It shook its head vigorously, only to see that nasty little thing, and dared to stop in front of it. That's okay. It bared a tooth, and was about to pounce forward again, lifting its big tail, and throwing it past, the snake's head hit the ground, and this huge snake's head was also hit. The ground shook for a while, and the snowflakes on the ground were also splashed to the height.

And the little fox, who was still very arrogant just now, fell to the ground with a snap.

This is a hand that quickly stretched out, and also hugged the little fox, and then gently patted the snow on his body clean, and then put it in the cap of his cloak. It's big, the little fox likes to sit in it most on weekdays, not only can he shake, he can roll.

After the little fox settled down, Shen Qingci looked down. The snake on the ground was almost ten feet long, and the goose bumps on his body were about to fall.

She couldn't help touching her arm, and was also thinking about what the snake would do?

God has the virtue of being good, and when he grows up to such a big age, he does not know whether he will become a fine one?

But she thought again, if she didn't become refined, it would be okay. If she became refined, she would have to find her revenge. This is the time to either die for you or for me.

She took out the short knife from her body.

Then she walked to the big snake. These scented beads were indeed Bailing. At first she was worried that the drug would not have any effect on the big snake. It was not until the big snake fell to the ground that she was truly relieved.

Snake gall of such a big snake can definitely be drunk in wine, but it is a pity that now she has no wine, even if the snake gall is taken out, it will be stinking after a few days.

As for snake meat, don’t know if two foxes eat it?

Regardless of whether they eat or not, Shen Qingci has already stood in front of the snake.


Shen Qingci picked up the little fox in his cloak, touched its pointed ears, and then rummaged in his purse for a long time. This was the antidote.

When she came, she happened to bring the medicine, but it was never used.

She put a handful of antidote on the little fox's nose. If this little one doesn't wake up, how many hours will she hold?

The little fox sneezed abruptly and woke up. At first he woke up in a daze, but soon, his eyes lit up. When he saw the snake on the ground, he almost danced with joy. Then, he jumped off Shen Qingci's hand, and also went to the big snake.

Shen Qingci originally thought it was going to be like before. Every time there was something bigger than it, and after it fell to the ground more fiercely, it would have to step on someone's head.

Shen Qingci also let it go. The little fox's lawless temper was not because of her, but she gave him this opportunity.

But this time, she was wrong. The little fox didn’t jump on the snake’s head at all, but stretched out his sharp claws. Before Shen Qingci could react, he stuck a paw into the snake’s head. Inside the body, when the claws were taken out again, there were already some gray-green things in the palms of her hands. Naturally, Shen Qingci knew that it was snake gall. She was still thinking about how to save the snake gall to make wine for Shen Dingshan. She didn't even dig, but the little fox gave it a claw.

The little fox stretched his paw to his mouth, and ate it.

Seeing how it is eating with relish, Shen Qingci really wants to ask, are you suffering?

Now this snake has lost even its gall, and it doesn't even have to survive.

Even Shen Qingci still felt a little uneasy. Among the idle books she had read, she had written that the snake can live for a few days without the courage, so it is good to travel thousands of miles, and it is necessary to read thousands of books.

She took out her short knife again, and went straight forward. With a wave of her hand, she cut off the snake's head. As for the snake's body, she hadn't thought about how to deal with it? Anyway, if you die on the snow, it will be kept for a long time. The little fox eats the snake gall. As for the snake body, throw it away.

The little fox had eaten up the snake gall, and it was very humane. He rubbed his paw with the blood of the big snake in the snow for a long time. Until there was no blood, he ran over, and then raised one of his front paws to show Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci squatted down and saw that its front paws were bloodless, but the white hair on the paws was still stained with some. She also grabbed a handful of snow and wiped its paws and small pointed mouth. clean.

Soon it was a snow-white little fox again. Shen Qing resigned and nodded its forehead, "You are so brave, you ran into their lair just to eat other people's snake gall, you are just that big, even people The gap between the teeth is not enough."

The little fox rubbed Shen Qingci's finger with his little head like a coquettish, which was also very pleased.

Shen Qingci had to pick it up again and was about to continue to find Snow Lotus, but when she was about to leave, she smelled a strange fragrance.

"this is……"

Shen Qingci was stunned for a moment.

How could this smell be so close?

She couldn't help moving forward. At this time, the incense was one after another, and her nose was almost greedily smelled. This was the most wonderful fragrance she had ever smelled in her life.


Even the little fox cried, then jumped down and ran forward.

Shen Qingci guessed what the little thing found, and quickly followed suit.

And not far from the front, there is actually a white ice crystal flower with a big bowl, no branches or leaves, one by one, the petals are stacked one after another, and some transparent dewdrops are also faintly rolling down on it. The time is white snow, and it melts into one in an instant.

The little fox ran over and stood at Shen Qingci's feet. It was carnivorous, so he didn't have much feeling for flowers and plants. It was this feeling that the fragrance of flowers might be liked by the owner.

Shen Qingci endured the excitement in her heart. She squatted down and untied her baggage behind her back. Then she took out the jade box from the baggage, carefully dug out the snow lotus root and flower, and then It was placed in the jade box.

When she covered the jade box and put her back on her back, she remembered one thing, saying that the treasures of heaven and earth must have companion animals here. Could it be that big snake, that is, guarding this snow lotus. , It's no wonder that no one has found Snow Lotus all the time, and it has damaged many people.

If you don’t find it, you may still have a life to live, but if you find it, I’m afraid it will all enter the belly of the big snake, so the snake has to die. Such a dangerous thing cannot be left behind. In the world.

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