The wind and snow from outside blew on her face from time to time, making it cold, stinging and painful.

There is a big tree in front of me, it is decades old, so the crown is very big, she doesn't know what the tree is like when it is a piece of fresh green, she just knows now, when the snow is flying. There was only a bare tree stem left.

She went under the tree and dug up the snow, looking for some edible mushrooms.

In the end, she searched for it all around, but she didn't find any good mushrooms, and at the same time she didn't find a few dry firewood.

She didn’t believe in evil, but she went to find another tree, but she still didn’t. And she was angry too, she didn’t believe it. She couldn’t find some wood for drying. In such a big place in the mountains, it would be true. Is there no firewood to burn?

After pulling the roots of several big trees, she finally found some dried firewood, and these dry firewood.

It's a pity that she didn't find the mushrooms, not even a single piece of grass. Now she just hopes that Li Qi's luck will be better, so that they won't have to eat the remaining dry food.

She hugged the firewood to the stone, and then picked up some wet firewood and piled it around. In this way, she could block some wind. When she finished all these things, she saw that Li Qi was back. , And she was carrying a rabbit in her hand.

This is found.

Shen Qingci finally breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, if there was something to eat, the dry food was also saved.

Li Li lit the firewood inside. The firewood was much dry, so as soon as the flint was up, it was directly lit, and of course there was not too much smoke.

The snow fell outside all night, and they could hear the sound of snow falling on the ground. The cold wind blew all night and the snow fell all night.

Early the next morning, Shen Qingci woke up.

At this time, Li Li was already burning water, and Shen Qingci's heart also had some unspeakable guilt.

"Mo Li, I'm sorry."

She hugged her legs tightly. At first, she was only thinking about it, but she forgot that the so-called snow lotus was not so easy to meet. This is a life-saving fight, but can they fight it?

She used her own life to fight it all, but why did she use Li Qi to fight together.

Mo Li never owed her.

"You are my master."

Li Li poured a cup of hot water for Shen Qingci, and put it in front of her, "You take me, I can live, if you go by yourself, when the son comes back, I will die."

Li Qi also poured himself a cup, and his eyes were calm and there was no fluctuation in it.

"Those of us who should be hidden guards died for the sake of the master."

Shen Qingci squeezed the cup tightly, and drank mouthfuls. There was only a pair of pupils that were originally Qingping, and a heavy color was slightly condensed.

She doesn't like to pay the lives of others.

After eating, Li Li also packed his large luggage, and put his back on his body.

"Let's go."

She walked out and stood facing those cold winds, and Shen Qingci also came out, tightening her cloak tightly.

"Mo Li, if we find it this time, what do you want most?"

"Silver," Mo Li loves silver the most right now, and she doesn't love anything else. As long as she can give her silver, she doesn't even want to be an emperor. What's good about being an emperor. You poison it today, and he poisons it tomorrow. , It’s better to hold the silver, the sky is high and the birds fly, and the sea is wide.

"Okay," Shen Qingci took a thick branch and peeked out the way ahead.

"As long as we find it, I will give you one hundred thousand taels of silver when I go back."

"you said?"

Mo Li squinted his eyes, "Madam, but what you say has to be counted."

"Of course," Shen Qingci squinted and smiled. If he really finds one, don't say one hundred thousand taels, one million taels are fine. As long as they can be found, she just hopes that God will pity the people of Da Zhou and return them. Zhou is a good emperor.

The turbulence caused, and the last bitter, is not others, but the people of the whole Great Zhou Dynasty.

The two of them walked forward step by step, and the snow was a little bit buried in their knees. Each step felt very difficult, and each step was extremely laborious.

With a snap, Shen Qingci stopped and looked back at the snowy sky.

She seemed to see something just now?

"Mo Li, have you seen it?"

Shen Qingci asked Mo Li, "What was that thing just now?"

"Rabbit," Li Li probed the road ahead, this was raising his foot, "It's just running too fast, so there is no chance to catch it."

"It's a pity."

Shen Qingci really felt that it was a pity that a rabbit might be enough for them to eat two meals.

And it didn't take long to walk, she seemed to see another one, and suddenly, another black bird flew up, and within a moment, it was gone.

"Mo Li, what's going on?"

Shen Qingci asked Mo Li, "Are they running for their lives?"


Mo Li tightened his red lips. They were fleeing, and there was only one reason for them to escape.

That is, they are in danger. Animals are more alert than humans. If they really talk like this, then what happened?

The two of them continued to walk forward, a kind of animals that could still be seen fleeing around, but at this time, they didn't want to catch even one. They didn't figure out what made these animals panic. Before, the lives of the two of them were also here.

"Are we going to stop?"

Shen Qingci has never encountered such a situation. These animals are really better than humans in warning. So what are they going to do now, are they also staying away from this place with them?

And ahead is the danger they don't know.

"I can't escape."

Li Qi shook his head, "We are not them. They can run, but humans can't." Even if she can, Shen Qingci can't. Shen Qingci doesn't even have a bit of effort. In this place, even if she is carrying her It is too late, so they can only continue forward, maybe there is nothing ahead.

And they can't just go back because of this possibility.

At this moment, there are some of them, and they can't get in and out.

No matter how far the two of them walked, the scattered animals they encountered were scarce.

Shen Qingci couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, seemingly fine.

There is ice and snow all around, and only the two of them are here, still like trapped beasts, moving forward hard here.

There is no way forward, and there is no way back.

Since there is no way, it is better to go straight up.

The sound of the card also caused both of them to stop.

Shen Qingci raised his head and looked ahead, as if nothing had happened.

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