Unable to help, she took another sip, almost before it burned her mouth. She blew the bowl, and when she turned around, she saw that Orion was already in the bowl and drank all the soup in it.

This is obviously in a pot, can it happen, doesn't he know how to burn his mouth?


Orion let out a sigh of relief. After this bowl of soup, he felt that the cold air that had been suffocating in his body these days has disappeared without a trace, even on the top of his forehead. I sweated a lot.

Shen Qingci also put down the bowl, she had enough, a bowl of soup, some rabbit meat, but also a slight support for her stomach.

Li Li put all the remaining mushrooms away. When tomorrow, they can still have another meal. Now there is still some time. She wants to go out and look for it, maybe she can look for more. Something to eat.

Orion thinks in the same way. While it’s still a little bit bright, they can find more, so they can find more. In this way, they will have something to eat tomorrow, and the extra can be taken with them. They will definitely spend a few days on the mountain. , Maybe they really want to eat some dry food.

Inside the cave, only Shen Qingci was here, guarding the fire and waiting for them to come back.

From time to time, she would add some firewood to it, so the fire was extinguished. Inside the fire, there was a crackling noise from those who did not enter, and it didn't take long for the firewood to be thrown in before it had already burnt.

The sky outside also gradually darkened. Li and Orion also rushed back one after another. They also only brought back some firewood. As for the food, it was a pity that they did not meet it, so sometimes luck This thing really can’t be counted on again and again. No matter how lucky, it’s impossible to have the same good luck all the time.

Shen Qingci put the cloak on his body, and fell asleep when he lay there. The outside was so big that he could still hear the sound of firewood burning in his ears.

Li Li did not sleep, but sat beside her, guarding the fire.

And Shen Qingci didn’t know what he was thinking about. After a while, he shrank his body in the cloak and fell asleep. When she opened her eyes again, the fire was still on. , The sky outside is slightly bright.

She put on the cloak, and then went out. There was another night of snow last night. Even the footprints they left behind were not found everywhere. Only some newly stepped footsteps remained. On the snowy ground, this needless to say, it is also inseparable.

Orion was still asleep, and he could hear his thunderous screams.

Standing outside, Shen Qingci was also waiting for Li Qi to return.

Soon after, I saw Li Qiyuan walking over, carrying a cleaned pheasant in his hand.

There are so many pheasants and rabbits here, I don’t know if there are beasts like bears and tigers?

Shen Qingci raised his head and looked at the far side. There was still no mountain on the edge. Xu was there. There would be those things.

The genius at this time was lightly lit up. I have to say that this time I went out, Li Qi's luck was indeed not bad, and she really found a pheasant, although it was a little smaller, but also thinner. Some, but after all, they can have a meal.

When Orion woke up, he found that there was something ready to eat, and he was not polite and made himself a big bowl of soup. The chicken in the soup was mixed into the soup. With the meat, the whole thing was eaten into his stomach.

After eating and drinking, they are also going to set off.

The snow outside was still very big, almost always covering their eyes. Shen Qingci blinked his eyes lightly, almost unable to lift his wet eyelashes.

She cheered up and kept walking forward.

By this time, even Orion himself could not be taken lightly. The place he had been to the most was on the top of the mountain.

They walked forward with one foot and one shallow foot, but they were never found from beginning to end. The trace of the Thousand Snow Lotus is something that is passed down. If it is really visible at any time, then it is not passed down. Become Chinese cabbage.

"Little lady, send you here so I can no longer go upward."

Orion wiped off the sweat on his head. Even in such a cold day, he was still sweating all over. It can be seen how difficult it is to walk this section of the road, even if it is like him, now, to be honest, it is Scared.

To be honest, he cherishes his life, this silver is good, but only the silver of life is good, if he has the silver, he will die.

So what's the use of earning a gold mountain and a silver mountain? It is better to be poor than poor, but you can survive.

"Okay," Shen Qingci is not too difficult for others.

They walked the road ahead by themselves. If they could find it, it would be their luck, but if they couldn't find it, they could only say that if they were hit by the snow lotus, they could not blame others.

Of course, the two people looking for it, there is always more than 10% hope, right? Maybe, the brand has already found it, and their luck is much better than her and Li Li.

"Those two, please be careful," Orion actually still felt a little guilty of conscience, after all, putting the two little ladies here is a bit unnatural, but he is afraid of death.

He thought for a while, and finally handed him a short knife with him to Shen Qingci.

"This is what I use with me, maybe it's a little use, I'll give it to you."

In other words, there is only this little thing on him, which they can use.

"Thank you."

Shen Qingci took the short knife and put it in his bag. I don't know if it can be used, but for them, it is indeed much more useful than gold and silver.

And when they got here, everything afterwards also needed them to do it themselves.

In the future, it was the Orion that had walked far away, and became more and more alienated from them. In the end, it only became a little snowy shadow, and later, it was impossible to find it again.

"Let's go," Shen Qingci walked forward again. In fact, she didn't know where to go, she had to find a place to rest before she waited until she made the next decision.

They walked for more than an hour, and then they found a flat stone, but the wind was leaking around it. This was the safest place they found.

The two were about to rest here for one night.

"I'm going to see if there is anything to find?" Li Li stood up, and was about to go out, looking for some small animals, the best thing to find, but if they can't find it, they can only eat Those dry food.

After Li Li left, Shen Qingci also went out to see if he could find some dry wood to come back. The sky was about to get dark. If Li Li kept waiting, it didn’t mean that the fire today would not rise.

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