Soon after, the three and two foxes all headed down the mountain. Xiao Hu walked behind them, still standing on Shen Qingci's shoulders every year, using his tail to help her out of the wind.

As for Qian Zichen, he was holding a tiger-skin quilt, and the smile on his face never stopped.

Actually, do you still need to ask? No matter how good the cave is, what's the use? It is impossible that you will not go back for a lifetime. If you go down the mountain as soon as possible, you can go back earlier. Living in the cave is only time, and what you can’t forget is the mouthful of your heart. The inevitable dry well, there are those hatred between one mind.

Now he can finally go down the mountain, how could he be unhappy.

He was even more happy than anyone else, he was excited, and his mouth was pulled to his face.

"Madam, are you sure this person has no brain disease?"

Mo Li frowned, he had been smirking for most of the day, is his mind really good?

"Maybe I was silly by freezing."

Shen Qingci actually didn’t know if he was ill. Maybe he was a good one before, but it was frozen. After all, he was buried in the snow and I don’t know how long it was. If you are stiff, you will lose your life. There is a bowl of tiger bone soup. Otherwise, it is not a question of whether you will be frozen or not, but a question of life or death.

Without mentioning whether Qian Zichen was stupid, they speeded up their journey on the road, and finally walked to the cave when it was night. They didn’t think they might be able to make it in one day, but they didn’t think about Shen Qingci. The pace now is so fast, it also saves a lot of time, allowing them to spend a night in the cave, and then explain the day.

When he arrived in the cave, Shen Qingci took out his night pearl and placed it in it, and the whole cave was as bright as day.

It's just that it's not as warm as that cave, but compared to the ice and snow outside, it's still tolerable.

At least it is a place that can shelter from wind and rain.

"On your side."

Li Li pointed to the corner. Men and women couldn't accept it clearly. If her wife's reputation is ruined, she will definitely kill him.

Qian Zichen is also a person who has experienced wind and frost now, and there is nothing unwilling, as long as there is a place to sit, and these sufferings are all in his heart, and he will naturally find someone to report.

And there is nothing wrong in this corner. There is still a lot of hay, and all his wolf skins and tiger skins are also taken with him. If you clean it up a bit, it won't freeze him.

Li Li had already started a fire, and when the fire started, he immediately felt that the temperature was a little higher, and his hands and feet were no longer so cold.

After eating some casually, Shen Qingci also lay down and fell asleep speechlessly. As soon as he hit the pillow, it didn't take long before he could not wake up.

The little fox has already got into the tiger skin quilt and is sleeping well. I don’t know how sleepy it is. He is obviously standing on a person’s shoulder and he hasn’t even walked a step, but they are the only ones who are born. The most familiar.

Li Li added some firewood to the fire. She did not sleep, but sat cross-legged, watching the fire while thinking about what to do tomorrow.

As long as the way down the mountain is not blocked, then they can go back. When they came, she had remembered the way, so it was not difficult to find, as for the rest, it was not that difficult.

On the second day, when Shen Qingci woke up, Li Li was already a pot of meat.

Shen Qingci pressed the corner of her forehead, and she didn't know anything. After sleeping for so long, she really had Li Li, she was not as diligent as before.

The meat in the pot was divided between the three and two foxes, and Qian Zichen went out to find something to use.

Mo Li was also inquiring about news. As for Shen Qingci, she couldn't always sit in the cave. Instead, she took Nian Nian out and asked Nian Nian to help find any good things to dig here?

It's a pity, there is nothing, here is relatively poor.

She sat down again, letting the fire light shine on her face, and there was some suddenness.

The curtain outside moved, and the cold wind with snow also blew straight in, also deflected the fire light a little, and then returned to calm.

Li Li walked in, also sitting in front of Shen Qingci.

"How's it going?" Shen Qingci asked Mo Li, really eager to know whether their way down the mountain went smoother, in fact, she really couldn't stay for a day.

"We may have to stay a few more days at this time."

Li's voice is still the same as before, like the cold wind blowing in, heavy, cold, and dull,

"Xu was that avalanche, and almost destroyed everything before."

Shen Qingci understood that, of course, she didn't need to say anything.

I was afraid that it was Li, but now I still don't know where they came from, and the signs she remembered and the signs along the way are all blurred.

This place is originally a snow-capped mountain, and the road is very easy and hard to find. The old hunters who have lived here for several years dare not walk around at will, let alone them.

"I will try again tomorrow."

Li Qiye added some firewood to the fire. Now there is no other way, it can only do so. If the fate is good, they may be able to go down the mountain tomorrow, but if it is not good, it is possible that they are here and they will have to stay a few more. Japan, after all, with just a few directions, they can definitely find a way out.

"I see." Although Shen Qingci said that he was a little disappointed, they had already taken a big step here, and they were not far from home.

When Qian Zichen came back, the sky was about to get dark. Maybe it was true that according to what Mo Li said, men and women are not light, and they must avoid suspicion. If it is not dark, he will not come back easily.

Qian Zichen quietly looked at the two of them, also eating the meat.

He knew that when Li Qi went out this morning, he was looking for his way, among the three of them and the two foxes. Only Li had the ability to find a way.

Shen Qingci's steps are not fast, she also doesn't keep track of her way very much. It's even more impossible with two foxes. As for him, he can't do it. Don't forget, he didn't walk up by himself, but was thrown away. There is a big difference between losing and walking up the mountain, so he doesn't know this way. The only thing he can know is Li Qi.

If Li Qi could not find it, they might still be trapped in this mountain.

It's just that now, they don't talk too much, just know that Li Qi should not find the way.

Of course he didn't ask anything, anyway it was not far from going back.

On the second day, Li Qi still went to find a way. As for Qian Zichen, he also went out to avoid suspicion.

Shen Qingci stayed in the cave. She was a little tired today and didn't want to go anywhere.

And she has forgotten how long she has stayed here.

One month, two months, still half a year, she had never seen such a long winter, why the snow never stopped, and as long as it stopped for a few days, maybe they would go out.

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