Shen Qingci gave Mo Li the roasted meat, helplessly said.

"Mo Li, he is still useful to us, he can't die."

How could Shen Qingci fail to see the killing intent in Li Li's eyes, and it has not been a day or two for her to kill Qian Zichen, "He is the Patriarch of the Thousand Family, and for our Yipinxiang, it is of great benefit."


Li Li also responded while eating the skewers, and of course he wouldn't do anything with this person anymore, but if he really had a double heart, then death would only be a matter of time.

So for the sake of his life, it is best not to think about it.

And she really wronged Qian Zichen. Qian Zichen’s current thoughts were all on Qian Zihao. He didn’t have time to think about other things. Of course, he really didn’t know. Shen Qingci actually got it like this. A lot of ginseng comes out, but there is still a taste, it is actually the treasure of the world, blood ginseng.

So, sometimes the person who does not know is really innocent.

After having Mo Li, Shen Qing said that there was less going out, enough firewood, and ginseng dug up. She just stayed in the cave, it was still cold outside, although she was used to the cold.

And those traps that Li Li digs are also effective. They can catch something every few days, and they don’t need to hunt hard. Moreover, Li Li’s feet are very fast, and he can go and change it. There were so many things to find far away, especially the wild vegetables she found, which made Shen Qingci treat like a treasure, but the more so, the more sad Mo Qizhong became.

Princess Tangtangshuo showed such a precious expression to a pile of weeds, she was very sad.

When Li Qi came back that day, the little fox on his shoulder also jumped down, and then fell into Shen Qingci's arms.

"Why, it's cold?"

Shen Qingci touched the tip of the little fox's ears, then wrapped it in wolf skin, and roasted it by the fire. After its little ears were warm, he put it down again, and the little fox also They all fell asleep.

"I found a place today."

Li Li handed the wild vegetables to Shen Qingci, and squatted on the ground to help her pick them up.


Shen Qingci played with the tail of the little fox, his pupils were lightly colored, and there was a slight expectation and brokenness between those dark eyes and pupils, which seemed to shatter at the touch of a touch, and it seemed to be frozen at a glance.

Li Li twitched the corner of his mouth, then lowered his head and continued to pick up the wild vegetables.

"I found the cave where I went up the mountain."

Shen Qingci was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to understand what Li Qi was talking about?

The cave where they went up the mountain was the place where they stayed before the avalanche?

"Where is it, before the avalanche?"

Shen Qingci asked carefully, afraid of not, afraid of admitting wrong, afraid of hearing wrong.

What made her not disappointed was that Li Li nodded lightly, "It is there, the last place that Orion took us to when we went up the mountain."

"Do you want to go there?" Li Qi asked Shen Qingci, "It's not warm here."

The corners of Shen Qing's lips were raised suddenly.

"We go down the mountain."

Yes, going down the mountain, they have to go down the mountain, although this place is better, because of the unique reasons in this cave, it has always been warm like spring, and it is not worry about eating and drinking, but no matter how good it is, it is not home. Well, they all want to go home.

The journey home is so long, if you have to stay here, you can only get out of the mountain after the ice and snow melt. But at that time, who knows what the outside is like?

So they want to leave.

"Okay," Li Li agreed, "I will send firewood and the like first, and then we will go down the mountain together."

"Well, that's it." Shen Qingci has already decided to leave, so there is no difference between walking for a day and walking for a few days. Even if they walk for three or four days, they are not afraid. They have many animal skins, not too much. cold.

She just wanted to be closer to home.

As for Li Liben, he is a one-of-a-kind temperament. They have to bring a lot of things there. I don’t know what the situation is like under the mountain. At present, Li Li’s feet are the fastest, and only she can figure it out. How are they going to go, and how long will they stay on the top of the mountain?

Li Li directly carried three loads of purple fire on his body and went down the mountain.

With her feet, you can go back and forth three times a day, and if you add a few more times in the night, then within three days, almost everything in it can be taken away.

When Qian Zichen came back, they found that their firewood was much less.

He scratched his head and didn't understand. Where did this firewood go? Could it be burned?

And he didn't care too much, firewood, things that are born long, just pick it up again. Could it be that he still has the firewood handed over by the family, so he can pick up more firewood tomorrow.

And the next day, when he came back exhausted and exhausted, he found that there was less firewood.

Well, women use a lot, he can understand.

He is going to pick up a few more times, and sincerely there is no complaint. He is a big man, and he is only so useful in itself. He can't beat pigs, cook, or kill wolves, otherwise Killing a tiger will not peel a wolf's skin, so he can only pick up firewood, and the more firewood you pick up, the more proof that he is not so useless. No, all of a sudden, he feels He is more useful, even he feels that he is getting bigger and bigger.

He got up early that day to check the firewood, but Shen Qingci asked strangely.

"What are you going out for?"

"Collect wood."

Qian Zichen was ready and had to go out earlier, who let the firewood be used too quickly.

"Why, don't you know?

Shen Qingci had already packed up his own baggage, just took a jade box, and those ginseng and the like with him.

"what do you know?"

Qian Zichen couldn't think of what he had neglected. It seemed that he hadn't. He went out early and returned late in recent days, very diligent.

"Mo Li, didn't you say it?"

Shen Qingci asked Mo Lidao.

"En," Li Li raised his eyelids lightly, "he didn't ask."

Well, Shen Qingci should have thought of it, Li Qiye is not a person who talks easily, but Qian Zichen hasn't noticed that it is difficult to achieve. The firewood is getting less and less. Even if they lose firewood, they can't lose so much. Did he have no doubts, no doubts?

"We are going down the mountain today. Li Li has already found the way down the mountain."

"Are you going or not?" Shen Qingci let him choose, after all, this cave is indeed a unique place, and there is no place like this under the mountain.

"If you want to go, follow it. If you don't want to go, stay here. There is still a lot of wolf meat. If you stay, it will not be a problem to eat for three months..."

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