Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 176 Journey to the Moon







With the official start, the engine sprayed out huge power, pushing the huge space shuttle off the ground.

This time, take off directly vertically.

After the space shuttle reaches the set value from the ground, it begins to show an elevation angle, the thruster begins to increase power, and under acceleration, the speed becomes faster and faster.

In the beginning, no rocket was launched that fast.

When a rocket is launched, it provides powerful thrust at the beginning.

But this 'Chang'e' space shuttle is different. It is just like a normal airplane, except that it quickly reaches supersonic speed, and then its speed continues to climb, and its altitude also continues to climb.

The 'Chang'e' space shuttle, carrying the Chinese people's dream of flying to the moon, officially embarked on its journey to the earth.

At this time, the astronauts on the cockpit began to contact the ground command center, reporting their own situation and the situation of the space shuttle.

The five astronauts were in a very relaxed mood at this time.

Because compared to the overweight state that I had to endure before when I traveled to space, this overweight state at this time is simply too easy.

"I think I can fight for another ten years!" Deng Qingming said excitedly: "I can go to the moon and Mars!"

Deng Qingming felt that his original efforts and persistence were right.

Hard work, God will not let you down!

While his comrades disbanded their armor and left the team, he persisted, and finally persisted until he could go to space, and even flew on China's most advanced space shuttle to carry out a moon landing mission.

Deng Qingming knew that his comrades who had removed their armor and left the team would definitely envy him now.

"Old Deng, maybe Director Yang can go to space again in the future, or even go to the earth. Director Yang's body is still in pretty good shape." Liu Yang said with a smile.

After this period of testing, they are already very familiar with this space shuttle.

"Well, Li Wei is the best among our first batch of astronauts. It is always a pity that he has not been able to fly to space again in these years." Deng Qingming nodded and said.

When Yang Liwei was able to stand out from the first batch of 14 astronauts, carry out the Shenzhou 5 manned space mission to space, and become the first Chinese astronaut to enter space, it was naturally not because of any relationship, but because he was the best in training. Those who work hard will achieve the best results and be the best.

They all admired this.

When Yang Liwei carried out the manned space mission, he really had a fearless spirit and went up alive without any thought of coming back alive.

It is also because he came back alive that China's manned space technology has made rapid progress, and there has never been such a dangerous situation again.

"The altitude is approaching the critical value, and the flight mode is about to be switched!" the space shuttle's intelligence reminded.

According to the pressure and temperature change curves, when the altitude reaches more than 20 kilometers, the density of the outside atmosphere will quickly decay to a very low value. At this time, it is no longer possible to rely on the wings to provide upward power. It needs to rely on engine thrust to fight gravity. The space shuttle will fly upward at a larger tilt angle.

It is also at this time that astronauts cannot move around freely in the spacecraft.

Then, switch to airplane mode.

I saw that the space shuttle tilted at an even greater angle!

All thrusters are activated, providing greater thrust.

Soon, after the space shuttle broke through the 100-kilometer limit, it officially entered the warm layer from the middle layer. At the current speed, it soon flew another 60 kilometers. Once here, the space shuttle can reach the lowest altitude of orbiting the earth - a 160-kilometer orbit.

At this point, although it has not yet left the exosphere, the resistance of the air has become so weak that it can be ignored.

It was also at this time that the wings of the space shuttle began to retract.

And this also means that the space shuttle successfully entered orbit.

Instead of accelerating by orbiting the earth like previous spacecrafts did, the speed of the space shuttle continued to increase under the engine of the space shuttle.

At this time, the space shuttle was actually moving forward in a spiral manner.

If the earth and moon are considered stationary, they will move in a straight line.

As they entered space, everyone began to unbutton their buttons and headed either to the rest cabin, to the work cabin, or to the material cabin.

This time, it takes a full 13 hours to fly from the earth orbit to the moon orbit. They have too many things to do in such a long time.

At the same time, on the earth, this live broadcast has also spread to every corner of the earth, and various TV stations in various countries are broadcasting it.

Compared with the American manned moon landing half a century ago, the media was not developed at that time, and there were only some videos.

But this time, China's manned moon landing was broadcast live.

Experts in the aerospace field from various countries were invited by the TV station to serve as guest speakers.

No matter where it is, the aerospace field always represents high status. There are only three countries in the world that have manned space technology.

As for the countries that can send satellites into space, there are only fourteen!

The space dream exists in every country.

The land of China is naturally full of joy, and people in many places even organize spontaneous celebrations.

Many countries are very complicated.

Especially NASA, this time Alexander.

As early as 2019, NASA announced that it would launch a moon landing plan again and named the plan the 'Artemis' plan. It even held an open audition for astronauts, which created a huge momentum.

As for the time of the moon landing plan, it has been pushed back again and again.

Various rumors continue to spread, such as industrial capacity is not enough to support it, such as technology has been lost

This is also officially the case, which has caused the authenticity of NASA's manned moon landing half a century ago to be constantly challenged in recent years.

Okay now, this one is louder.

Cai Jin accompanied his family and watched the space shuttle take off with his own eyes. Fortunately, none of the four elders had high blood pressure. Otherwise, Cai Jin would have been worried that the elders would have high blood pressure. The four of them were really excited.

At this time, the space shuttle was moving along the predetermined track. Naturally, they couldn't be here. Here, they might as well watch the live TV broadcast in the hotel.

"Ajin, if you learn rocket technology in the future, won't you lose your job?" Nie Xiaoyu suddenly asked a question.

Cai Jin was stunned.

He hadn't thought about this problem.

But soon, Cai Jin smiled and said: "The technology is the same, how can we be unemployed? It's just about learning more new knowledge."

Although there are space shuttles now, it does not mean that rockets and spaceships will withdraw from the stage of history.

Rockets, from a certain perspective, can be equated with missiles.

If you want to explore more advanced missiles, researching rockets is essential.

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