Rebirth Of A Noble Daughter: The Marquis Manor’s Abandoned Wife

Chapter 922: You are really good at calculating

Shen Qingci finally withdrew his gaze and said that the child was innocent. She would not be frantic, and she would care about the same unborn child, but the child was pitiful, and the child was born into Shen Yueshu's belly.

"You must be unwilling in your heart?"

Shen Qingci supported his chin on the table lazily, and played with his purse with his fingers.

"Not reconciled?" Shen Yueshu sneered, "If you become a king and become a bandit, would you be reconciled?"

"I didn't want to be a king, so how can I not be reconciled?"

Shen Qing suddenly smiled, even the thousands of peach blossoms are in full bloom. The appearance of fourteen or five years old has not changed at all. This is what Shen Yueshu hates most. She uses I tried my best to have the beauty I wanted, but why was it given to a hen who didn't lay eggs?

"You should not be reconciled, Shen Qingci looked at Shen Yueshu's stomach again, and became the queen mother after a short while, it is normal to be so unwilling."

Shen Yueshu's heart suddenly tightened, "What are you talking about?"

"Is there any nonsense, you have a clear mind," Shen Qingci is thinking about it now, and he is used to holding it. It is very boring if there is none.

"Do you know why the new emperor would have a stroke?"

Shen Yueshu squirmed her red lips, and the unwillingness in her eyes was replaced by fear.

"You should have a lot of doubts, the princess thought, I should come over to solve your doubts."

She straightened her body, and then sorted out her clothes, and her voice came faintly, "The daughter of Lou's blood is unique, and the daughter of Lou is also rare in the world. She is born with a strange fragrance, knows all kinds of flavors, and smells thousands of fragrances. Fragrance Master."

"The blood of the Lou family is bestowed by heaven and earth, and the blood of the daughter of the Lou family is also poisonous."

And the more I listened, the worse Shen Yueshu's face became, and finally his whole body was shaking.

"You use my blood as medicine to keep you beautiful. I also told you that my blood is poisonous and you will grow old quickly. Why don't you listen?"

Her voice is clear and clear, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, very pleasant, but why is it so terrifying in Shen Yueshu’s ears, it is also like a small needle after another, which will bring her heart The **** is full of holes.

"Why, still don't understand?"

Shen Qingci felt that he was straightforward enough, so he said that dealing with smart people is good, but talking to stupid people will be very disadvantaged. If you want to say so many things, some people don't understand and don't understand.

"There is more poison, what will happen?" Shen Qingci asked Mo Li.

"Mo Li, what do you say?"


Li Li is Li Li, simple and straightforward.

Shen Qingci smiled at Shen Yueshu again, the beauty of that smile was in the bones. The beauty is not because of a face or a skin. The beauty is in the bone, and the clear rhyme of the whole body is not available to ordinary people.

"Haha..." Shen Yueshu laughed like crazy.

"Death? Shen Qingci, you will be talking nonsense, how could I die, how could I die, I am alive now."

"But the new emperor had a stroke, Qi Yuan, was in a coma."

Shen Qingci reminded her quietly.

"What does this have to do with me?"

Shen Yueshu abruptly interrupted Shen Qingci's words. This has nothing to do with her. None of them has no destiny and none of them have no life. What is it to her Shen Yueshu?

"Why has nothing to do with you?"

The warmth in Shen Qingci's eyes also slowly became cold.

"You said, why it has nothing to do with you, who made you drink my blood, or drink so much, your body is poisoned, not only makes you old fast, but also makes you die fast, with people who are close to you. You will get poisoned at the same time. Didn’t you realize that everyone around you seems to have been drained of blood?”

"Because it is contagious."

"If it's an ordinary contact...々Shen Qingci broke his fingers and counted earnestly, "You pass it to Qi Yuan, and Qi Yuan passes it to the other person. That person is at most a few years short of life. It won’t be the point of a stroke, but who knows, you’re up to the end with that one, isn’t this time short? "

"Otherwise, why is that poison heavier than Qi Yuan? It seems that you still prefer the one, that is, the crown prince will be born."

Shen Qingci's gaze shifted to Shen Yueshu's belly again, "It's a pity, it's the life of the prince, but it's a waste prince, the remnants of the new emperor, do you think the current sage will let it go?"

"You are spitting blood!"

Shen Yueshu screamed, "This is the heir of my husband Junning Kanghou, Shen Qingci, no matter how high your status is, you can't slander me like this."

Shen Qingci lazily argued with a woman like Shen Yueshu about whether it was true or not, she knew very well.

"Your belly is five months old, right?"

Shen Qingci squeezed his purse again. The Royal Doctor Wang concealed it tightly for you. Before May, Qi Yuan was in a coma?

Shen Yueshu almost distorted her face like crazy at this time.

"Shen Qingci, if you hurt me like this, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

"The princess is afraid of you?" Shen Qingci seemed to hear some Datian joke.

"Shen Yueshu, how did everything come to you now, have you forgotten Chengdu?"

Shen Yueshu's face suddenly turned pale, and all the blood on her face faded away. Even if she was ugly at this time, she could still see her face suddenly losing its blood.

"It seems that you really forgot." Shen Qingci stood up and approached Shen Yueshu all the way. If she took a step, Shen Yueshu would take a step back until her leg hit something, and there was nowhere to go. Retreat.

"Would you like this princess to remind you, how did you, Mrs. Ning Kanghou, come from?"

Shen Yueshu dodged from time to time, clearly not wanting to listen, not to watch, and not to know.

"You hate this princess like this, but you are just afraid that princess will say that thing, so you tried your best to put princess to death."

She looked at Shen Yueshu's face with cold eyes, and she saw all the chaos in her eyes clearly.

"You burned my house in the mountains, you took away the white brocade, you even took away the head oil of the incense grass that I stored there, you even killed the old doctor, you want me Death, you want to drink my blood, but it is because I am the one who saved Qi Yuan."

"Shen Yueshu, you are really good at calculating."

"You have so many lives in your hands, how many people have you stepped on in this world, you say, how do you have a good end, you don’t know how ugly you are now, in fact, I really want to I know, if Qi Yuan saw you with such respect, would he still want you? And the lover of the imperial emperor who was struck by the slanted eyes, I wonder if he can still chew on seeing you, go on Q?"

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