"Shen Yueshu," Shen Qingci bit out her name word by word.

"If you do more injustice, you will die. Trust me, you will die."

Shen Yueshu suddenly felt a pain in her stomach, and she also shrank her body. At this time, all the clothes and flesh on her body were as if loosened, only leaving behind a thick bone. , Let others give advice.

Shen Qingci turned around, walked back again, and then faced another human being in a cloak.

"I said that she would die better than life, did you see it?"

The man stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and then pulled down the cape and hat on his head.

‘Shen Yuemeng, is it you? "

Shen Yueshu almost screamed, that kind of hatred, maybe she would have to kill her remaining life, and also hate it all.

"Yes, it's me."

Shen Yuemeng straightened her hair again, revealing an extraordinarily pale face, she was also very thin, and the backs of her hands were almost full of scars, and there was no good skin.

"Maybe you don't know?" Her always gloomy face finally laughed.

"I made people take away Doctor Wang. Although he didn't know much, he knew everything he should know, including this in your stomach. Where did it come from?"

She raised her head, still smiling, but her eyes were light and light, as if she was comforting a relative who was no longer there.

Father, mother, and brother, look at it, Yue Meng has finally avenged you, Shen Yueshu is not as good as death now, she finally has eaten her own bitter fruit, in this life, it is impossible to think about it again. Make a comeback.

With such an ugly face and this poisonous body, no one dared to buy it even if she wanted to sell it. Didn't she have a good idea, she still wanted to be the queen mother in the future.

If you want to be the empress dowager, you have to dream of a few lifetimes.

Maybe one day, you can really enter the queen dowager's dream, one dream is old.

"Let's go," Shen Qingci yawned, she was sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep with Miao Miao, as for the matter of falling into the trap.

If you still want to have another Bang Dao Shui Dog, you can come at any time. It is not easy to see that life is better than death, but they are here, which is the best torment for Shen Yueshu.

But when they left, they didn't know. At this time, one pair of eyes had been staring inside, and there were shocks, incomprehension, resentment, and a kind of killing intent.

Shen Yueshu put her hand on her belly, her face was still gray, and she couldn't even stand up.

No, it is not, it is not.

She kept telling herself that this was just a dream. She was clearly pregnant with the prince and was the only prince of the new emperor. After she became a man in one fell swoop, the child would be the prince in the future, and she would also be the empress dowager.

And when she thought of the future emperor calling her mother's queen, her heart seemed to be flying.

It's not here when a woman is most honorable, and she was born with wealth and fate, this is what the fortune teller said.

She is rich and wealthy, she can definitely be rich for the rest of her life.

Until the sound of footsteps came over slowly, she couldn't help but fought a cold war violently. When she raised her head, she saw a black shadow, who did not know when she was standing in front of her.

Qi, Qi Yuan!

Shen Yueshu's lips trembled, and she couldn't say a word.

But who is standing in front of her at this time, isn't Qi Yuan?

Qi Yuan, who had been lethargic for a few days, was thinner back to the original skeleton appearance. His eye sockets were deeply sunken, and the flesh on his cheeks was almost gone, just like a long layer of skin. Generally above the bones.

You can almost see the growth of his bones, and even his hands are human.

"Shu'er, are you afraid of me?"

Qi Yuan's gloomy voice really seemed to crawl out of hell.

Shen Yueshu shrank her body. She wanted to scream and escape, but she could only hold her stomach and shrank her legs to the corner of the wall. As long as she retreated, someone would be approaching step by step. , That kind of desire was suffocating fear, which made her scream in a sharp voice.

But Qi Yuan sneered, only that layer of flesh on his face was beating constantly.

Qi Yuan stretched out his skinny hand, moved from Shen Yueshu's ugly face to her belly, Shen Yueshu kept shaking, only feeling that there was a poisonous snake moving down one by one. Even the fetus in her abdomen seemed to feel the danger and began to move uncomfortably.

"Did he move?"

Qi Yuan felt like he had touched something fun.

Shen Yueshu's body was still shaking, and the blood on her face had already faded.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"What am I going to do?" Qi Yuan put his entire palm on Shen Yueshu's bulging belly, "I'm looking at the little prince."

"Do not……"

Shen Yueshu shook his head.

"Big Brother Qi Yuan, he is not the prince, he is your child, your child."

"my child?"

Qi Yuan seemed to have heard some big joke.

"Shu'er, a good girl doesn't lie. Five months ago, I didn't touch you. How could you have a five-month-old baby? Fortunately, I will touch you less often. Otherwise, I will not Is it just to become another new emperor and still have a skewed stroke?

"Shu'er, you are really amazing," his fingers gently stroked Shen Yueshu's face, "Shu'er, did you know?" His fingers were slightly cool, and his voice was as usual. Deliberately, it clearly sounded as smooth as fine silk, but he couldn't help tightening other people's necks. Even Shen Yueshu at this time felt suffocated.

"By the way, where did I say?" Qi Yuan was like a cat catching a mouse, his voice soft and slow, but every word and every sentence made Shen Yueshu almost frightened.

His fingers shrank into fists, and they were always placed on Shen Yueshu's stomach, and then they were clenched into claws, as if they were about to scratch Shen Yueshu's stomach.

"Shu'er, you know, it was your poison that caused the new emperor to fall from the throne. He spent half of his life and painstaking efforts to get the throne, just like that. Up."

"Shu'er, you said, did you send it over there?" His fingers were suddenly close to Shen Yueshu's stomach, and Shen Yueshu suddenly screamed again.


Qi Yuan put his finger on Shen Yueshu's lips.

"Shu'er, Benhou is unwell now and doesn’t want to get angry. Don’t provoke Benhou, otherwise Benhou doesn’t know if he will put his hand into your stomach and dig out this child, and Benhou will return it. I really want to know what the prince looks like?"

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