Maybe she couldn't smell it herself, it was because of her poisonous body, so the smell when she was showing respect was very unpleasant. It was so unpleasant that it was impossible to smell, and it was also nauseous.

"Shen Yueshu, tell Benhou, how did you deceive Benhou? Say!" He approached Shen Yueshu, those cannibalistic eyes also shuddered Shen Yueshu.


Shen Yueshu did not dare to say.


Qi Yuan is another word, "If you don’t say it, I’m pinching to death now, then stripping your body naked, and then throwing it on the busiest street. I want everyone to see you Shen Yue How ugly and disgusting is Shu."

Shen Yueshu finally told what she had hidden for a long time, how she set fire to the house, how she took Qi Yuan away, and how she bit herself, pretending to be Qi Yuan's lifesaver. Well, but Qi Yuan has memories that will recover at any time, pressing on her body, always making her have to guard.

That’s why she thought of a way. She told Qi Yuan that she had a disease and needed the blood of a young girl from the same clan to save her life, and Qi Yuan believed it too. At that time, Qi Yuan regarded her as the treasure in his palm, and so did he. Can do all the things in this world for him, including murder.

It's just that Shen Yueshu never dreamed that the thorn in her eyes that she had always wanted to get rid of became her urging charm, and even the urging mansion of Qi Yuan and even the new emperor.

She not only caused Qi Yuan to become a thief, but also the new emperor who had lost it. If the three princes knew, everything she had worked so hard to manage was destroyed by Shen Yueshu. I don't know how to resent this woman.

"Who is the one who saved me?

Qi Yuan asked, his eyes also ruthless. "

In fact, he already knew that there was a little clarity in his vague memory, and it was also because of this trace of clarity, so he remembered certain things.

I remember your voice.

Remember the smell of you.

I also remembered your looks.

But why did he forget, why did he forget everything.

Shen Yueshu shrank herself in the corner of the wall, her eyes widened in terror, only to see the blue veins on Qi Yuan's forehead, which were bulging outwards, as if exploding his skin.

Qi Yuan grabbed Shen Yueshu. Don’t you like to drink human blood? Wu Nong said softly like a lover. This voice sounds so good, it’s so gentle, but why is it listening? In the ears, it was so harsh.

"I don't, I don't..."

Shen Yueshu shook her head. She doesn't love human blood, she doesn't love human blood at all, and she doesn't want to drink blood anymore.

Qi Yuan grabbed Shen Yue and entered her hair, also letting her face press against the cold wall.

"Shu'er, you should be very clear, what Qi Yuan hates most in my life? You ruined my trust, my sincerity, you said, how can I get it back for myself? 々

"no no……"

Shen Yueshu was only able to say no word, and then her stomach was aching like a twisted inner abdomen.

"Child, my child, my child..."

"Child?" Qi Yuan sneered, "It's just a wicked species. You can't help but think that someone will want to keep him alive. With a mother with dirty blood like yours, he is only a target for others to commit."

"no no……"

Shen Yueshu screamed frantically, and there was also severe pain in his stomach. Between each call, the pain continued to increase.

Suddenly, she felt a pain in her wrist, and even worse, she didn't even know what was going on?

Qi Yuan took her wrist and placed it in front of her


Shen Yueshu suddenly yelled a little strangely. The sound was like seeing the most feared thing in this world. It's a pity that the people here have been abandoned, even if she yelled again, no one would ever bother.

Emperor Wen Yuan meant that this was the case, he didn't shoot them, he also let them fend for themselves.

This is a person who is not long alive, so why dirty your hands.

It's just that he didn't expect that Qi Yuan and Shen Yueshu still had such past events, and the dignified Ning Kanghou was also Qi Yuan who played everyone in between applause.

He was deceived by a woman, and even deceived everything about him.

Shen Yueshu was still screaming constantly. She grabbed her wrist, but where she could still see her wrist, there was a thin blood stream flowing out.

No matter how she stopped the bleeding, how she wrapped it with cloth, the blood still flowed out like a stream in the end.

She shrank her body, dripping with cold sweat on her forehead, her body was not afraid of convulsions, and the blood kept flowing.

No, she does not want to die, she does not want to die.

Qi Yuan stood there, looking coldly at his painful appearance, until Shen Yueshu's breath became less and less, and the blood flowed more and more, he turned and left here.

Shen Yueshu opened his eyes wide, and finally realized that Qi Yuan was inside the house, turned something, then a wall opened, and Qi Yuan strode in.

The light in front of Shen Yueshu's eyes was getting darker and darker, and it seemed that there was only a trace of warmth, a trace of light.

Suddenly, she stood up and followed Qi Yuan. It was clear that Qi Yuan still had the last hole card. It was obvious that he still had the last hand left. Even if he lost everything, he could do it. Come again, but why didn't he take her away, why did he leave her here?

It was just that when she returned, it was her corpse curled up together, and the dazzling blood-red color.

When she wanted to see clearly again, her consciousness dissipated, and she hadn't even thought about it anymore, there was no longer her in this world.

"What, dead?"

Emperor Wen Yuan stood up, still holding a beautiful cat in his arms, and the **** on one side was also holding one in his hands. This was born from the female cat last time, and it can grow longer. At that time, but the mother cat was gone, only these few cats were left, and it was not long after the short breasts.

Emperor Wen Yuan brought these two back, and the remaining ones were given to several ministers. This is a gift from the royal family. These people still don’t treat these cats as cat owners, but he raises the two by himself. With.

At this moment, he was holding the kitten with the green mud on his legs, and he was restoring his legs well.

He hadn't taken a few moments before he came over to report that something happened in the Ningkang Hou Mansion.

Shen Yue died, still bleak, the blood on her body was almost drained, and she also shed a child whose whole body was bruised.

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