To be honest, Cai Jin doesn't care about the National Science Invention Award and the National Science Progress Award.

After all, he has too many techniques.

If he really wanted to win the award, it wouldn't be anyone else's business.

However, this kind of national science and technology award involves not only individuals or companies, but also represents the local area!

It is the level of local science and technology development and an honor for the local area!

No matter for the city or the province.

This is a huge honor!

Every year at the National Science and Technology Awards Commendation Conference, the media will always make statistics on the provinces where each award is distributed, and then make comparisons.

There is no doubt that provinces ranked lower will inevitably be criticized.

Take a look at the two universities, Tsinghua University and Peking University. Why are they called China's top universities? Tsinghua University and Peking University have the most among universities in the country.

But these things are always ignored intentionally or unintentionally, and then they are caught by the tail and severely criticized.

Then I tried to clarify and explain to no avail.

"These keyboard warriors are really real. If they don't understand, they will just output like crazy. If they do this, sometimes people will get depressed and jump off the building to commit suicide." Nie Xiaoyu curled her lips and said with dissatisfaction.

Cai Jin shrugged and said: "No way, why are keyboard warriors called keyboard warriors? Isn't it because they claim to be righteous? They are often led by the nose and bring their own dry food."

Cai Jin was depressed about this, but he didn't really take it to heart.

Because news comes and goes quickly.

In this era where global news is transmitted extremely quickly, it is difficult for any big news to remain popular for a month.

All kinds of news happen every day, and no one really pays attention to one piece of news and hypes it over and over again.

He obtained a doctorate and a certificate in advance, and no matter how conspiratorial and weird the theory was, it was just a matter of one person.

No matter how much I fry it, can it last for more than a week?

It's simply impossible.

He is not a star, just a low-key entrepreneur.

"Oh, it's been such an eventful year. Prevention and control have suddenly become stricter again. It feels like this year, everyone is a little impatient." Nie Xiaoyu sighed: "Many colleagues are now discussing when life and work can return to normal."

Cai Jin tilted his head and thought for a while: "It should be soon. After all, the economic development this year is not optimistic."

Until now, although the paper data on economic development are quite favorable.

But in fact, this is because in the past two years, many mid-to-high-end manufacturing industries have been developing, and exports have increased significantly.

However, many subordinate companies have been greatly affected. Many small and micro enterprises are struggling to support themselves. The shopping mall business has been bleak in the past three years, and the stores cannot be transferred out even if they want to.

For Ludao, which was originally a tourist destination, the total number of tourists in the past three years was not as high as in 2019.

Many scenic spots attract tourists for free, but they still do not attract many tourists.

The shopping mall, which used to be bustling and bustling, has now become deserted.

It’s not easy for everyone to make money. Even though many people still have savings, they don’t dare to spend lavishly at this time.

This is evident from the substantial increase in residents' savings.

It is true that Future Technology Group will drive a large number of jobs, but no matter how much it is driven, it will always be limited.

For a country as big as China with such a large population, it is impossible for a small country to develop by relying on just one industry.

China must develop in a balanced way, from top to bottom, and develop all industries to drive the development of the entire society.

Many low-end manufacturing industries may have very meager profits and not make much money at all, but the state still spends a lot of money on subsidies every year. A very important reason is that it can absorb a large number of jobs and give everyone a job.

Even though Future Technology Group, Warwick, BYD, Huaxia Semiconductor, etc. provide a large number of jobs, the youth unemployment rate is still as high as 15%!

Many college students are unemployed after graduation and cannot find a job.

Of course, there are many factors involved. For example, contemporary college students are not willing to enter factories at all, are not willing to work in relatively poor environments, and factory wages are too low.

On this side, many factories are recruiting but unable to recruit people, which is a sharp contrast.

Like Future Technology Group, the recruitment at the headquarters is very different from before. Now the academic requirements have become prestigious schools. Undergraduates from non-prestigious schools can no longer enter unless they are particularly outstanding.

Unless, go to the front-line production workshop.

There are only front-line production workshops, and there are almost no academic requirements, only a junior high school degree.

This is the dividend of high-quality talents in this era!

There is no shortage of college students and high-quality talents!

"I hope, otherwise, I don't know how many more years we can last." Nie Xiaoyu said.

Although most of the time, life is normal and there is no difference, but once there is any disturbance, there will be a panic immediately.

Until now, the temperature measurement system of Future Technology Group is still on.

Disinfectant will be sprayed at scheduled times every day.

"And it's not very peaceful now. The international situation has become more and more severe this year. I'm worried about what kind of war will happen!" Nie Xiaoyu said with worry: "There are wars every now and then. Each one is like a powder keg, fanning the flames."

"What are you thinking about? Nuclear weapons are hanging over your head. Who can live impatiently and want to die together?" Cai Jin said funnyly: "When did you like to pay attention to the news so much? Relax, there is still a long way to go. At most, it’s just a competition, and there won’t be any out-of-control war.”

On this point, Cai Jin is quite confident.

If someone really wants to play crazy at the critical moment, Cai Jin believes that someone will pour cold water on the opponent at the critical moment to make the opponent calm down and cool his heart.

However, Cai Jin also knows that this year's situation, coupled with public opinion on the Internet, has made many people feel worried, fearing that a war will break out and everyone will die.

But in fact, Cai Jin knew that this was just because everyone had lived in peaceful times for too long and was not used to it.

Looking at it now, there is no news of large-scale recruitment, and veterans have not been called up.

According to the security rules, ordinary people are drafted last.

Now it is no exaggeration to say that there is a huge difference.

And now, in a sense, it is just an orderly turmoil caused by the overlord gradually stepping down from the throne.

The imbalance of order in the two places means that the regional powers in the two places are dominating the region.

In a sense, this is actually normal. After all, the overlord can no longer maintain the dominance it had 20 or 30 years ago.

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