Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 177 Arriving at the Moon

in the foreseeable years.

In the next ten or twenty years, missiles will still be a weapon on the battlefield.

After all, in recent years, various countries have stored a large number of various types of missiles.

At the same time, advanced intercontinental missiles are also the Sword of Damocles hanging over the enemy's head, which can force fanatical people to regain their rationality.

Of course, in the future, missiles will inevitably be gradually eliminated.

There will be more advanced attack methods to replace missiles!

But before that, the inventory of missiles must be cleaned up.

As for the spaceship, it lags behind the space shuttle now, but maybe the spacecraft will continue to be developed and its performance will be improved in the future, and it might become more advanced.

Return to hotel and rest.

Pick up your phone and scroll through the news.

The news of manned moon landing hits the screen directly!

Douyin and other platforms are all popular for manned landing on the moon.

At this time, no one will care about celebrities’ entertainment gossip.

In front of the news of manned moon landing, celebrities' entertainment gossip is nothing at all, it is completely out of the spotlight.

"Hey, this news is interesting. The two sides announced a temporary ceasefire for two days to celebrate the manned moon landing. It seems that the manned moon landing has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of world peace." Cai Jin saw a piece of news and showed surprise. color.

The two sides were fighting fiercely on that front, and there was no rhythm at all.

Every now and then, there is news that shocks the world.

Now, let's just declare a ceasefire for two days.

The purpose is for the soldiers to watch the news about the manned moon landing.

Cai Jin muttered, it seems that manned landing on the moon is indeed attractive.

"Ajin, do you think there will really be space travel in the future?" Nie Xiaoyu leaned her head on Cai Jin's shoulder and said, "Ordinary people can also travel in space."

Cai Jin touched his chin, shook his head and said: "In the next ten years, there is no need to think about this kind of thing, but there will be more tickets for space travel and the price will be much lower."

In the next ten years, if we add one space shuttle a year, we will only have ten space shuttles ten years later.

In the next ten years, in addition to performing space missions, the space shuttle will also be tasked with training more and more astronauts!

The importance of space travel for ordinary people must undoubtedly be put later.

In fact, as early as the millennium, private aerospace companies in the United States were hyping space travel, and even actually sent people to space for travel, but the tickets were not expensive!

If you are not a rich man, you simply cannot afford this kind of space travel.

"But, in a few days, we can travel to space, that's fine!" Cai Jin smiled lightly.

"Society is developing so fast, I feel like I can't keep up with it." Nie Xiaoyu said quietly: "I used to read aerospace topics on Zhihu. Some said it would take until 2040 to land a man on the moon, and some said It will not be until 2050 that we will be able to land a man on the moon."

"But now it feels like we have just graduated, and we are going to carry out a manned moon landing, and not through the Shenzhou spacecraft, but the space shuttle! This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful space shuttle." Nie Xiaoyu only feels that society is developing too fast , so fast that people can hardly bear it.

Cai Jin was startled.

Then he looked thoughtful.

I seem to have forgotten that society's ability to accept things is also limited, and if it develops too fast, it may not be a good thing.

Society is developing too fast, which means that the more new things we have to accept and the more we have to learn, most people will feel uncomfortable and even feel that they cannot keep up with the development of the times.

Even top students like Nie Xiaoyu feel this way, let alone ordinary people.

Touching his chin, Cai Jin reflected.

Originally, what I wanted to do was to first promote the popularization of bionic robots. In ten or twenty years, bionic robots would become indispensable to human society, just like smartphones.

China has completely entered the era of artificial intelligence.

What happened? Inexplicably, a space fighter and a space shuttle were produced.

Under such circumstances, China will become a dominant player in the aviation and aerospace fields in just a few years.

"It seems that the amount of chicken blood needs to be controlled. If it is too strong, it would be a good thing!" Cai Jin murmured secretly, already having a calculation in his heart.

I have to calm down and wait for my compatriots.

If you walk too fast, you can easily pull off the egg!

Look at now, there are so many new things that university education can no longer keep up with.

The graduates recruited by the Future Technology Group to work as technicians must be well trained to be competent. As for the knowledge, they are severely lacking.

The same goes for the emergence of aerospace fighters and space shuttles!

After all, they contain a lot of new technologies and a lot of new knowledge.

Even if you study hard for ten years, you may not be able to thoroughly study it.

Cai Jin had to admit that China, from top to bottom, is not mentally prepared to enter the interstellar era.

Preparations in all aspects cannot support China's requirements for entering the interstellar era!

"Xiao Yu, you are right!" Cai Jin nodded: "So, the sages are right, live and learn. There are still many, many things we have to learn."

Holding Nie Xiaoyu's slender waist, the two of them quietly enjoyed the silence of this moment.

In the past few months, Cai Jin has spent most of his time here, participating in various tests of the space shuttle.

Although Cai Jin is very confident in the space shuttle he has built, in the end, he still has to see it in person.

No one knows this space shuttle better than Cai Jin!

During this period, in addition to supplying goods, Cai Jin would go back once and often leave again the next day.

The two of them are still together, enjoying the world of two.

The 'Chang'e' space shuttle experienced a 13-hour flight, during which it braked at a predetermined distance.

The so-called braking is to slow down the spacecraft so that it can be captured by the moon.

Otherwise, if the speed is too fast, it will not be able to enter the lunar orbit; if the speed is too slow, it will be captured by the moon and have a close contact with the moon!

For other spacecraft, braking may be a high-tech endeavor.

However, for the Chang'e space shuttle, it only needs to activate one thruster to provide opposing force to continuously decelerate.

Eventually entering lunar orbit.

There was no immediate lunar landing. The space shuttle was in lunar synchronous orbit and first orbited the moon.

Because the moon landing will naturally be broadcast live around the world, so that it will have the greatest impact.

So, just have to wait.

But it didn't stop the astronauts from the supply cabin and began to release the satellite.

This time the Chang'e space shuttle carried several satellites, including scientific satellites, technology test satellites and application satellites.

It’s hard to come here, so I’ll take advantage of it.

Otherwise, if a satellite was launched around the moon in the past, the cost would often be hundreds of millions!

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