Shen Qingci also named these two, so you can't always call them the white fox and the little fox.

She called the white fox Xiao Hu, and the smaller one was called Nian Nian.

Maybe the fox’s wisdom is very high, so Xiao Hu’s years are very smart, especially Xiao Nian, he is simply to the extreme. After getting along for a long time, he was very afraid of Shen Qingci at the beginning of each year, but I don’t know if it’s because they have been together for a long time, or because Shen Qingci has always been feeding them, this is a mother who has milk.

So every now and then I am closer to her than Xiao Hu.

Shen Qingci picked up the little fox and touched its long tail. He had to eat more meat every year so that he could grow faster.


Every year he wagged his tail, although Shen Qingci didn't understand any fox language, but joy was contagious, and that was how she felt now.

She put it down year after year before going out again to find something to eat.

Following her year after year, she had to run out. Xiao Hu was very good. She was really relieved to give her child to one person. This is because she is full, she does not want to move, she wants to raise her. Fox meat, right?

Shen Qingci went out with Nian Nian, and also let Xiao Hu look at home in the cave. In fact, he said it was a housekeeper. What kind of house a fox can see, but it may be because there is a little Hu, and Shen Qingci also An inexplicable sense of peace in my heart.


Nian Nian suddenly screamed. It also jumped from time to time. It bit Shen Qingci's clothes with a sharp mouth, just to pull her back.

Shen Qingci remembered what Mo Li had said at the beginning. She said that animals are naturally more sensitive than human beings, so what did they feel every year?

Shen Qingci hugged Nian Nian quickly, but Nian Nian was still the same, very restless, and her body trembled involuntarily.

Shen Qingci hurriedly hugged Nian Nian and hid behind the big tree on one side, and Nian Nian also shrank his small body even more.

Shen Qingci hid Nian Nian in his clothes, which also used his own body to warm Nian Nian, but Nian Nian was still shrinking his body, very scared.

Is this a natural enemy?

At this moment, she heard the vibration of Xue, and when she lifted her face, she saw a tiger approaching.

It seemed to feel the breath of a tiger. Poor every year, its small body was shaking more severely. Shen Qingci was afraid, every year would he be scared to death.

Maybe the Tiger is a natural enemy for Nian Nian, but for Shen Qingci, it is a bedding, a quilt, a tiger bone, and also Xiao Hu and Nian Nian's food. How long is this enough to eat.

She was never stingy with the people who followed her. Although Xiao Hu and Nian Nian were not humans, they followed her in this place, and accompanied her by herself, which also gave her a place to talk.

Therefore, she also has to find a way to give them two more good things to eat.

And this tiger is their food.

The tiger may have found them here too, and has already come here. Shen Qingci was not in a hurry, she untied her purse, her fingers tightened, and in the palm of her hand there was a sweet bean-sized bead.

Once again, she wrapped her clothes tightly, and also buckled them inside each year, so that she could also smell the fragrance beads.

She crushed the fragrant beads, and then sprinkled them forward, and suddenly there was a very strange fragrance around them.

And the rest, there were some fragrance beads, which were directly sucked into the nose by the tiger.

The tiger's body shook, and it kept shaking its head. It didn't know what was wrong with it, how could it be so dizzy, that it couldn't even walk.

Suddenly, with a bang, it also fell to the ground and passed out directly.

Shen Qingci came over and kicked the big tiger on the snow.

that's nice. Her quilt finally got a place.

Nian Nian was also the only one who poke his little head out of Shen Qingci's clothes, and when he saw the tiger lying on the ground, he screamed.

Good food.

The fox is a fox, and he immediately felt that the danger was cleared. It was also Shen Qingci's bosom that jumped out of Shen Qingci's arms, and then jumped next to the tiger. First he grabbed a handful of tiger with his paws, and then kicked it with his hind legs.

This was the only way to jump on the tiger's head proudly, and it was also jumping up and down on its head.

That's the case with the so-called fake tiger.

Shen Qing suddenly smiled, even in such an ice world, in her smile, there was a hint of warmth.

She walked over, and then picked up the tiger from the tiger's head, letting it stand aside.

Then she rolled up her sleeves and took out her short knife.

When Nian Nian's eyes lighted up, he ran backwards, Shen Qingci didn't worry about it, but it was much smarter than its little Hu Niang.

Soon after, two foxes, one large and one small, ran over and squatted quietly next to Shen Qingci. At this time, Shen Qingci had already killed the tiger with a single blow, but the tiger had even a trace. There is no struggle.

She just started peeling the tiger's skin. She hadn't killed such a large beast once or twice, so now the more skillful she moves, the more cold-blooded she is when she uses the knife to fall.

At first, she still wanted to vomit, but now these **** feelings will only make her, uh...


Because she has a quilt.

And the two little foxes have rations.

Shen Qingci looked at the big and small fox squatting there obediently, and then cut off a small piece of meat and placed it in front of Xiao Hu.

When Xiao Hu was happy, he started to eat, and he used his tail to squeeze every year, and every year he squatted to eat.

At first, Shen Qingci was afraid that she was too young to eat raw meat, but now it seems that she really underestimated the stomachs of these two foxes.

She cut another piece, put it in front of them, let them eat their stomachs and play by herself.

And she herself is still busy here for some time.

The tiger meat was cut into pieces by her, and when it was taken back, it was frozen in the snow. When you want to eat it, you take it into the cave and feed it to two foxes when it is thawed. If you just cook it for them, it depends on whether she has time.

When others treat her well, she will remember this kindness.

The fox is kind to her, and she will take care of them with all her heart, so if there are good things, she will never forget them.

The large and small foxes also ate their stomachs to their fullness. They ate a little bit every year. They jumped to a stone and digested. Shen Qingci rubbed his hands in the snow before leaving. In the past, I touched Nian Nian’s little belly, and I saw that this little belly was bulging.

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