"Got it," Shen Qingci stood up, then stretched slightly.

"Mo Li, accompany me out to dinner."

She didn't want to eat much by herself, and of course she wasted the food.

Li Qi stood up without a word, his body was also stained with a faint fragrance. Shen Qingci understood this very well. It turned out that Li Li was about to become a real incense master.

The scent on her body slowly became her unique scent, and it also belonged to the incense master. Even if her hand touched how much scent, she was the only one left on her body. This smell of my own.

Shen Qingci knew it, but he didn't reveal a word to Mo Li.

These things will still be said until the day when Li Li became a real incense master, I believe she will understand it by then.

Qiuniang brought up all the dishes she cooked one by one, made four kinds of dishes, and one soup. Shen Qingci couldn't finish it, so she asked them to eat together.

Shen Qingci still didn't have much taste, but in the end he picked up his chopsticks and ate.

"Where is Miaomiao?" She put down her chopsticks, why didn't she see Miaomiao today? In the past, it always followed her up and down, what happened today, and disappeared?


Bai Mei pointed to the table on the other side, and as expected, she saw a white dumpling hiding under the table, and now it was a small dumpling.

"Why are they still there?" Shen Qingci didn't understand. What's so fun under the table? What? It's been a whole day from morning to now. He still doesn't want to leave?

So, in the world of cats, they really don't understand as human beings.

It is also possible that cats also think about the birth of cats, just as they are now.

Shen Qingci counted the rice in her mouth from time to time. She ate very slowly and was a little absent-minded. So the rice was only half a bowl of rice, so she already wanted to eat it.

"You eat, I'll go to bed for a while."

She pressed her forehead lightly, and she felt a little pain. She didn't know if she hurt the wind?

Bai Mei is very worried about Shen Qingci. In fact, don’t say Shen Qingci, even she is the same, but also a Qiuniang. They are just like their wife, they don’t know how to eat, and they don’t have the taste of food. .

Shen Qingci walked to the table, then squatted down again, and put his hand on top of Miaomiao's small head, "Then you continue to think about your cat, and I am going to think about my life."


Miao Miao yelled at her, and a small paw also stretched out, scratching a leg of the table without getting in.

Shen Qing smiled involuntarily. Being a cat is actually quite good, so heartless.

She stood up, walked into the inner room, and lay down in her clothes. She folded her hands on her chest, and when she closed her eyes, she also let go of her mind.

It is also clearer to hear those whistling wind outside.

From time to time, the blowing window paper also rustled.

The sky dimmed bit by bit, and finally reached the time when the five fingers could not be seen by reaching out.

Suddenly, Shen Qingci sat up, and she took out a Ye Mingzhu and placed it in her palm, using it as a candlestick.

Wipe it.

What sound is this?

Shen Qingci lowered Ye Mingzhu in his hand, only to find that Miaomiao was still holding the table leg.

She opened the quilt, put a piece of clothing on herself and walked over, and then sat on the ground like this, watching Miaomiao picking her legs on the table.

"Is it so fun?"

She didn't believe it but also scratched it, but she didn't feel anything funny either?

"I really don't know what you are scratching?" She stretched out her hand and poked Miaomiao's little head. Miaomiao didn't care. She kept on scratching and scratching, all of which made Shen Qingci want to pinch. The cat was gone, but in the end she held it back.

Not going to sleep in the middle of the night, just want the same cat to feel sorry for it, if someone knows about it, don't laugh at her.

She always has to take care of the status of Princess Shuo, otherwise, if she doesn't even have a little majesty, then no one is afraid.

Miao Miao is scratching again. This paw goes down one by one. I'm afraid that it won't take long. This table leg is about to be scrapped. Fortunately, this table is not a valuable thing. It is just ordinary. Wood, if it really wants to scratch, she would just buy a few pieces for it, and let it scratch away.

Shen Qingci stood up again, walked back to where his bed collapsed, and then lay down, but it was strange that he couldn't fall asleep anymore, and the sound of clasping the legs of the table was still heard in his ears. , She also fell asleep, until the next day when she woke up, the sky outside was also bright. After she was cleaned up, she first looked at Miao Miao, but Miao Miao was still very persistent and scratching the legs of the table there. .

"I don't know what you are thinking?"

Shen Qingci always feels Miao Miao is crazy? It has never been so crazy, but now that Branding is not there, she can't figure out what happened to this cat?

I asked Bai Mei and the others, but they couldn't tell why.

After all, between these people, but none of them is branding.

It can only be said that Miao Miao has really found a fun toy, or it may be that its paws are too itchy, so she found a place and was scratching it.

And this argument is still more convincing. Miao Miao was indomitable before, but it doesn't mean it will be indomitable in the future.

In the beginning, it was scratching and scratching. It was really weird. It was scratching every day, and it was scratching all the time. In addition to eating, sleeping, and convenience, it almost never saw its paws idle.

And Shen Qingci finally believed that Miao Miao must be grinding her own claws, so she didn't care about it much.

Inside the incense room, Shen Qingci spit out the stale breath in her lungs again. She put down the pen in her hand, took up what she had written, and then placed it on her lips and blew gently. .

Finally, it is another fragrance recipe. As long as Li has made it and there are no mistakes, then it can be used again soon. When the branding comes back, they can build an authoritarian fragrance workshop here. This place can also be self-sufficient, and of course it can also be shipped in large quantities. First, it can keep the store of Yipinxiang, and second, it can get rid of the inconvenience, and then it can collect a lot of money here.

Shen Qingci handed the Xiang Fang to Mo Li, and he too leaned aside, faintly sleeping for a while, waited until he was sober, and then continued.

Suddenly, she sat up straight and opened her eyes.

Then he stood up with a scream and walked outside. Li Li quickly put down what he was holding, and followed Shen Qingci.

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