To the strange stories she loves most.

Soon after, a fish was brought up. The fish was so big that it seemed to weigh several catties.

"How can someone know how to fish at this time?" Shen Qingci quickly picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of fish. The fish is very tender and can be tasted. The fish is very fresh and definitely not a long time.

She loves to eat fish, especially Xiangjiang fish, so she tasted it in one bite, and the fish was freshly caught.

But how can there be fish here?

Everything outside was frozen, even the lake water.

"This is the fish caught from the ice lake." Biao Heng thought habitually removed the fish bones, and then put the fish on Shen Qingci's plate.

"Is it from the ice lake?"

Shen Qingci took another bite of fish, "hasn't the fish been frozen to death?"

"Think too much."

Branding took a bite by himself, "The fisherman will open an ice cave in the ice lake and fish out the fish from the ice cave, and the fish caught are all alive."

"Curious!" It was the first time Shen Qingci heard. She thought that after the lake was frozen, there would be no fish to eat. It turned out that the fish could still live under the ice.

"If you want to go, we can go once."

Lao Hengsi stretched out his hand and fixed the hair around Shen Qingci's face, which also revealed her ruddy face, "There are some things that need to be seen as believable, and ears are false."

"There are some good things here. The money is to be earned, but you really can't get into the eyes of money."

Shen Qingci bit the chopsticks, and then lowered her head to take a bite of fish, and after talking about it, she really feels that she has some magic signs, and she is fine now, and she is making spices more and more. Quickly, even Evergreen is very powerful. Recently, more and more spices have been saved. She really doesn't need to be so eager.

There will always be a way out, and there will always be a way out by her.

She might only have one chance to fish for fish in the ice lake. She didn't know if she would come in the future, so she should really have to see it.

Listening to the book told by the storyteller, while eating the fish here, Shen Qing felt a little more relaxed when he resigned suddenly, even if he had always been a little irritable, at this time, he was calmer and quieter. Even her impetuous heart, thanks to this mood, became brighter.

The storyteller in the teahouse is still talking in a melodious tone. I don't know if it is true or not. If it is only heard as a story, then it is very interesting. This is what people say.

If the true and the false are in harmony, it is nothing more than a picture of a word.

"I want to go fishing for ice fish," Shen Qingci ate the fish. She decided to give her a day's rest before going to catch the fish.

"Okay," Pao Hengsi agreed. Seeing that her eyes were bright, he finally let go of his heart, and he was really afraid. If Shen Qingci continues to be a magician, he will really go crazy and make spices. If she became confused, she might also be the first person in this world.

Shen Qingci continued to eat fish. In the past few days, she actually did not eat well and sleep well, and she also had no taste. Only today, her taste is so good, so she also ate more.

A fish weighing a few catties, she alone ate most of it, and she also ate her belly very full.

Of course, a pair of eyes will eventually have that clearness to the bottom.

It is rare that this world can encounter so many sufferings, can experience a lot of suffering, and still be so ordinary, with a heart of innocence.

Brandon Hengxu stretched out her hand again and squeezed her face, and her eyebrows were gradually curving while she was smiling, and she smiled slightly, and her eyebrows were also picturesque.

Branding also laughed unexpectedly. I really hope that the years are here too, and there will be no more waves. If there is, he can bear it. He just hopes that she can live in peace. Doesn't she like making money? He accompanies her to make money. She likes to travel thousands of miles, and he also compensates her for traveling thousands of miles.

The snow outside is still falling. Looking from here, the frosty snow scene outside is pure and white, and there is nothing but white. The boundless sky under the sky, magnificent and beautiful, even the hearts of people Followed up with arrogance.

The fragrance of spring flowers,

This summer you hurt,

It's cold this autumn,

I'm panicked in winter,

Shen Qing suddenly smiled, and his eyes gradually eased.

On the second day, all the people in the mansion did not make spices, and Shen Qingci was not crazy, even they were relieved that they were not afraid to make spices, they also liked it very much, because of this Not a spice, but to make money for them.

Although money can't buy everything in this world, if you don't have money, you won't even be able to eat a bite of rice, let alone anything else.

And now that Shen Qingci is no longer a magic sign, it also made them finally breathe a sigh of relief, even Li Qi sighed.

Sure enough, Shen Qingci is a female lunatic.

She was a little scared.

Shen Qingci placed Miaomiao inside the mansion, so that Qiuniang could watch. Qiuniang had some wind chill recently, and it was cold outside, so it was not easy to get out.

Inside the mansion, when the carriages had all left, Qiuniang was holding Miaomiao, she couldn't help but padded her toes and looked outside, her pale skin was slightly revealing, and at this time she was also more rosy. .

"Hey..." She sighed.

"I know you want to go out, I also want to go out, but let's stay in the house. When the masters bring the fish back, I will cook the fish for you, but it is much better than your dried fish. Up."


When Miao Miao listened to the fish, it was like Qiuniang's arms burrowed quickly, and she also meowed from time to time, and the eyes of a pair of cats were bright enough to pierce people.

"It's no wonder that Chang Geng always says you seem to be a fine."

Qiuniang couldn't help but pinched Miaomiao's small ears. The two masters like to pinch the cat's ears like this. It's really fun and soft.

She squeezed a few more times, Miao Miao also endured for the fish.

The snow outside was still falling, but to those who were still doing business, they didn’t seem to feel cold. Shen Qingci shook the snowflakes on her body. The snow fell on the fox fur on her body. There is no meaning of melting, as long as it is shaken off gently, all the snowflakes will be shaken to the ground, so this fox fur cloak on her body has never even had a hint of wetness.

"This is a good thing," Shen Qingci touched the cloak on her body and liked it very much.

"Like?" Branding also helped her pat the snowflakes on her shoulders clean.

"I like it." Shen Qingci wrapped the cloak tightly so that even a trace of wind was impenetrable. This is a good thing to keep out the wind when it snows.

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