After breakfast, the kitchen also made a lot of delicious snacks, and they were all brought to them on the road. This time I went here, and it was a lot of things to bring, not compared to other times, so they were all half a month earlier. The preparations are the ones that will be prepared.

As for the past candidates, Changqing and Baimei, Changgeng and Qiuniang, and Changyi Changyu are all going to go, and there is one most indispensable, Miao Miao.

Miao Miao jumped into the carriage directly, and lay down in her den, waiting for her master.

The carriages of King Shuo Palace are specially made, and they are much larger than ordinary carriages. The inside is very spacious and can be seated and lie down. It will not be uncomfortable overnight.

They have a total of four carriages, one for Shen Qingci and Pao Hengsi, one for Bai Mei Qiuniang, and two other things they need for this trip, such as quilts. They are all loaded with a carriage.

Chen started up, and the gate of the palace was closed tightly, and the four carriages were already heading towards the gate of the city. The mountains and rivers are far away, and the journey is far away. However, for Shen Qingci, it is very strange. In the past few years, There are many places she has traveled, and the customs and customs she has seen are more. Of course, since then, her vision is much wider than that of ordinary people.

She has read thousands of books and has to travel thousands of miles, and her favorite is to travel thousands of miles.

The carriage specially made by Shuo Palace is nothing compared to others. It walks along the road very smoothly, and it does not feel bumpy at all.

Branding made a pot of tea in the carriage, and you can drink it when you are thirsty. There are also some small snacks that they brought when they came. If there are small towns along the way, they will stay for a while. It's not a hurry, but you can go slower.

Far away from the capital city, Shen Qingci feels that his breathing is smoother. In the prosperous place, there is always a sense of heaviness, but the outside is completely different, light and easy-going, even their xinxing, also They all got up happily.

Uncovering the curtain of the carriage, Shen Qingci lay on the carriage window, and the gentle wind blew on her from time to time. She couldn't help narrowing her eyes. Even the ears seemed to be able to hear, the slightest slight Wind.

It blows in the ears, but also in the heart. The wind blows the hair around her face from time to time, raising strands one by one, and putting it down one by one.

"Meow..." Miaomiao crawled out of her den, and then ran forward, learning the way she was the master, holding her two small paws above the car window, with a pair of round cat eyes open. , Is still meowing, I really don't know what it is calling, does it mean that the scenery outside is beautiful, or that the wind is too strong and it messes up the hair on its body.

Shen Qingci smiled suddenly, then lifted Miaomiao's two front paws, and then carried it outside.


Miao Miao screamed sharply, thinking that Shen Qingci was killing a cat without knowing it.

Poor Miaomiao was carried outside by the master, swaying, and the cat who frightened the cat was about to roll his eyes. At this time, he stretched out a hand and brought back Miaomiao who was hanging outside, this one. Back in the carriage, he shrank directly into the arms of Burning Heir, and he was unwilling to come out. It was really like Shen Qingci abused the cat.

Lao Hengxi soothed and touched the hair that exploded from Miaomiao's body. When she turned around, she saw Shen Qingci still lying at the window and looking out. Although there was no scenery, although the whole way was barren mountains and wilderness, although, Sometimes there is not even a tree, but in Shen Qingci's eyes, these are not scenes, but they are so comfortable.

In the last life, she was trapped in that yard. For six full years, it was also six years after life was better than death. What she wanted most was the sky outside, how the sky is so clear, how the sky is full of snow, How frosty leaves red flowers.

And like today Gao Yuyue, a land of heaven and earth, she is here.

She squinted her eyes happily, smelling the rustic wind, and even her heart opened up.

Sure enough, reading thousands of books is worse than traveling thousands of miles.

There are still many places she has to go, and there are many places she has to go. She wants to drive her own fragrant fragrance from house to house. She wants to make all of her country's silver. She wants to be strong and strong, and she wants her father to never The march, even if it was a march, was a sweeping sweep, invincible and invincible.

The wind blew her hair a little messy, but she was still lying outside and enjoying the free air. No wonder Bing Hengsi had always disliked Beijing, and had always been walking outside before.

Only after leaving the capital, did I know what the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and I can also know what the sky is high and the sky is high.

Until she was tired and sleepy, she sat back, and then stretched out her hand to hug Miaomiao.

As a result, Miao Miao was frightened by her unscrupulous master, and now she shuddered in the arms of Broken worry, unwilling to come out anyway.

Shen Qingci covered her face, she didn't mean it, she really didn't mean it, she just lost her mind.

Lao Hengsi stretched out his hand and touched her forehead, "I said, if you like it, I will take you all over the country."

"Okay," Shen Qingci squinted his eyes, and within a pair of beautiful eyes, they were all small crescents.

It is enough to see how happy she is at this time, and she is still happy and a little proud.

This time is completely different from before, the mood is different, and the mood of natural viewing is also different.

The carriage rushed all the way, but they did not feel any discomfort on the first day? There is a sense of excitement in everyone's heart, after all, they have been in Beijing for a long time.

As it was initially decided today, it was also when they traveled far, especially Yuan Qiu Niang. When there was a flood in her home, she was still young. Later, she sold herself and stayed in the house all the time, and later in that small village. They have never been out before, and at this time, they are going to go across several counties, from east to west, and they all have to go through about three months. Not only can it be clear Feeling the changes in the four seasons, you can also appreciate the different customs and customs on this road.

Not to mention that the living customs of different places are different, even from village to village, there are big differences. I believe that what you see and hear along the way will definitely benefit them and benefit them in their future lives. In terms of insights, beliefs, there will be a lot of help.

Who says that a woman must not go out of the door, and that the second door is not open. Who says that a woman without talent is virtue, and who says that a woman can only care for her father and teach her son?

Why not look at Shen Qingci, what happened to her as a woman? There are a few people in the world who are like her, one family of Yipinxiang, supporting tens of thousands of soldiers in Dazhou, and one family for Yipinxiang. grain.

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