Why do women have to be restrained in one place and live only for others.

They can also live out their own wonderfulness, even stronger, more, and better than men.

It wasn't until the night came that they arrived in a town, and then parked the carriage at the entrance of an inn, fed the horses and rested, and after the rest, they would continue to come out tomorrow.

Shen Qingci walked out holding Miaomiao, most of her face was hidden in the cap of the cloak. The only thing she could see was her cherry pink-like red lips, shaped like ingots, slightly raised, delicate and red, as if using The mouth fat is just fine, and what you can see is that the girl's skin is extremely white, and the white is almost dyed, hazy, as light as autumn frost.

The shopkeeper actually didn’t dare to raise his eyes more. The business of the inn was originally from the south and the north. As the shopkeeper of the inn, he has some insight. Although these clothes are simple, they can see that they are absolutely good. The tolerance is even better than that of ordinary people, and they are also dominated by the couple of men and women among them. Such a few people, at a glance, are by no means ordinary guests.

Naturally, the shopkeeper did not dare to make trouble.

Busy is to ask Xiao Er to take people to the upper-class guest room, and he didn't ask too much.

The door of the guest room opened. Although the inside was simple, it was clean. Bai Mei used to replace the bedding with what she brought from the house.

Soon after, Bai Mei and Qiuniang had brought a meal. They were out of town, it was impossible to be more particular. As long as they were full, the food made by this inn seemed to be not bad.

"With you," Shen Qingci put Miaomiao's snack box on the ground, Miaomiao had already ran over and started to eat the meat in the bowl.

"I regret taking it out."

Shen Qingci touched Miaomiao's little head. This journey is not very convenient after all. Even they are likely to eat and sleep, let alone such a small cat?

It’s good to stay in the mansion, eat well, and live well. It can still be the noble female cat of the whole capital, but if it comes out with them, it can only be a dirty cat.

What if I get abducted?

"Nothing, it's pretty good."

Brandon also squatted down. This cat was raised by the two of them. It is not seen on weekdays, and I miss it tightly. Not to mention that it is not seen for a year. If it fails, it may Two more years.

Miaomiao will have forgotten their two masters by then, so it is better to bring them.

After all, they belong to the family.

Both of them currently have nothing to say, and they are not afraid of people making jokes. Both of them have raised Miaomiao as their own children. Since the day they picked it up, they have regarded Miaomiao as family members. Up.

"Let's go, let's eat first."

Biao Hengsi pulled Shen Qingci to his feet, and then took her to eat and dinner together. It was a whole day's journey. It should be hungry and a good night's rest. If nothing serious happens, they probably Will leave here early in the morning at Mingmu.

There are not many local customs here, and it's just an ordinary town, so there is no intention to stay.

Shen Qingci understood that she picked up the chopsticks and ate. She was really not picky about what to eat. Anyway, she can eat anything here, um, it won't be possible to eat soil.

Perhaps it was also because of the exhaustion of the car. Shen Qingci finished the meal and said that she would have fun with Miao Miao for a while. As a result, she fell asleep not long after she lay down. She was still asleep quite well, and it was all night. She had never been up for the night, until she opened her eyes again, it turned out that it was dawn the next morning.

After a simple cleanup, they set off again in a carriage.

The carriage was walking on the official road all the way. At first, Shen Qingci was still a little leisurely to enjoy the scenery every day, even if the outside was always desolate, but for her, it was still very novel, even if it was really just a wilderness She had never seen it in the wild.

It’s just that, looking at it, it seems to be annoying to watch. Whoever left to walk like this is January, watching a month of soil, but also eating January of soil. She couldn't stand it for a long time, so later, she didn't want to look outside anymore, but started to like to read in the carriage.

The carriage of Shuo Palace was really different from other carriages. It was very comfortable to sit in. Sometimes she couldn't feel the carriage moving. Fortunately, she was afraid that she would be bored when she was worried, so she brought it to her. Many books, most of them are travel notes of various places that she likes to read, and there are some strange stories, these books are enough for her to read about a year. And the road is only March, and these books can always help her pass some time.

And they went along and collected a lot of good books.

There are no years in the book. After Shen Qingci has turned over one after another, the road is not so boring, and I don’t feel that it has been a long time. Most of it is just because of this path Almost every big county has its own house, and the house is cleaned in advance before their arrival, sometimes staying for one day, sometimes staying for three days, just stop and go like this, probably After walking for four months, they were already in the realm of the Longlin.

"Is it there?" Shen Qingci opened the curtain of the carriage, and a gust of cold wind also poured in, and it was an instant that she couldn't help but fight a martial arts battle. It was really too cold.

Fortunately, they did not delay much time on the road, otherwise, they might not be able to reach Changlin. This place, I am afraid 〃 is about to snow, if it really snows, then maybe they will be caught Trapped in the front place, not to the territory of Changlin.

Evergreen walked in from a distance, and also arched his hand to Luo Hengli.

"My son, the house is ready."

Changqing was a few days earlier than them. He came on horseback and bought a house here. At this time, he also cleaned the inside and out of the house. The charcoal fire and rice noodles inside were also I have prepared a lot, if it is not enough, then I will buy it again.

Shen Qingci stomped her feet on the ground a few times, and she really felt that her feet were about to be frozen. Fortunately, she has been in good health over the past few years. Although it is very cold, she hasn't frozen anything. Besides, there is the little heater, Miao Miao.

Even Miao Miao was also afraid of the cold. She shrank herself into a ball, and she was unwilling to come out. A good little fat cat followed them all the way to eat and sleep, but after a few months of walking, Miao Miao Shengsheng also lost weight.

When he was in the house that Changqing bought, Shen Qingci was quite satisfied with the house. It was a three-in house. The house was divided into front and back yards. The back yard was very large enough to grow some vegetables.

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