For this reason, even if he has sat firmly in this dragon chair, he has become the emperor. However, his heart has never been relaxed, and his constant spurs are also because of doing better.

Therefore, he will also let Taihuang live well, and let him also look at this Jinxiu Jiangshan.

Back in his imperial study room, he picked up the memorial on the table again, then sat down at the table, and approved it one by one. This busyness was an afternoon. When it was night, He squeezed his eyebrows slightly, it turned out that it was already so late.

He let out a foul breath.

A hundred wastes are waiting, and I don't know how long it will take to stabilize this situation.

The country his father left for him is still peaceful and strong. The most gratifying place in his heart was that the emperor father was alive in the sky, so that the emperor was just like a useless person before he even started.

For this reason, this country is still stable, and there are not too many internal and external troubles. Now the weather is smooth and the world is peaceful, and it is a peaceful and prosperous age.

An **** came over and only asked where Emperor Wen Yuan was going to go to the Empress Palace today.

To be honest, Emperor Wen Yuan’s attitude towards female **** is rare and shallow, especially now that he feels like a pig. He is paired with people every day, so he has more children. .

So he would rather stay in his study than go to the woman in the palace.

In particular, Taihuang took a stab at the color word, so now it has become like this. The throne that was finally won is gone, so I don’t say it, even his half-life is gone, and it is still Half dead and not alive.

It’s just that he finally thought about it, he was going to sit down with a certain woman of his own. The pig was still going to be a pig, and his son was going to be born. In fact, he really wanted to be like Xiaojun, ten of the same woman. Unwilling to let ten women give birth to one each, and not even every one can give birth.

He lay there that night, with his hands on the outside of the quilt, and his hands folded together on his chest, even when he fell asleep, he still didn't move. .

But he didn't know that the woman lying beside him suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a sharp hatred in the pupils that were like stagnant water.

A golden eagle whirled in the sky, almost cutting through the sky with a chirp.

Bro Heng Yutu put down the cup in his hand, stood up, and then walked outside. The golden eagle swooped down towards him, but he did not avoid it, but raised one arm and the wind lightly rolled up his clothes. The horns also brought the chill of such weather.

"Zhengfeng, but something happened?"


The golden eagle's voice was urgent and loud.

After raising this eagle for so long, I can say that I can say that I am very straightforward about the behavior of this eagle.

This must have happened.

Lao Hengsi opened the curtain and walked into the house. Xin Diao jumped onto the table. His eyes were not as clever as before, and now they are covered with a layer of gray, even the hair on his body. They are all gray, and squatting there is not moving.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Branding put his hand on the golden eagle's head, the golden eagle's Wushen eyes also lit up, and then lightly pecked the master's finger with his sharp beak.

"Come here!" Biao Hengsi shouted to the outside, "Let the kitchen prepare some fish."

And when I heard that there was fish to eat, the golden eagle had some energy. It was really exhausted, and he didn't want to fly, and he didn't want to move. Otherwise, he always likes to grab food. It may be already already. After flying out, it must be impossible to wait.

In this way, it is indeed flying over endlessly along the way.

Branding took a small paper tube from its paws, and then opened it. It was such a small paper tube, but it did not make the golden eagle any worse, it was exhausted here instead of the last time, its neck A lot of silver tickets were hung up. After I went back, I was eating and playing, and I ran to Shen Dingshan to beg for drinks, but this time there was only one small paper tube, but it was almost exhausted to death. Carved.

There was also a very bad feeling in his heart.

When he held the paper tube with his fingers, it suddenly appeared as if something pierced his fingertips. He quickly put his hand in front of his eyes.

No, nothing. There is no stabbing at all, and I don’t know if it is this hand or not. His heart.

He opened the note, and there was only a small note inside.

After a few breaths, he stood up suddenly and calmly.

"Changqing, Changgeng," he called Changqing their names.

When the curtain opened, Changqing and the others also walked in.

"You guys get ready."

Brando Hengsi touched the golden eagle's head, "I understand that we went up the mountain once.

"Up the mountain?"

They couldn't help but glance at each other.

Go up the mountain, what to do? Now it’s the coldest time in the mountains. Although it is no longer snowing here, everyone knows that there is still snow in the mountain that is next to it, even when the spring flowers bloom. The mountains are still snowing.

So it is too dangerous for them to go now.

"Go down and prepare."

Branding did not want to explain anything more, this snow girl must go, no matter how difficult and difficult it is, they will go up the mountain.

"Yes," Changqing took their orders without asking much. They just prepared for it. Soon after Changqing and the others left, Brandon considered that they took out the note and put it on themselves again. In front of him.

The saint is poisoned, and a thousand petals snow lotus is in urgent need.

And the Thousand-petal Snow Lotus happened to be in the long snow mountain, and it was no wonder that the wind flew so fast, just to send this letter.

The paper strips were put aside, and this was when I stood up and prepared for the mountain tomorrow morning.

The Thousand Petal Saussurea is the most precious treasure in the world, and it is also a natural spiritual thing. It is said to be extremely spiritual, can cure hundreds of poisons, and can prolong life by eating it, but few people have seen it.

In fact, when he arrived here, he had already asked someone to look for it. As long as someone really had this medicine in his hands, he had to buy it even at a high price.

It’s just a pity that he has been searching for nothing, and for this thing, he does not have to be successful. This elixir is like a human adventure, it depends on the luck of each person, so he does not Not force.

But this time, it seemed that he hadn't forced it and won't make it. He must find the Thousand Petal Snow Lotus, and even faster, even faster.


Miaomiao ran in from outside the house, jumped over the table, and played with the golden eagle. Although the golden eagle didn't have much energy, when she saw Miaomiao, she pecked Miao with her long mouth. My head is very happy playing cat and bird.

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