"Year, can you smell it?" She touched the little fox's big tail lightly. The little fox twisted his body, and then tilted his head. Maybe she didn't know what Shen Qingci was talking about?

Shen Qingci really didn’t think about it, and asked the little fox to answer her one or two. The little fox is very good at finding things. If he really has something good, he will be more positive than anyone else. No need for others to say, he has already jumped. out.

But now the little fox hasn't even moved. It can be seen that he really didn't feel anything, and he didn't smell anything?

Shen Qingci closed her eyes, also letting her perception go. She wanted to try, with her gifted nose, can she find a specific direction?


It is this kind of fresh floral fragrance, which comes in with the wind, like the wind.

It's in the east.

She opened her eyes, and then happily headed east.

And I don’t know how long it took, but the smell was no longer smelt. Could it be that she smelled it wrong?

She stopped and kicked the snow under her feet. She didn't seem to know how much she had walked, and how long would she have to walk when she returned?

"Are you hungry?"

Shen Qingci found a place for herself, sat down, and then put it on her lap every year, the sudden loss of temperature on her neck, it also made her fight a cold war involuntarily, and this was poured into her. The cold wind in her neck also made her flinch.

"Sure enough, I still can't live without every year."

She squeezed Nian Nian's little pointed mouth, and Nian Nian might also know that Shen Qingci was praising it, so she jumped up and down after a while, so disappointed.

Shen Qingci relieved the burden behind him, and then took out the barbecue from inside.

She shredded the barbecue and put it on top of the baggage. She had already jumped down every year and started to eat the meat.

As for Shen Qingci herself, she also picked up the dried meat and ate it, and then grabbed a handful of snow, bit it in her mouth, and drank it as water.

With just one mouthful of snow and dried meat, she settled her lunch. When she looked towards Nian Nian, Nian Nian almost finished eating the meat.

"I wronged you, there is no soup for you to drink."

Shen Qingci touched Nian Nian's little head, but he couldn't do anything about it, because it didn't have a water sac, and it couldn't bring water, let alone soup.

Year after year licked her finger.

Shen Qingci touched its little head again. This was the way he grabbed some snow from one side and covered it with both hands.

She breathed into her hands from time to time, and her fingers were frozen to the point of numbness, but she still did not drop the snow, until the snow finally melted into water, she let go of her hand, and then Put your hand in front of Nian Nian.

Jumping over year after year, his small eyes are also clever.

"Drink," Shen Qingci stretched his hand forward again.

Nian Nian this is just holding her hand and drinking the little snow water.

"Years, we may have gone the wrong way?" Shen Qingci looked forward intently. There was still a piece of ice and snow, and nothing could be seen. Maybe she really went wrong, not in the east, but in the West?

After drinking enough water every year, Shen Qingci then tied the baggage on his shoulders, and then picked up the little fox, but when she was about to get up, she smelled the fragrance of flowers again. , And this time, it was thicker and closer than the last time it smelled.


Year after year, I also jumped and screamed, and it seemed that even it was smelled.

In an instant, Shen Qingci also felt, and the gloom in his heart also disappeared.

Fortunately, I didn't leave just now. Fortunately...

"You are really my little lucky star."

She hugged Nian Nian, then kissed its little head, and then held it and continued forward.

This kind of scent is very strange, and there is no pattern to be found, sometimes it can be smelled, sometimes it is not smelled. It is possible that this breath and the next breath are separated by half an hour, and possibly several hours. If you vacillate a little, it is the right way, but you will go wrong.

Even people like Shen Qingci with such a sensitive nose are a little worse or go the wrong way, let alone other people.

Now, the scent like this one after another, but also sometimes disappears, but Shen Qingci finally found the right direction.

The reason why she is so sure is not because of anything else, but because these occasional fragrances are getting closer to her step by step, and they are getting closer to her.


The little fox suddenly jumped on the ground and ran forward too.

"Year!" Shen Qingci paused for a while, and hurriedly ran to chase the fox. It was this little fox, don't look at the small ones, but the movements are very sensitive. In the blink of an eye, you can no longer see the shadow .

"When I find you, I can't take your fox skin off!" Shen Qingci complained, but complained, and finally looked for the little paws and feet on the ground. If it weren't for these little paw prints, she Really don't know how to chase the fox?

And just when she was about to arrive, she heard the screams of the little fox, which also frightened her out of cold sweat.

No matter how she moves forward, the result is a scene that she might forget in her lifetime.

Not far in front, a small white fox was as slippery as a loach, hiding from time to time. At this time, blocking the little fox was a big snake of about ten feet.

This big snake doesn't know how long it will live to grow to this size?

Although Nian Nian's movements are flexible now, but this big snake is not stupid, those fierce vertical pupils must kill this thing that has violated his territory.


Little Fox Guo is really bold. Even now, he has never been afraid of a big snake that is so big than his own. The big snake is cruel, but the little fox is flexible, and he didn't let the big snake take up a bit of it. Cheap.

It's just that the more this goes on, the more violent the snake's temper, and his pair of vertical pupils are dyed blood red.

But at this time, no one noticed that a human woman had carefully approached.

"Chiji..." The little fox flicked his long tail as if he was about to provoke him. The snake's red eyes seemed to ooze blood, so red that it was terrifying and dazzling.

Just when the big snake wanted to pounce on the little fox again, and also to tear the little thing into pieces, no matter what was left of the gnawing bones, something seemed to be thrown into its mouth. It chewed instinctively, and then shook its head strangely.

I don't even understand what's wrong with me. It seems that my head is heavier. Could it be because of eating too much that the head grows so big that its body cannot bear the weight of the head?

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