Since then, those who obey others live and those who oppose others die.

He leaned his back back and closed his eyes. He was actually thinking about how to manage state affairs while sitting on the court. What kind of prestige is it?

Softly, he let out a sigh of breath. Only then did he stand up, and then patted the folds on the dragon robe again, preparing to put on filial obedience, because the national funeral had not passed, and as a result, when he walked down the steps, suddenly, he felt a feeling on his chest. pain.

He touched his chest, in fact, he didn't care too much. After all, this kind of pain was not a day or two. The imperial doctor said that it was a heart disease, and his heart disease had not happened for a few days.

He also forgot about this matter, and now he has become the emperor, and all his heartaches are naturally removed, but what happened again?

Weird. He touched his chest again.

Thinking about it, it was also because of too much fatigue in recent days, that's why he felt occasional discomfort in his heart.

He still didn't take it to heart, he knew in his heart, it was just a few breaths, and it would be better.

Sure enough, it was just a breath, and the pain disappeared without a trace.

"It's weird!"

He couldn't help but rubbed his chest again. After the national funeral, he would take a good look to see what the reason was. Why did he always feel such discomfort?

He put down his hands, adjusted his clothes again, and then strode forward.

As a result, after a few steps, that kind of pain came again.

Unconsciously, he covered his chest again, and the blood on his face receded a little.

This time it was strange.

He actually gave birth to a sense of fear.

No, he shook his head, he will be fine, he must be fine, he is the emperor, he has not been officially crowned, he will not be wrong, he is the emperor, he is blessed by heaven.

But why, the pain in his chest is more and more, why is it more and more dense, the cold sweat on his forehead is also a big drop, it is painful, scary, and even more frightening.

When he heard the beating of his heart, what was added to it was the kind of pain that shouldn't come out.

Suddenly, he drew a sigh of relief. He stretched out his hand to grasp something, but in the end he caught everything that seemed to be blurry in front of him.

With a bang, he also fell to the ground, and his entire body was constantly twitching.

And when Nei stayed in, he was lying on the ground and vomiting blankly, the new emperor was also slanted, and he was scared to speak.

What is wrong with this new emperor, is this wicked, or...

Have a stroke?

When the imperial physician came over, he saw that the new emperor was like this. You didn't need to check the pulse to know that it was a stroke.

Do you want to use it? The mouth and eyes are crooked, and the saliva is also running. Even if it is cured, it is still such a face.

The new emperor's eyes widened, and he never dreamed of what he would suddenly become. He was shaking his body from time to time and was also afraid. He could see the people outside and hear their voices, even He could hear what the imperial physician said.

But how could he have a stroke? He was clearly sober and could hear and see.

He became the emperor, and he was firmly on the throne. He didn't even tell the world. How could he have a stroke, how could he have a stroke, are they lying to him?

Is he dreaming?

What should we do now? The counselors of the new emperor also don’t know what to do. If it’s something else, they can come up with a thousand or ten thousand ways. However, now that the new emperor has a stroke and his mouth and eyes are crooked, it is impossible for them to bring him one Headgear, or find a fake one?

"what did you say?"

Qi Yuan stood up suddenly, "The new emperor has a stroke?"

"Yes," the visitor was also anxious, and his hair was covered with sweat, and a strand of the first floor was attached to his face.

"Master Hou, what are we going to do now, the new emperor is afraid it won't be done."

"Benhou go and take a look."

Qi Yuan did not believe that the new emperor would have any strokes. Strokes are diseases that old people can get. The new emperor is so young and energetic, and his body is not unusual in normal days. How could he have a stroke? ?

A young man has a stroke. Where is this strange thing?

But when he walked a few steps, he suddenly stretched out his hand to support one side of the wall, and the dizziness was also inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Master Hou, what's wrong with you?"

The guard on one side hurriedly stepped forward, also trying to hold Qi Yuan, Qi Yuan wanted to say that he was fine, but only his mouth moved, but there was no sound at all.

His black eyes suddenly shone, as if there was something ready to show, but he hadn't come to think about it, he was already attacked by the darkness, and then he couldn't see anything.

Before a mirror, Shen Yue touched her face from time to time.

"Lanning, did you say I became ugly?"

Shen Yueshu didn’t believe that the mirror face was herself. It was obvious that she was still shining brightly for a few days, but now it has become like this. Her face is pale, her skin is dry and cracked, and her lips are dull. Her previous ice muscles Where is the jade bone, where is her beauty, and what happened to the spots on this face?

Lanning was also frightened. If she hadn't always been by Shen Yueshu's side, she wouldn't believe it. At this time, this woman with an old face, a dark yellow complexion, and a spotted face would It was Shen Yueshu, which was still uglier than Shen Yueshu's previous appearance.

It's like Shen Yueshu, whose life span has been taken away by people for several decades. This clearly looks like Shen Yueshu's forty years old. No matter what, it doesn't look like twenty-nine years.


Shen Yueshu shouted Lanning's name again, "What do you think is going on?"

She hurriedly pushed the mirror down on the table and didn't want to look at her current ugly face, but even so, she could feel the roughness of the skin on her face even if she touched it.

"Madam, don't worry."

Lan Ning suddenly thought of something and quickly comforted Shen Yueshu.

"The slave and maidservant used to be in the village. I heard other people say that some women will develop spots when they are pregnant. All of them are caused by the fetal aspect, and those with this fetal aspect are ten useful Eight or nine are also male fetuses."

"Male fetus?"

Shen Pengshu caressed his slightly protruding belly, and her red lips rose up, but compared with her dull skin tone at this time, it was a bit hideous and ugly.

Yes, male fetus, male fetus.

Must be male

"Son..." She gently stroked her belly, "If you are a male child, your mother has promised you a way above ten thousand people. As long as you can be born, you must be the king of this world."

Lanning was listening, but he was constantly grinding his teeth, over ten thousand people. Is this to be an emperor?

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