
The little fox yelled and said that he was not asleep, but there were no such things here. The people nearby were almost found by Shen Qingci. If she still wants these, she can only go farther. .

Shen Qingci thought for a while, and finally didn’t feel adventurous anymore. These things are good, but she has already got the most expensive plant on the entire snowy mountain. Those Samsons and the like, still keep some In the mountains, it is also to save some for future generations.

There was a sudden cold wind around him, and when Shen Qingci raised his head, he saw the figure of Mo Li lifting the sword.

Then she suddenly felt her shoulders light, and Li Li had already taken the firewood on her shoulders.

When they went back, Xiao Hu was still lying on the wolf's skin and fell asleep with his eyes closed. He also exposed his belly to the outside. Every year he saw his fox girl, he was happy and immediately rushed. In the past, he was lying beside Xiao Hu.

Xiao Hu raised his eyelids, rolled over again, and continued to sleep.


The little fox held Xiao Hu with his paws from time to time. He was hungry and wanted to eat meat.

Xiao Hu got up reluctantly and licked the little fox rudely. This was the only way to take the little fox out.

And for these two foxes come and go. Shen Qingci has long been used to it.

At this moment, she was holding the jade box contained in Li's bag. The bag was picked up by Li's later, and she didn't lose it.

Before they went up the mountain for safety, they brought an extra jade box. The current Li Qi is just useful. Although the book says that five-year blood ginseng can be stored for ten years even if it is outside. It was a spiritual thing, and naturally she had no spirituality with other medicinal materials, but she still felt safer in the jade box.

Shen Qingci held the jade box and walked to the place where she put the ginseng, and saw her squatting on the ground, taking out ginseng one by one from a large stone hole.

Five hundred years old, Li also squatted down, busy picking up ginseng, which is all ginseng, how could he throw it like this?

As a result, Shen Qingci threw out several more in a row.

Six hundred years, eight hundred years, and nine hundred years. Later, it was like throwing radishes. Thousands of years were thrown out.

The five-hundred-year-old ginseng in Li Li's hand fell to the ground.

Seeing Shen Qingci throwing a radish out of the ground, this was the one thing he picked up from inside.

"Mo Li, bring the jade box here."

"Oh..." Mo Li took the jade box and put it on her lap, but when she saw the thing Shen Qingci was holding, she took a breath, almost The jade box was smashed.

This is blood ginseng, blood ginseng of five thousand years.

And now she knows why Shen Qingci has thrown away these hundreds of years of ginseng like radishes. Under this blood ginseng, all ginseng is radish.

The blood ginseng is a wonder in the world, and it is also rare. Don't talk about taking a bite, even if you just eat a ginseng whisker, it will bring you back to life.

Shen Qingci carefully put the blood ginseng in the jade box, and then closed the jade box. When she raised her head, she was facing a pair of round eyes of Li Li, and it was the first time she saw Li Li There will be such an expression.

Is this a surprise or a daze?

She took the jade box from Mo Li's hand again, and placed it in the cave. She knew this cave when she arrived at this place in the first year. At that time, she thought that it could be used to put a lot of things. She put the blood ginseng in the innermost part, and then threw other ginseng in like cabbage.

It may also be because there are too many, so these things are really like cabbage in her eyes. I think that a century-old ginseng made Song Mingjiang cry to death at the door of the medicine shop, and the thousand-year-old ginseng, All of them can save lives, and now all of these, add up, I am afraid that they are precious without a blood ginseng.

When Li Qi came over, he also blocked the entrance of the cave with something, fearing that it would be stolen. If there were only their masters and servants, she wouldn't be so nervous, but don't forget that there is an outsider.

Yes, outsiders, in Mo Li’s heart, Qian Zichen is originally an outsider, or outsiders among outsiders. They all say that they are not my race, and their heart will be punishable, even if they have business with each other, but they are in different places. , What do you think in your heart, who can know?

No matter how bad, there are not two foxes.

"They eat meat every year and don't eat this," Shen Qingci explained, seeming to know what Li was worried about.

Blood ginseng is a good thing, but foxes don’t know how to eat it. At the beginning, she specially let Nian Nian take a bite. Who knew that after Nian Nian was bitten, she was almost vomited. She dug up so much. Of the ginseng, there is no bite again every year.

Even later, she specially took out a thousand-year-old ginseng to feed Xiao Hu.

If anyone knows that she feeds foxes with thousand-year ginseng, I wonder if she will hate her violent creatures.

Shen Qingci is actually also kind, hoping that Xiao Hu's body can be better and become a strong fox, so that he can take good care of every year. After all, every year is still young.

But she didn’t eat it year after year, and Xiao Hu didn’t eat it either, so she could only put a little ginseng moustache every time, and the meaty flavors that were deprived also covered the ginseng flavor, so regardless of the Qianzichen outside, There are still two foxes, none of them tasted.

He didn't know that either, Shen Qingci added another sentence, because she had already found out that the murderous intent in Li Li's eyes started.

Li Qi wanted to kill Qian Zichen.

Because only the dead can protect secrets, blood ginseng is not an ordinary thing. What's more, there are so many thousand-year-old ginseng, and Li seems to have forgotten, there is also a thousand-petaled snow lotus, now in Shen Qingci's hands.

Shen Qingci didn't dare to let Mo Lizhen kill Qian Zichen.

Qian Zichen was originally an innocent person, and besides, what she worked so hard was to pick it up from others, and she had raised it for so long, not to let Li Qi practice sword.

Poor Qian Zichen, he is still working hard outside picking firewood. Suddenly, he is inexplicable. He actually fought a cold war.

What's wrong? He touched his arm, well, how could he have a creepy feeling? Could it be that someone wanted his life?

"Why do you look at me like this?"

Qian Zichen had long discovered the deep meaning in Li Li's eyes, "Don't you know that men and women can't accept it? How can there be an unmarried girl Yunying peeping at a man like this?"

"It's still like this... like a wolf like a tiger."

Li Li shook his own sword for a while, before drawing his sword towards each other.

"Mo Li."

Shen Qingci called out the name of Li Li. Li Li put down his hand. Of course, Qian Zichen, who was eating with his head down, knew that he had passed by the **** of death.

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