from the bottom of the mountain. If it is not enough, it will be delivered by a messenger.

Several people have cleaned up the kitchen, and the wing rooms have also been cleaned up.

Shen Qingci walked in. The inside was just a collapsed table and two chairs. It was simple and clean, and there was a faint smell of sandalwood all around, which unknowingly annoyed her, and started a little bit. The peace came down.

These scents are inexplicably calming and peaceful.

Shen Qingci put Miao Miao on the table, and then she poked Miao Miao in the head.

"Miaomiao, you have to be good. This is no better place than other places. Remember not to run around. If you run around, I will send you back."


Miaomiao jumped off the table and ran towards her nest. It went straight into the nest. Here is its own taste. It liked its nest. It didn't take long before she heard it. There was a small snore, and it was not too noisy.

Shen Qingci also walked to the side of the wing, where there are all her spices. When you have nothing to do, you can still make spices and make money. Yes, you have to make more money. Always have to earn more money for running away.

She is also ready to run away at any time.

Several people were busy outside in the yard, so even the young ones were obedient, sweeping the yard together.

Maybe they don't know what happened in Beijing, so they can still hear their laughter.

Shen Qingci touched her lips, as if she couldn't laugh anymore.

That night, she was asleep, Miao Miao was also in her own nest, buried her head on her belly, and she was asleep until suddenly, a bell came from outside.

this is……

Shen Qingci sat up suddenly.

This is the death knell.

The emperor died.

Shen Qingci hugged the quilt tightly. Sure enough, things have come to this step, or the worst step, and she doesn't even know what happened outside?

She was obviously very anxious, but she couldn't go down the mountain.

This night, she sat there all night, and at dawn the next day, she went to Master Jingkong’s Cicada Chamber and sat in front of Master Jingkong.

"The emperor is dead."

Shen Qingci knelt and sat in front of Master Jingkong, and said to him that he wanted to come, Master Jingkong should also know.

"Because people live, they die."

Master Jingkong always drew the prayer beads, holding a good picture of benevolent eyebrows.

"You said, will we win this time?"

Shen Qingci really didn't know what he would do in the future, he became the king to change the bandit, and everything sounded just within easy reach.

Master Jingkong just fiddled with the beads, but didn't say a word.

Shen Qingci knew that she could not get a trace of news from here.

Although Master Jingkong is a serious uncle, he is also an outsider, and will not interfere with mundane affairs. Even if he really knows some secrets, he will not tell him a word.

And she actually didn't think about it, she had to know.

Only God knows their fate in the future.

Shen Qingci stood up, gave another Buddhist ceremony to Master Jingkong, and was about to leave, but at this moment, Master Jingkong couldn't help but looked up at her.

The deep meaning in that glance also made Shen Qingci somewhat inexplicable.

She couldn't help but touched her face. She really didn't know what the last look of the old monk represented, and it was a bit strange.

But when she returned to her courtyard, she had forgotten about it.

She was also waiting before sitting on the stone table in the courtyard, waiting for the letter to be delivered down the mountain.


Suddenly, she heard the sound of Zengfeng, and when she raised her head, she saw Zengfeng hovering in the sky.

Soon after, he fell on the stone table in front of Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci touched the golden eagle's head, then took the letter from its neck, and then patted its head. Thanks for your hard work, go find Baimei.

The Golden Eagle screamed again, and went to find Baimei to eat.

This is what Shen Qingci opened the letter in his hand. It was written by Broken Thoughts. There were no extra words. The few lines that were added were also clear about the situation at this time.

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