Shen Qingci walked over, sat up again, then poked Miaomiao's head, Miaomiao raised her head and glanced at her master, then bowed her head and ate the dried fish.

"It was unhappy today, but what happened to it?"

Miao Miao often followed Biao Heng, so its temperament, when Biao Heng had understood a lot, today he was unwilling to run around, and was lying motionless in his den. This was obviously irritated.

Who on earth is angry with it?

"Changqing brought back a little yellow cat."

And having said that, Shen Qingci wanted to laugh now, just because Miao Miao's small aggrieved eyes made her unable to laugh.

"It took the little yellow cat away with a paw, and it was also angry about it."

Shen Qingci nodded his chin, "I always feel Miao Miao is getting better and better now, and it seems that I can understand what we are saying?"

"I said it eats a lot, maybe it's angry again."

Branding and worrying again put a dried fish in the bowl, "It's okay, no matter how much you eat, you can raise it, and you can raise it only by raising it. If you raise more, you can't care about it."

There is now a bird and a cat in the Fuzhong, which is enough.

"Okay," Shen Qingci didn't even think about raising another one. Even if the yellow cat was not called away by Miaomiao's paw, she didn't plan to raise it. She would separate the fragrance in the future, so there really was no time. To take care of the cat, even Miaomiao requires the help of the people in the mansion to take care of it. Baimei and the others may not be able to take care of it. They are all her cronies, and they all want to make spices with her.

If it’s someone else, to be honest, she won’t be relieved

It can be said that the fragrance of Yipinxiang is their most hidden thing, and the process must not be known to others. Moreover, she will study a lot of fragrances in the future. If the fragrance is leaked, it will have a great impact on Yipinxiang.

This is the reason why there is still no outsider even if she is busy and worry about being pulled to make spices.

The trouble is big.

Only they knew about Yipinxiang.

Shen Qingci played with Miaomiao for a while, and then entered the incense room. She has been feeling something recently, as if she had touched something from it, but it was always a little worse.

Maybe if you make more spices, she will get some inspiration from it. It is really difficult to get out of this step, but as long as you get the first piece of fragrance, then the second and third pieces will not be so difficult.

Spices are being made day by day, but Shen Qingci always feels that there is still something missing, and these missing things almost always make her restless at night and restless day by day. I also felt her anxiety come out.

This day, Branding gave her a fox fur cloak, which was just made here. It was sewn with several foxes. It looks very good-looking, and of course it is quite warm. It is very warm to wear. She's thin and light, but it's warm, and if she walks a few steps, she will sweat.

Shen Qingci raised his head and looked at his face, what's the matter, want to go out? But she didn't want to go out, she wanted to think about Xiangfang, and she didn't realize that she was a little confused because of those Xiangfang.

"I found a good place here to take you out for a walk."


Shen Qingci glanced back at his incense room. In fact, he didn't want to go out at all. However, this was brought up by Brando, so she was still going to go out with him once.

Think about it, it seems that she hasn’t been out for a long time. In fact, it’s okay to go out once, and by the way, she also gives Changqing a day off. Even when she is an official, she has to take a break, and now Changqing’s Xiu Mu always gave a pint of incense.

But thinking of this, she was not reluctant at all. Originally, she really didn't want to go out, but now she also has some interest. Want to know where Brandon should take her with her, and where to go?

It was still snowing here and the carriage was not easy to pass, so they walked away. It was a loss for Shen Qingci to have this cloak, and he didn't really feel cold.

She stretched out her hand to catch a piece of snowflakes, and as soon as the snow fell on her fingers, it quickly melted.

She couldn't help catching a few more pieces, and then raised her face, letting the snowflakes fall on her face piece by piece, and she couldn't help but smile, cool, a little cold, and a little itchy.

The branding stopped, and the snowflakes on her shoulders were also patted clean. Mo Fei said that in fact, she still has to come out more. She is not that weak. Now she is better than ordinary women. To be healthy a lot, there is no need to regard her as the former person who lost both energy and blood. Every winter, her hands and feet will be cold, and she will easily get sick.

Now she, even if she wants to get sick, it's hard to come by.

When they got to the street, there were still more than ten people here, even if it was snowing all the time, but the people on the street had never stopped, just as they had never been afraid of the cold, they were still talking and laughing.

But now, Shen Qingci understands what it means for a party to support a party. If such a heavy snow is placed in the capital, almost no one is willing to come out, not to mention still doing business.

But the people here are used to this kind of life. It feels strange if they don't come out, and they are normal.

The shops on both sides of the street are also open, especially in restaurants and tea shops. You can always see the white gas coming out of them. Just one glance, you know, how warm it is?

People here like doing business and selling, and they also like to drink a pot of tea in a tea house, and then listen to the scholarly teachers in the tea shop, saying that it is a whole day of books, and this is just a day away. time.

And it just so happened that after a while, they arrived at the door of Yipinxiang. Because of the approaching new year, there were more people on the street than before, even if it was a big one. Snow, but for these people, going out is still their favorite and most enjoyable thing.

It wasn’t long before Shen Qingci and Pao Hengsi stood here, and it can be seen that Yipinxiang has entered and exited a lot of people, and many of them came in admiringly, and then returned with satisfaction, surrounded by a faint fragrance. , And such a delicate fragrance also brought some other colors and another floral fragrance in this snowy day.

All the incense this morning came from the first fragrant incense.

Soon after, Brando Hengsi took her to the teahouse of a family and also found a table by the window.

After a few plates came up, the contents were filled with some dried fruits, and the storyteller could be heard talking about the book in a frustrated tone. Shen Qingci took a fruit and put it in his mouth. Next, when I found it tasted good, I was listening to the story told by this storyteller.

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