However, now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, in the future their Marquis will surely be added to the ranks. As the eldest son of the Marquis, how can his status be too low, he must be under one person and above tens of thousands. character.

So as long as the wife gave birth to the male baby she was pregnant, she would definitely be happy.

Shen Yueshu lifted the mirror again, and started to put on makeup on her face blankly. She had already been used to this kind of makeup, and no matter how ugly she was, she could change it. .

After the child was born, she would definitely catch the woman back. When she heard that the woman was alive, she was so angry that her heart was about to explode, but at this time, he was thankful that the person was still alive and alive. Well, it's good to be alive, this is her magic medicine, and only with this medicine, she can quickly return to her previous beauty.

At this time, Lanning also felt that her face was itchy, she couldn't help but scratched her own face, and she, standing behind Shen Yueshu, also saw her own face.

Her heart jumped suddenly, but when she was about to take a closer look, she heard Shen Yueshu's voice.

"Lanning, what are you looking at?"

"No, nothing."

Lanning lowered her head quickly, and didn't dare to look any more.

"Send you off."

Shen Yueshu grabbed a box of rouge directly from the table and threw it to Lanning, "It's ugly to cover your face well."

At this time, Shen Yueshu's tone was absolutely joyful and happy, otherwise, her heart would naturally not be better if she met a young and beautiful girl in the city every day.

But if you are facing someone who is becoming ugly, that feeling is indescribable.

Lanning's heart couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch his face. She hasn't seen her face for a long time, and her face has also become ugly.

And her heart was violent at this time, but she could only stand still and dare not move.

Shen Yueshu stood up, and stroked her still-not-too-emphasized belly with one hand. At this time, she was so stunningly beautiful, but it was a pity that this face was now fake, even with an expression. It's all gone.

This lady is going to take a rest. She gently caresses her lower abdomen, which is also necessary for a good fetus. No one in this world is more noble than her. Her birth is enough to change the dynasty.

She got up and walked towards the side where the bed collapsed. I don’t know why. In recent days, besides her face has deteriorated, she is also very lethargic. The imperial doctor said that this is nothing more normal. People who are pregnant are a bit more lethargic than ordinary people.

And her fetus is very good, so don't worry.

After Shen Yueshu had left, Lan Ning clenched the rouge in his hand and walked forward.

The mirror on the table is a good mirror. I heard someone brought it back from thousands of miles away, and it was a lifetime of nine deaths. It was Qi Yuan that he didn't know how much money he bought to Shen Yueshu.

This thing, it is said that there are not many pieces in the world, even the queen of the new emperor may not have this thing from time to time.

Lanning stepped forward, and her face was clearly reflected in the mirror.

She suddenly covered her mouth, her eyes opened wide, and her face was full of fractures.

Her face, her face, how could her face be like this? At this time, she was no longer who she was. She was also a young woman of twenty-eight years, and her appearance was also fair, but now she What's the matter with these spots on the face? How come they are so ugly?

In a hurry, she took out the box of rouge gouache that Shen Yueshu gave to herself, and began to wipe her face.

Yipinxiang's things are really different. When this is applied to the face, it is instantly invisible to her face, and she has returned to her previous appearance. She can't help but look at herself in the mirror for half a day. It seems that the ugly self just now has never appeared before, and it is also her illusion.

She can't be like that, yes, impossible, absolutely impossible.

She gently stroked her face, and then panted for breath from time to time.

Shen Yuemeng, who was kneeling on the ground and wiping the ground, looked at Lanning strangely, and then stopped for a moment in the inner room before she got up from the ground and raised the water basin on the ground.

"where are you going?"

Lanning's voice at this time also sounded a bit acrid.

"Fetching water," Shen Yuemeng brought the water basin in her hand forward. The water in the basin was dirty. Shen Yueshu did not allow the slightest dust in the house. Now she knows to pay attention to these things. The Shen family was expelled before. When I left the capital, the firewood room had been slept, and no matter how dirty this room was, there was no such black heart as Shen Yueshu.


Lanning is in a bad mood now, and she wants to get angry, but she has to suppress her temper. This is Shen Yueshu's house, not someone else's.

She can't quarrel with Shen Yueshu, otherwise, she won't have any good fruits at all.

Shen Yuemeng came out with the water basin, and walked to the well. When she was about to draw water, a big hand stretched out from nowhere. It was swift, and it helped her draw a basin of water. .

"What are you doing here?"

Shen Yuemeng hurriedly took the man's arm, "Be careful of being seen by others. I was beaten last time."

"Nothing, I have thick skin," a black-faced man in shorts said to Shen Yuemeng with a smile, also showing a nice white tooth, "I saw it today, no one here."

"That's good," Shen Yuemeng was also relieved. No matter how she looked at the tall and strong man in front of her, even her palms didn't hurt as much, but her heart was very astringent. .

"Why are you?"

She felt a little pantothenic in her heart, so she had to suffer and suffer at this time.

"Hehe..." The man laughed again, and then when he looked at Shen Yuemeng's hands, he couldn't help but the smile on his face was a little faint.

Shen Yuemeng seemed to have discovered something too, and she hurriedly carried her hands behind her back, also not wanting to be seen.

"Has the medicine I gave you been used?"

The man asked, he didn’t know where to put his hand, he was afraid that he would knock down the tree or make a hole in the wall if he was not careful. Thick, if she was beaten, she wouldn't fall into two or two flesh, but if she was beaten, it would be half life.

"Well, it's used," Shen Yuemeng said in a low voice, and the two of them stood here, yet another awkward moment of relative speechlessness.

"You'd better go," Shen Yuemeng was thinking of something. "Recently, this mansion has become more and more uneven. That one may be coming soon. If you let him find you, you will be dead."

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