They can't live here for nothing, right?

Anyway, Shen Qingci is not a bad guy.

Master Zhuangkong is also exceptionally ruthless.

This is all tens of thousands of taels of silver, and this hand stretched out without even blinking his eyes.

Once again, Shen Qingci sat opposite to Master Jingkong. In fact, her mood didn't seem to be so difficult today, but she was used to sitting there and listening to the old monk reciting the scriptures.

You are quite calm today.

Master Jingkong glanced at her and could roughly guess how she was feeling right now?

It is sad, happy, floating, dry. It was still quiet, and neither could escape his eyes.

Fortunately, Shen Qingci knelt and sat on the futon, just wanting to hear a passage from you.

it is good.

Master Kong closed her eyes, and also chanted the scriptures in her mouth. Such Sanskrit sounds are indeed calming. Although Shen Qingci really can't understand a single word, it doesn't mean that she can't hear it.

And after listening to Master Jingkong's long experience, she finally realized that her state of mind became more and more peaceful, even when she remembered her previous life, she didn't have that kind of hatred.

She didn't know what was thinking, suddenly, she laughed, her eyebrows and eyes were also smiling, as if she had seen a beautiful thing, and her eyes were agile, like the running water of those lakes, and the pulse was like rain.

Master Jingkong nodded.

This child is still too hostile. If it is not resolved as soon as possible, I am afraid that there will be more unprovoked disputes in Beijing. The nephew of his family will listen and obey. Come on.

Shen Qingci sat up straight again, and her heart became more peaceful. She picked up the tea cup and placed it on her lips.

The little novices in the back live in a small place.

Master Jingkong moved the prayer beads, seeming to say to himself.

"I will help you build it."

Shen Qingci didn't even lift his eyelids.

The arc of laughter at the corner of Master Jingkong's mouth is bigger. "The monk's winter clothes this year are not yet available."

"I pay the money."

Shen Qingci still had the same look. The last thing in this world that can't change her look is probably only silver. Her silver is too much to spend, and of course it is not distressed.

"There is a Buddha statue that is somewhat damaged."

Master Jingkong sighed softly.

Shen Qingci raised his eyelids.

"How much money do you want?"

"not much."

Master Jingkong stretched out a finger, ten thousand taels.

"Tomorrow I will have someone deliver it."

Shen Qingci really didn't feel anything about Yinzi now, but it was only ten thousand taels of silver, and she would come out after bleeding a little bit more, and if it didn't work, she would be back when she opened a new store.

"The poor monk is on behalf of the monks of Xiangjue Temple, and Princess Xie Shuo is kind."

Shen Qingci put down the cup.

What she said, she felt comfortable with this silver flower.

And earning money is originally spent like this, do whatever you want, stop whatever you want.

She stood up, she was also going back

When the outside wind blows on her face, she actually brings some warmth, and the gloomy color in the sky fades day by day.

I don't know what the current situation in the palace is. It's still not over a month, and it's still during the national funeral.

And the three princes she knows are certainly impossible to pass this month peacefully. He must take this opportunity to prepare for himself. Maybe he will take action today and sit on the throne. .

Sure enough, is this the destiny that cannot be violated?

He was an emperor in his previous life, and he is also an emperor in this life.

I have to say that Shen Qingci is indeed right.

The three princes were originally a restless person. How could he finish the national funeral of this month in peace, and sometimes change the dynasty in one day, let alone January?

Now is the best time for him to ascend the throne. After one month, who knows what will happen?

So in the end, he slashed the mess. Amidst the voices of the ministers that the country cannot be the king for a day, the emperor's robe was added, and he became the sixth king of the Great Zhou, the country's name is Chengxian.

The third prince, no, he is now Emperor Chengxian, he is already sitting on the throne, and he is also named the prime minister's daughter as the current queen, and several of his side concubines are also named noble concubines.

As for the other concubines, they are still in emptiness so far. He won't be in the palace with great fanfare, and it is still in the national funeral.

Even if he has always regarded it as a thorn in his eyes, he cannot easily start.

If it does move, the roots of the country will also be shaken. He wants to show his ambition and hegemony, not to be a subjugated emperor.

Therefore, any decision or action he is making now is extremely important, and he cannot be prevented from being cautious anymore.

This is the reason why he hasn't touched anyone after adding his imperial robe.

Even he himself had a quick word. When everyone didn't react, he had become the emperor of the Great Zhou, and he was already firmly in the throne.

I have to say, this time, he won.

When he looked at the people below, he seemed to look at ants. At this point, the country of this Great Week will be in his hands and become the country with the strongest national strength. After the national funeral, he will be the first What he did was to send Shen Dingshan to lead the troops on the expedition. He would not put him in the capital to add to himself.

He also calculated everything, and he also thought about his future walk. In fact, he had already thought about these things before he sat on the seat of God, and now it is just time to put them into action.

The prime minister was also proud of them. When the three princes finally became emperors, they had already begun to look at people with their nostrils, especially the prime minister. He was really relieved because he was right on this path, his daughter. He has become the Queen of the Great Zhou, and he has also become the head of the state. In the future, he will be the only one in the dynasty.

"Look at him like that, just like a monkey."

Lin Shangshu curled his lips.

"The villain is determined.

Lord Jun also sneered,


Shen Dingshan was not very happy.

Several people stood together, quite a little disinclined, and they were not in the same way as the prime minister, but half of the ministers began to slap the prime minister’s flattery, and they were also looking forward to him. Who made the family now the head of the state? After the national funeral, it will be announced to the world.

The three princes who were in the palace at this time finally got everything he wanted. He gently stroked everything here. He dreamed of everything he wanted to get, and now it is all in his hands. Up.

He sat on the dragon chair and also stretched out his hand.

"All the Qings are flat."


He burst into laughter, and the sound shook his chest.

He finally succeeded, and finally put on this dragon robe, and finally he can show his ambition.

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