"Forget it, take it back." Shen Qingci kicked the tiger on the ground. "Forget you guys and me. No matter what, I can support you for a few months. After a few months, it will also They should all grow up. The sky here will be warm by then."

She hugged the two foxes and went back first, and then came to deal with the tiger. She couldn't lift the tiger, so she could only divide it like a wild boar last time.

Of course, the tiger's body is all treasures. A tiger of this size is four to three hundred catties. The fur on this body is so good that she just lacks a bed to cover.

The tiger meat should be eaten, but the tiger bones are left behind, maybe they will be useful in the future.

Inside the cave, there is also a warm atmosphere inside, the pot on the top of the fire is cooking, and you can smell the good smell of meat inside.

The white fox lying on a piece of rabbit skin shook his head. This is what stood up, and it hurriedly searched for something, but by the fire, it found a little fox lying on another piece of soft rabbit skin. , It walked forward, but it felt a little pain in its legs. When he lowered his head, he saw that his legs were already wrapped in cloth.

It hurried to the little fox again, licking the fur on the little fox's body. The little fox slept sweetly, but was awake by his own fox.


The little fox leaned his head on the white fox, and the white fox also circled the little fox with his big tail.

"Oh, awake?"

Shen Qingci walked in, and she was also full of coldness. She handled the tiger, and the skin was also peeled. After a few days of drying, she might add a quilt to herself.

It's a pity. There is only one. If there are as many as there are, it would be great. She really doesn't put these ferocious beasts in her eyes. There are those scented beasts. Ten of them will be given to her. Ten down.

When the white fox saw her, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she also ran over, followed by the little white fox who fell while running.

The white fox ran to Shen Qingci at this time. It squatted in front of Shen Qingci, until Shen Qingci couldn't help but laugh a little, "Maybe it is true that people are right. People say that the vixen, you Isn't it?"

The white fox tilted its head, still squatting on the ground, and the little white fox next to it was also a bit of a lesson.

Shen Qingci was funny, touched the white fox's head, and then touched the little fox's head. The little fox seemed to be taken aback, and quickly hid under the white fox's tail, which made Shen Qingci laugh.

She lived alone in the mountains and picked up a pheasant and a rabbit for the first time.

The second time, two white foxes were picked up.

She stood up, walked to the pot again, and then opened it, and the smell of meat in it became stronger.

These are all tiger meat, she puts less in the pot, and the rest is rabbit meat and mountain pork.

It is said that tiger meat is a big supplement and can't eat more. She can drink some soup. Anyway, there are so many wild boars. If you can still meet wild boars, you will get one back.

The white fox ran over with the little fox, both of them were quiet, but obviously, they came to eat.

Shen Qingci would not be stingy with them either. Speaking of tiger meat, thanks to them, otherwise, how could she have such a big tiger skin, and in this place, there are many things, she just One more chance to survive.

She found two stone bowls, which she picked up from outside, and originally said they were used as plates, but as a result, she didn't have the time to use them, so they were cheaper.

She scooped the meat out and put some in each of the two stone bowls. The little fox was too small and she didn't know if it could eat some, so she just put some soup.

When the two foxes saw something to eat in the bowl, they squatted there to eat. Shen Qingci also scooped a bowl for herself. She took a bite of the meat. To be honest, this tiger meat is not very tasty, and it may be. She is not used to eating, but mountain pork is delicious anyway.

And it's better to eat less of such a big supplement.

She picked up all the tiger meat, she only ate wild pork.


The white fox has eaten his share.

"Do you like eating?"


The white fox jumped for a while, and he liked it too.

Shen Qingci put the tiger meat in a stone bowl for the white fox, and the little fox had finished eating it. At first, Shen Qingci was still worried that the little fox was too young and could not eat anything else. The fox, only one month at most, grows very fast.

She added some soup to the little fox's stone bowl, and put some boiled meat in it, and the little fox ate it happily.

After eating, the little fox lay on all fours, his belly bulging.

Shen Qingci touched the little fox's belly strangely, soft and warm.

The little fox also let her touch, and happily played with her with his tail from time to time.

Shen Qingci played with the little fox for a while, then carefully picked it up, and put it on the rabbit skin on the fire. The big one is easy to raise, but this small one is really difficult to raise. I don’t know how much this hapless fox is carrying. First, she was caught and then eaten by the tiger. How did she raise her baby so big?

Shen Qingci didn't care about the two foxes either, she was going to pick up some firewood.

As soon as I got outside, heavy snow came oncoming, but Shen Qingci always felt that the snow seemed to be much smaller than the original. In fact, she didn’t want to go down again. If it kept going down, the snow accumulation here would be higher. , This mountain is even more difficult to enter.

She picked up a bundle of firewood from outside, and this was when she entered the cave, and the oncoming heat instantly blurred her eyes.

She put down the firewood and walked in. The white fox was leading the little fox to drink water. They were all squatting in a small tributary of the hot spring and drinking water and would not touch the water in the pool.

When he was full, the white fox brought the little fox over, and he also found a place to sleep on his stomach.

There are two more foxes in this cave. Shen Qingci also feels not so uncomfortable. At least, she has a place to talk. Even if the two foxes really don’t understand, they will listen to her with their eyes open at night. When sleeping, he would sleep next to her.

Shen Qingci cooks tiger broth for the two foxes every day.

She couldn't eat tiger meat, so the tiger meat was fed to them two. Maybe this tiger meat is really a great tonic. Within a few days, she was already fattening the little fox. Even the white foxes have recovered a lot. Most of the injuries on their legs have healed. They are still alive and kicking. They can also go outside to find firewood with Shen Qingci.

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