Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 190 The Second Space Shuttle

The first round of review list is out.

It also caused a big stir.

Many people expressed dissatisfaction with this. After all, they could not imagine that as a Chinese science and technology award, it is a national science and technology award and is also the most authoritative.

Now it's good, and Cai Jin has entered the second round.

This is simply unreasonable.

Keyboard warriors and university teachers reported on Cai Jin one after another.

For this reason, the jury had to issue an announcement stating that the results of their first round of reviews were fair and equitable and could stand the test of time.

At the same time, authoritative experts in many fields such as artificial intelligence, automation, materials science, aerodynamics, and aircraft research have come out to support Cai Jin.

After all, Cai Jin's scientific research results are real. Regardless of the award, Cai Jin is completely satisfied without any problems.

Just kidding, just the many technologies involved in bionic robots are enough.

What's more, Cai Jin developed aerial fighters and space shuttles!

Not to mention the National Science and Technology Invention Award and the National Science and Technology Progress Award, it is also appropriate to award Cai Jin the highest national science and technology award!

Just the aerospace fighters and space shuttles represent China's leading position among the new generation of fighter jets, and also represent China's position as the world leader in the future aerospace field.

Manned landings on the moon have already been carried out, and it is not impossible to carry out manned landings on Mars in the future.

No one expected that so many authoritative experts would jump out to support Cai Jin.

These authoritative experts are either National Distinguished Young Scholars or Yangtze River Scholars, and many are academicians.

Those university lecturers, associate professors, and professors who had previously jumped out to criticize Cai Jin were simply vulnerable in front of these people.

Cai Jin didn't pay attention to these rights and wrongs. After all, it couldn't hurt him even a hair.

At this time, the second space shuttle has been assembled.

Same size, same system, but looks a lot uglier.

Li Hao first conducted testing and then upgraded.

Although super giant 3D printers are already very impressive, it is impossible to create an identical space shuttle without testing.

It took a lot of effort to upgrade and optimize the space shuttle to a C-class space shuttle!

It looked almost exactly like the first space shuttle, and Cai Jin looked satisfied.

Cai Jin has 100% confidence in the system's golden finger.

Since the virtual view shows that this is a complete C-class space shuttle, it means that there are no problems with the performance of this space shuttle.

Subsequently, Cai Jin began to conduct a series of tests on the intact space shuttle.

All test indicators are perfect.


A secret military airport somewhere.

Just half an hour ago, we received a call here, and then the place was put on alert.

All lights, all turned off.

The airport leader, holding a telescope, kept looking at the sky.

"Do you think the leader is looking at the moon with a telescope? I tried it. The clarity is higher, but I still can't see the 'Guanghan Palace'." A soldier muttered.

"Maybe the chief is looking at the stars, and I don't know if looking at the stars with a telescope would be more beautiful."

"Fuck you, I heard that a star may be more than ten, hundreds or even thousands of light years away from the earth. This telescope can only be 40 times magnified. What can we see?"

Other soldiers also speculated.

Several leaders looked at the sky with telescopes, it was really weird.

"Here we come!" a leader suddenly said excitedly.

"I saw it too, flying from the south!" Another leader also said.

Then, they saw a plane continuously descending, the landing gear released, and then landing, gliding on the prepared runway, then slowing down, and finally driving into a hangar at a very slow speed.

"It's unimaginable that such a stable operation is unmanned." The leader standing at the front said with emotion: "The air combat mode will change in the future. It doesn't matter whether there are pilots or not."

"I heard that it is equipped with the world's most advanced artificial intelligence 'Chang'e', and its performance is beyond imagination." A leader next to him said with emotion: "Unfortunately, it is under a high level of confidentiality, and we do not have permission to get close to it."

"Yes, now only a few scientific researchers and astronauts are qualified to have close contact." The leader at the front sighed.

To be honest, he would also like to experience it if possible.

Because the recent reports about the space shuttle are already amazing.

Although the astronauts are lower in rank than them, the treatment of astronauts is higher than that of them. The astronauts enjoy the treatment of second-level guards.

This security treatment means that if the astronauts go to the sanatorium in Liaoyang, a platoon of guards will be stationed at the sanatorium to take charge of the security work. To exaggerate, not even a mosquito can fly out.

The food ingredients eaten by astronauts are all uniformly supplied by the astronaut center, and the prepared meals must be inspected and confirmed to be qualified before being sent to the astronauts' residence. If the astronauts want to cook for themselves, they cannot go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Instead, they need to obtain the ingredients from the vegetable and fruit market specially set up by the country. After picking, they must undergo strict screening, testing and disinfection before they can be eaten. .

If astronauts want to go home to visit relatives, they must first apply for a report. After being approved, there will be notifications from top to bottom, and finally to the streets. All relevant personnel must strictly abide by the information and develop very strict protective measures. , the astronaut vehicles will also follow a fixed route, and along the way, plainclothes and police officers are on standby to deal with possible problems.

You can imagine how high the status of astronauts is.

At this time, all the soldiers at the airport were shocked. They did not expect that a space shuttle would actually land at their airport.

Although airport management is very strict, it does not mean that the soldiers inside the airport are isolated from the outside.

On the contrary, they can still learn information about the outside world.

China manned the moon landing. At that time, they organized to watch the live broadcast. They all saw the space shuttle with their own eyes.

But now, the space shuttle arrived at the airport and landed right in front of them.

At this moment, they finally understood why the leaders were looking at the sky with telescopes and why the entire airport had to turn off the lights. It turned out to be a space shuttle landing at their airport.

If it weren't for the confidentiality regulations, the soldiers would all want to see the space shuttle and see the space shuttle nearby.

After all, this is a space shuttle, the most advanced space shuttle in the world, which has a huge attraction for them.

During this period, if someone asks a pilot what his dream is, it is not to fly the J-20, an advanced stealth fighter, but to be an astronaut and fly a space shuttle.

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