After eating, she hiccuped a bit, which is the only way to look at the cave.

She was still a little worried. She picked up a few stones and piled them at the entrance of the cave. Not only did she block the wind and snow outside, but it was also a lot safer. Then she felt sleepy, leaning on the side and fell asleep without even giving Take a piece of clothing and cover it yourself.

A pool of hot spring water inside, with a layer of white gas from time to time, also raised the temperature of the entire cave a lot, and it was not as cold as that.

After Shen Qingci woke up from sleep, Ye Mingzhu's light was still soft, making the inside of the cave as bright as day, even if the outer center was completely dark.

God, it's dark.

After rubbing her hands, Shen Qingci walked to the hot spring and drank the water. She didn't plan to use this hot spring for other purposes. She only drank it for drinking.

After all, she wants to plan for the long term.

And she doesn't know if she can get out of here, she just knows that it may take a long time to leave here.

And if Mo Li managed to escape, then she would definitely find someone to find her.

To see people in life, to die is to see bones.

So, in the meantime, no matter how difficult or how long, she is going to live.

Looked at the cave in front of you. In fact, she still has a bit of comfort in her heart. After all, she can still have a place to wind and rain, and this place is enough for her to stay for a long time.

I don’t know how long it took. The snow outside stopped, and then stopped. Inside the cave, there was a big change. There was a shabby curtain at the door. Shen Qingci picked it up and didn’t know if it was The animals that climbed up the mountain were still discarded here, whether they were dirty or clean, she did not dislike them now.

As long as it can shelter from wind and rain, what else can be considered?

And inside the cave, the inside has been cleaned up in order.

On the tallest stone inside, there is a night pearl. With this night pearl, whether it is day or night, it makes the inside of the cave bright as day.

The hot spring water in that pool is still dripping from time to time, and the spring water is always crystal clear.

On both sides of the hot spring water, there is a lot of firewood. These firewood has been air-dried, and there is a lot of new firewood. On the fire pile inside, there is a broken iron pot, and the pot is also Suckling something.

Shen Qingci walked in, and also reached out his hand to pat the snowflakes on his shoulders, then untied the cloak and put it aside.

She walked to the fire inside, then opened the pot and looked at the soup she had cooked inside.

There are not many raw materials, just the animals she picked up outside. The temperature here is extremely low. The dead animals, even if they are picked up now, are very fresh, and of course they are frozen to stones.

She found this pot in the corner of the cave. In addition to this pot, there was a small pot, two cups, and some old clothes.

So now it seems that this cave has been lived in before.

But no matter who lived in the first place, it was a big help to her. After all, she is using these things now, and she needs them urgently.

With the pot, the pot, and the clothes, at least, her life is much better. Even if she doesn't wear those clothes, at least they can be hung at the entrance of the hole as a curtain.

The pot is so useful.

The pot can be used to make soup and drink, and it can also make her use hot spring water instead of washing her things with snow.

Although this place has become colder, it has also suffered a bit, but thanks to Zeng Jin's six years, even if she is alone here, she can still live without driving herself crazy.

After washing her hands inside, she picked up a bowl and then scooped some soup for herself with a wooden spoon.

Holding the bowl in both hands, Shen Qingci placed the bowl next to his mouth and drank the soup in the bowl.

The soup is boiled with the hot spring water here. I don't know if it is because the spring water is easy to use, or if everything she eats now is fragrant, so the soup is really delicious when taken in her mouth.

After eating, she put on her cloak, took the short knife in her hand, and was about to go out.

The snow outside has never stopped since the beginning, and every morning, her footprints will be buried once again.

Like this piece of white snow, there has never been a human being.

At this time, there was still a plain-colored vastness outside, and Shen Qingci stepped forward, leaving a string of his footprints on the ground.

The snow in the sky gradually drowned her back.

The limbs of the withered tree in the distance moved a bit, and I don't know if it was because of too much snow. It suddenly banged and a branch fell out.

It is also the ice and snow falling to the ground.


A snow-white fox backs away from time to time, and there is a small pure white dumpling in its mouth.

A trace of fear flashed in the white fox's eyes, and he kept backing away, but he couldn't back down the white crystal tiger.

The white fox shook his big tail, and ran with the little fox in its mouth, but while it was running, blood dripped from one of its legs.

Suddenly, the white fox fell into the snow, and put the little dumpling in its mouth, and then gently pushed the little white dumpling with its sharp beak.

Only then did Xiao Tuanzi stretch out his little head. It turned out that it was something else, but a small white fox with a big palm.


The little fox screamed milkily, and also shrank beside the white fox.

The white fox pushed the little fox with its sharp beak, but the little fox did not move. The white fox wanted to stand up, but his shaking legs couldn't stand up.

With a roar, the tiger has already walked in front of them.

The white fox closed his eyes in despair, but when he heard a bang, he almost collapsed the snow.

The white fox didn't understand and looked around again, only to see a person approaching with a short knife in his hand.

The white fox shook his head from time to time, probably trying to get rid of the sudden dizziness, but it didn't take long for it to fall to the ground.

The man had already walked over and was standing in front of the white fox.

"Why it's you again?" With a slight sigh, it's actually impossible to tell whether this is because of evil fate?

Shen Qingci bent down and picked up the white fox, of course he did not forget the little white fox.

"So you are all born?"

She looked at the little one curiously, "It's not big enough, it's very fun."

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