This kind of night pearl is only one in the world. The light that comes out is a kind of white light. When it is taken out at night, it is like the light of day. It is very bright. No matter how long you look at it, how long you are busy. Will hurt the eyes.

She always brought the beads with her to make incense. Fortunately, she brought this thing this time. She only remembered it now. It turned out that she brought this thing out. If there is no fire, it won't make you lose sight of your fingers and bump into things everywhere.


There was another sound.

Shen Qing's remarks are already certain. There must be flowing water in it. It's just that in such a place, the water is frozen to ice. Unless it is hot spring water, of course there is another possibility, that is, it is in this cave. The temperature is also higher than outside.

She really hopes to be the first one, then she can live safely here, in short, she should be able to live until the ice and snow melt.

Holding the Ye Mingzhu in her hand, she walked inward again. As expected, there was a small pond at the innermost part of the cave, and from the top of the pond, water dripped from time to time.

The sound of Tida that she heard just now also came from here.

She ran over quickly, and with the light of Ye Mingzhu, almost all of them could see the clear water, and there were some beautiful stones at the bottom.

The water is clean and drinkable.

A kind of heat is also coming from the face, Shen Qingci's heart can't help but a joy, this seems to be a hot spring.

Carefully, she put her hand into the pool, and as soon as her fingers touched the water, the comfortable warmth made her frostbitten fingers feel itchy.

She quickly took out her hand, it was really hot spring water.

Sure enough, this is the road to heaven. Who can imagine that there is such a hot spring here in the mountains of ice and snow.

God’s love for mankind is here.

Shen Qingci stood up again, she put her baggage in it, it was also very warm because of the hot spring water, and living here, there is really no need to make a fire Come to keep warm.

But when she got out of the cave, she couldn't help but fought a cold war.

It was really cold outside.

But now that it’s not too late in the sky, Shen Qingci has to find something for herself to eat and use. She is not Li, she doesn’t know martial arts, and can’t get to eat, so she can only do it first. Give yourself more plans.

It was an avalanche just now, and many dead animals could be seen everywhere on the road, and she even found a wild boar.

This wild boar is a little too big.

Shen Qingci is still thinking about how to get this wild boar back. Such a big wild boar is enough for her to eat for a long time. The rest is made into bacon, so it will last longer. Anyway, it can last until the snow melts.

She tried to pull the wild boar, but she didn't move at all. She tried several times without giving up, but with her strength, even if she exhausted her milk, it would be impossible Pull the wild boar back.

And she thought about it, and finally found a few small pheasants, hares and the like to take home. When she came back, she already had a short knife in her hand, and this short knife was given to him by the hunter. Fortunately, she didn't lose it at the time. She put it in the baggage, and the baggage was never lost.

She walked to the wild boar, then squatted on the ground, watching the wild boar like this for a long time.

She had never killed a pig before, but she was in the other courtyard of the Palace of Weiguo at that time. She had seen some because of curiosity, and she probably knew how the pig was killed?

Although I haven't touched my hands, I haven't eaten pork. I've always seen Zhuran.

After squatting for a while, the weather is still a bit dark. Shen Qingci knows that even if she doesn’t do it now, she will still move tomorrow, and now that this wild boar is just dead, the meat on her body is the most serious. Fresh, otherwise it will be frozen to stone tomorrow.

She gritted her teeth, and then took a short knife and began to rip the wild boar.

Only when the **** wild boar was in front of her.

Shen Qingci still looked at her concentration too high, and she didn't know how many times she vomited. Fortunately, she didn't eat much by herself, so the last thing she vomited was yellow gall bile.

She grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and took a strong bite, which also forced down the uncomfortable nausea in her mouth. This was the way to cut the wild boar into the weight she could handle, and then point by point. The order was taken back.

And that night, she hadn't slept almost all night, so that the wild boar was processed and made into bacon.

After the bacon was hung all over the cave, the sky outside was also bright. And she still didn't sleep, and then ran to the place where the avalanche had started to see if she could pick up some other things.

I have to say that her luck is indeed quite good, and it is also a really unparalleled road. She has picked up a few very fat rabbits. These rabbit skins, she can use them, and can make them for herself. Piece of clothing.

She didn't live for nothing during the six years of her stay in Huang's house. There, she could think of everything she could think of, and she could do everything. It is better to plan ahead than to stare at nothing before.

She took all the rabbits to the snowy area, then stripped all the fur on the rabbits, and then scrubbed the mountains clean with snow water.

After killing the wild boar, Shen Qing resigned to realize that she had a lot of courage. Even if she was asked to kill a few more rabbits now, she would not raise her eyelids.

And the ability to kill chickens and rabbits was learned from her and Li Li in the past few days. It was easy for Li Li to do it. It was easy to deal with her movements without seeing her movements between the hands. All right.

It was at Shen Qingci's place that she almost didn't cut off her hand, and she was able to handle the rabbit well, then put it on the branch and began to roast it.

As the rabbits were roasted, there was also a strong fragrance inside the cave. Shen Qingci hadn't eaten for nearly a whole day. He was extremely hungry and extremely cold.

And she had forgotten, when was the last time she was hungry, it seemed that it was the last time she was locked in that little black room by Shen Yueshu.

When the rabbit meat was finally grilled and tender on the outside, she tore off a rabbit leg for herself and sat there to eat.

Although the rabbit meat is not very good, but for a person who has been hungry for a long time, even the roots of the turf can be eaten, let alone the meat.

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