Miaomiao rolled on the table until she rubbed the piece of paper under the table. In addition, the table was jumping around because of the two of them, and finally pressed the paper under the table, and the ironing was not for a while. Noticed.

Of course, it was also because of where I was thinking, so I forgot the note for the second time. As for how he remembered it, it was a long time later.

The people in the kitchen also brought in the fish for the golden eagle.

These fishes are also the fishes they fished back in the ice lake last time. They ate some, and now there are a few left, and they are all alive. They will go to the ice lake every day and catch them. One or two, sometimes three or four, and even the people like them can eat such fresh fish.

The golden eagle was really hungry, but it still didn't eat alone. Instead, he moved the food bowl in front of him to Miaomiao with his long mouth.

And when it saw Miaomiao lying on the table and eating, this was the only way to lower its head to eat.

Branding played with the cup in his hand, but his mind sank to the valley.

Thousand-petaled snow lotus must be found, otherwise, the world of this Great Zhou will really be in chaos.

As soon as Shen Qingci came back, he found that the golden eagle had arrived.

"Why are you here?" She came over, squeezing the feathers on the golden eagle, but when she saw the golden eagle like this, she was shocked, "What's the matter with you? Why is it so dirty?"

The golden eagle was downcast, and he really felt that Shen Qingci was deliberately inserting the eagle into his heart.

Why is it so dirty? It's always in the wind and rain. It doesn't even stop, and it wants to fly off its two wings. Now it doesn't even dare to flap its wings.

And she also said that it is ugly, how can such a master be too bully.

"A Ning, sit down."

Bro Hengsi asked Shen Qingci to sit down, and his voice was not hard to hear.

Shen Qingci sat down obediently, but he wondered how long she hadn't seen her in such a serious tone, and what happened, what happened, he would talk to her in this tone?

Bro Hengli stretched out his fingers and stroked Shen Qingci's hair, "A Ning, I have something to do. I may have to go out for ten and a half days. You stay in the house for a living, you know?"

"What are you going to do?"

Shen Qingci blinked, why she had heard from Shi that she didn't know what else he had, and she didn't tell her.

Isn't it weird that this happened suddenly without warning?

And Branding has always kept nothing from her. Could it be that this time he is going to do something serious?

"Military affairs."

Branding used these four words directly. Of course, he didn’t tell any lies. This is indeed a military matter. The country cannot be ruled out for a day, especially a famous emperor, one after another, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. After successive changes, Emperor Wen Yuan was in trouble again, so the people who were sure to be in a daze would feel uneasy all day long, and at this time, this was the time when the border crossing was tightened the most.

Therefore, this matter must be eliminated, then he must find the Thousand Petal Snow Lotus.

In fact, Shen Qingci still wants to know, but since Brando has already said that it is a military matter, she can no longer inquire about some things that she can't know and can participate in.

"Don't worry," Brando Hengsi gently stroked her hair, "It's not an important thing to go and return. It's been a long time since I'm on the road."

"I see," Shen Qingci agreed, but she always felt that something was wrong. She couldn't help but glanced at Bengheng. The expression on Bengheng was still the same as before, light and light. laugh.

However, Shen Qingci had such a feeling inexplicably. It was strange that she had never said the matter, until the next day when Lao Heng worry took Changqing and them out, she still felt something wrong?

However, it seems that the partiality is right everywhere, and there is no problem wherever, so where is the problem, she doesn't understand?

Under the table, Miaomiao was lying there, still snoring, Shen Qingci sat for a while, feeling a sense of buoyancy, so she got up and went to sit in the incense room. Maybe she could do it again. I came up with a few incense recipes.

She now has five kinds of Lou Jiaxiang recipes in her hands. These few fragrances, plus the ones given to her by her mother, are enough to hold up half of the facade. This is also the result of her labor in the past few months.

For her, every kind of incense recipe is very difficult. The incense recipe in the Lou's Fragrance Code, it is difficult to convert it into an ordinary one. Now there are five, but it is actually beyond the accident. Up.

She pressed her red lips lightly, preparing to work hard again, and strive to make up ten incense prescriptions as soon as possible. Then, in the future, she won't have to be so busy, and she can get her hands out.

She squatted down, then stretched out her hand and poked Miao Miao's head.

"Would you like to go with me, let's smell the fragrance, OK?"

In the end, Miao Miao opened her eyes lazily, and then stayed under the table and did not want to come out.

Well, Shen Qingci didn't force the cat, she stood up and smoothed her clothes gently, and then walked to the incense room, when she arrived, Li Qi was still busy inside. With.

Shen Qingci found out that she didn’t know how advanced the martial arts of Mo Li was, but her hand speed was very fast, which seemed to be comparable to her. If you talk about the talent of making incense, Shen Qingci felt that she actually It might be better than Li Li.

Because of her own hidden fragrance, the spices she does not control are good or bad, and they are all top-grade fragrances, but it is different. The time she has been in contact with spices is still very short, but she has already had a good taste. achievement.

I have to say that even Shen Qingci's heart is slightly bitter.

The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and she had been shot dead on the beach.

She sat down again and began to experiment with another Xiangfang. This sitting was one afternoon, and this sitting was also at night, until she felt a little pain in her head. After returning to God, the sky outside is also dark.

She propped up her face on the table, and she didn't really want to eat.

Branding is already leaving, so early and so anxious, really don't know what happened?

If she is not worried, then it is true.

As a result, the feeling of being concealed came again, and after a while it made her a little irritable.

"Madam, the food is ready."

Bai Mei was already yelling at people outside, and she was thinking in her heart that every one of them is crazy. Mo Li is like this, even Shen Qingci is like this, even if it really falls into the eyes of Qian, but this meal is always eaten, this water is also to be drunk, and it is necessary to sleep, right?

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