Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 191 Moon landing technical data lost

North America, Washington, DC.

NASA headquarters!

As one of the U.S. federal government's scientific research agencies, NASA is responsible for formulating and implementing the U.S. space program and conducting aeronautical science and space science research.

NASA has a history of 64 years since the signing of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958.

The Apollo program successfully achieved manned landing on the moon, making NASA the most authoritative aerospace research institution in the world and the world's leader in aerospace.

A series of aerospace technologies are NASA's most advanced.

At this time, Nelson was holding a meeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Chinese on the other side of the ocean have achieved manned landing on the moon, and we don't have much time left!" Nelson looked very serious.

Nelson officially became NASA administrator last year. Originally, Nelson thought this was a fat job, with less work and more money. With a little effort, he could earn tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars in income every year without any risks.

But in the past few months, Nelson's life has been difficult.

Ever since CNSA officially announced the space shuttle, his life has been difficult.

At that time, he was called to Doosuiqiao's office and was scolded severely.

At that time, he could still argue that it was a mistake by the intelligence agency, which failed to collect the latest information, so that they did not know about the development of the space shuttle by CNSA.

But since China's manned moon landing was successful, everything no longer makes sense.

The overwhelming pressure made Nelson unable to sleep well during this period. He had no interest in even the sexy secretary in front of him.

It was also at this time that Nelson suddenly realized that the position of NASA administrator was not a good job, it was simply terrible.

If I had known earlier, I would have chosen a different position.

Nelson is not an outsider, he is an industry insider. As early as January 1986, he went to space on the space shuttle Columbia. He is a real astronaut.

He knew very well how difficult it was to launch a space shuttle. It was a truly high-tech collection and represented the wisdom of humankind's industrial level.

Since the space shuttle Endeavor completed its last flight before retirement on June 1, 2011, and then entered the California Science Center in Los Angeles as its final home, the United States has been without a space shuttle for 11 years. .

As for the last manned moon landing in the United States, it has been half a century.

Even Nelson didn't know whether the moon landing was really done at the time, because as an astronaut, he only went into space and never went to the moon. And when he became the director of NASA, he also didn't know.

Because what happened back then is already a top-secret document, and even he, the director of NASA, is not qualified to borrow such top-secret documents.

In the entire United States, only one or two people have the authority to read such top-secret documents.

“But, Mr. Director, we plan to launch the new generation of lunar landing rocket ‘Space Launch System’ for the first time on November 16 to carry out the Artemis 1 unmanned flight test mission around the moon. We won't be able to send astronauts to the lunar surface until at least 2030. "A white-haired old man with a hoarse old voice.

"2030? We can't wait until 2030!" Nelson said unceremoniously: "Next year, next year we must land a man on the moon, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the people, if we cannot achieve a manned landing on the moon next year , then I think we will have to face difficulties from the Congressmen, and they will at least cut our funding in half."

"Next year? Mr. Director, you know, this is a manned moon landing, not a rocket launch. Are you kidding me? There's nothing you can do if you kill us all!" A scientific researcher looked very angry: "This is scientific research. It’s science, it’s not something you can just slap your head on.”

"What about the Apollo technology back then? We were able to send astronauts to the moon back then. Now we can use these technologies without any problems!" Nelson frowned and then proposed a feasible plan.

It was possible 60 years ago, but there’s no reason it can’t be done now!

A middle-aged woman said: "Mr. Director, you may not know that in the past few decades of deindustrialization, many original companies have gone bankrupt and closed down, and their production lines have been lost. Moreover, we do not have so many skilled workers. We have made Won’t come out.”

Nelson frowned, thinking hard, and then an idea flashed in his mind: "Now is the era of globalization, and we don't need to limit ourselves to our own country. We can look to Canada, Mexico, Europe, and China. They have the most comprehensive range of industries in the world." , owning the entire industry chain, it’s a big deal to place an order with them.”

"Mr. Director, this will cause technical leaks!" The white-haired old man said in a deep voice.

"Technical leaks, that's technology from 60 to 70 years ago. What's there to worry about? They've even built the space shuttle, and you're still worried about technology leaks." Nelson only felt that his IQ had been insulted.

"Our top priority now is to carry out manned landing on the moon to show that NASA is still the world's leader in aerospace." Nelson had to emphasize again: "And we must be the first to land manned on Mars. Once CNSA is allowed to land first, Mars is catastrophic for us!"

NASA experts all looked at Nelson as if they were an idiot.

You know, the moon is about 380,000 kilometers away from the earth, its perigee is 357,000 kilometers, and its apogee is only 406,000 kilometers. But as for Mars, its short distance is 55 million kilometers, and its farthest distance is more than 400 million kilometers.

Close encounters between Mars and Earth occur about once every 15 years, but that doesn’t happen all the time!

Could it be that easy to land on Mars? ?

"How about, we provide technology and design, global sourcing, how about this solution?" Nelson asked.

The white-haired old man blushed and said hesitantly: "Mr. Director, you may not know that part of our moon landing technical data has been lost."

Before the old man could finish speaking, Nelson interrupted him: "What do you mean, our moon landing technical data were lost!?"

"How is it possible? How could such important information be lost? Are you kidding me? Today is not April Fool's Day. This joke is not funny at all!" Nelson's eyes widened.

Just kidding, the moon landing technical information is so important and precious, and the level of confidentiality is the highest.

Are you telling me that such important technical information is lost?

I would rather believe that the nuclear warhead is lost than that the technical data of the moon landing will be lost.

To put it bluntly, although this is a technology from sixty or seventy years ago, today, except for a few countries, it is a very advanced technology.

After all, now, only three countries in the world have the ability to send astronauts to space: China, the United States and Russia.

Those who have the ability to launch satellites into space can be counted on two hands.

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