"Where is Qi Yuan?" Emperor Wen Yuan caressed the little cat in his arms. Now I know why Shen Qingci always likes to hold Miaomiao. This small body is really too soft, so behaved, too. So cute.

It's more cute than anything in this world, and it's all about likable.

Shen Yueshu is like this, so what about Qi Yuan, is he still half-dead?

The guard lowered his head, and then replied carefully.

"Go to Saint."

Ning Kanghou is missing.


It was the first time that Emperor Wen Yuan heard that this was all in a coma and could not run away by himself.

No, what does he seem to think of?

Qi Yuan should be awake, as for where he went, it should be...

Escaped through the secret road.

Why did he forget about this?

When Bing Hengsi came over, there was a white kitten dumpling lying on his shoulders.

"It's so wonderful that the longer it is, the better it looks."

Emperor Wen Yuan tutted a bit, and now he really loves cats. He really feels that there is no more cute little thing in this world than cats. Even the women in the palace are not so beautiful.

This snow-white snow-white one is really like a snow dumpling. The most important thing is that this cat is also quite clever as if it had become a spirit.

Miaomiao jumped off the shoulders of Brand Hengsi, and also leaned over the table on one side.

The **** on one side quickly put some dried fish on the table, which was specially made for the ancestors of the two cats in the palace in the imperial dining room. The two cats love to eat, and the cat of Lord Shuo also loves to eat. The reason why I brought it here was to eat this dried fish.

And this cat is not an ordinary cat, but a life-saving cat of the sage. Naturally, the status in this palace is not more than that of ordinary cats, and they are all more refined and noble than ordinary people, and they are still raised in the Lord Shuo’s mansion. Yes, it is said that Princess Shuo likes kittens the most, and now the new emperor succeeds to the throne, if it is said that King Quan is the ruling party, this King Shuo is the first person.

It's just that he didn't like things about the court too much, so he still didn't have much to show up.

But what I have to mention is that his position in the heart of the Holy Spirit is definitely ranked first.

Therefore, the cats in Lord Shuo's mansion are the top cats in the world.

Sure enough, casting and lifting is really a technical job, and even casting a cat tire is fatal.

Bro Hengsi handed Miao Miao to the **** in the palace. He also sat down. The current Emperor Wen Yuan had to lie down like this except for the upper court because of inconvenience in his legs and feet. This medicine is probably used for half a year. I can't stop, I'm afraid that his legs will fall to the root of the disease in the future. If they are lame, they will not. After all, there can be no emperor who is lame in the world of this Great Zhou. It will only make him suffer from the pain every day when his qi changes. .

In addition, he is much more sensitive to pain than others, so such pain. Undoubtedly it was not for his life, even if it was for life, it would still be better than death.

Whether he wants to live, or is better to die than to live, how could he not feel at all in his heart.

So it takes him half a year to heal his legs. Even if he lay down every day for half a year, it would be better than death.

"Cousin Huang, what do you think of Qiyuan?"

Emperor Wen Yuan let Luo Heng worry over this time because of Qi Yuan’s affairs. Qi Yuan has escaped now. It is indeed a great confession. The roots of this person are broken, and this person is difficult to remove. Dispel his anxiety.

He was going to deal with this person, but because of the many business tasks, he forgot about the person for a while, but when he remembered this, the person ran away.

But waking up from a coma, and no trace, I have to say that they have been planted so many times in his hands, and it is really not too bad.

But what use was Qi Yuan no matter how good he was, and finally fell into the hands of a woman.

Thousands of methods, all because of women, have become mice crossing the street.


BAO Hengsi stroked the tea cup in his hand, "He has poison in his body. In a short period of time, he won't be able to do anything serious?"

When Emperor Wen Yuan heard this, he felt a little better in his heart.

"By the way, when did you come over there?"

He asked Branding about his concerns. It's a good time to open a store. Otherwise, if you go a little later, you may be suffering. The capital is not cold there, but when it grows over there, it will freeze the bricks. .

"Wait until the end of the month," Biao Hengsi put down the teacup in his hand, "settle the matter in Beijing for a while, and we will set off."

His gaze moved to Emperor Wen Yuan's lap again, remembering that the medicine would take half a year.

"Cousin please rest assured."

Emperor Wen Yuan touched his legs, "I have suffered so much for it. I definitely won't be exhausted, and if there are those two with me, I should be the same. Restoration."

He has already decided to spend half a year to nurture his body well, and with a good body, this good world will exist.


Miaomiao jumped onto Beng Hengsi's legs, and when she was full, she looked a little more cute.

Emperor Wen Yuan stretched out his hand and stroked Miaomiao's little head, "Miaomiao is a little girl, do you want her to have some kittens to play with?"

"Let's do it."

Brando Hengsi picked up Miao Miao, and Miao Miao shrank herself into a ball, lying still in the owner's arms.

As for the cat’s life-long events, the cat has become accustomed to self-respect and doesn’t like other ugly cats at all.

And when it was the time when Brando left the palace, it was already time to enter the night.

Evergreen, you go to Weiguo Gongfu once. He gave an order to Changqing outside that he had obtained a few jars of good wine, and it happened to be sent to Shen Dingshan.

Shen Dingshan's good wine is something everyone knows.

When the carriage arrived, Changqing stopped the horse.

"What happened?"

When he saw the carriage stopped, he also asked the situation outside quietly.

"My son, there are so many people in front of us, and our carriage can't get through. This is what the subordinates are asking for?" After Changqing finished speaking, she jumped out of the carriage and went to inquire about the situation.

After a while, he was back.

"My son, it was Shen Yueshu's body that was brought over, and it happened to be placed at the door of Shen's mansion, but no one restrained it."

Lao Hengsi's hands have always been on Miaomiao's little head, and Miaomiao raised her head to look at her master.

The people of the Shen family were so ruthless that they were unwilling to accept the corpse. It was the grace of Emperor Wen Yuan that he didn’t put Shen Yueshu's corpse in the wilderness. No matter what, if there was no Shen Yueshu, Taihuang would not They may have a stroke. In this world, they want to get it back, and they don't know how much it will take and how many people will die.

So Shen Yueshu said that he was guilty, but in fact he had some merits.

After the merits and demerits were equal, Emperor Wen Yuan also sent the corpse back, which could be regarded as a consummation for her.

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