Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 204 The drama is about to begin

Today, in order to celebrate the launch of the Chang'e-2 space shuttle, manned landing on the moon began.

Future Technology Group has a day off, three days in conjunction with the weekend, so that everyone can watch the live broadcast.

After drinking several bottles of RIO, Cai Jin felt a little dizzy and went back to his room to take a shower and sleep.

Not knowing how long he slept, Cai Jin slowly woke up.

Next to him, Nie Xiaoyu was sleeping.

I looked at the time, it was one o'clock in the morning.

Cai Jin got up, washed his face, and went to the living room with his notebook.

He sat cross-legged on the sofa and opened his laptop.

The fingers of both hands were quickly operating on the keyboard, browsing the news of major and minor events during this period.

This is also a habit of Cai Jin, paying attention to current events!

News, whether it is true or false, needs to be screened.

Cai Jin is no exception.

"Huh?" Cai Jin suddenly felt something in his heart and looked surprised: "Did the Arab coalition move?"

News is not that eye-catching.

But it caught Cai Jin's attention.

He has always been paying attention to Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and these two regions are his focus.

Before, the Arab coalition forces only made small moves.

Some claims, and in response to price fluctuations in the oil market, have cut some oil production.

And now, from this news, Cai Jin saw that the Arab coalition was about to start a big move.

The Arab League is a very popular term recently and belongs to the concept of regional alliance. Speaking of this kind of regional alliance, there are two pioneers, one is the European Union and the other is the North American Free Trade Area.

The European Union, the abbreviation of the European Union, was developed from the European Community. It has 6 founding member states, namely Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. It now has 27 member states. There are two landmarks. One is the adoption of the Treaty on European Union at the Maastricht Conference of the European Workers' Association in December 1991, which is often referred to as the "Maastricht Treaty"; On November 1, 2016, the Treaty of Maastricht officially came into effect, and Europe and the United States were officially born!

The North American Free Trade Area was officially established by the United States, Canada and Mexico on January 1, 1994!

Both start with economic trade and eliminate trade barriers to form regional trade integration in anticipation of further progress.

The influence of these two is very great, which led to the birth of the African Union and the birth of ASEAN!

The Arab League is a regional international organization originally established to strengthen unity and cooperation among Arab countries. Its purpose is to strengthen close cooperation among member states, maintain the independence and sovereignty of Arab countries, and coordinate each other's activities.

In the past two years, as the Arab coalition has become more powerful, the Arab League has taken an important step to form economic, political and military integration on this basis!

And if you want to achieve a true regional alliance, it is naturally impossible to succeed easily.

The internal resistance and the external resistance are both huge.

Cai Jin moved his hands and fingers, and then the screen turned aside, and something like a surveillance camera appeared.

"The local tycoons are different. With money, the size of the coalition has reached 300,000!" Cai Jin muttered secretly. The size of the coalition only lasted a moment, and the real data was obtained by Cai Jin.

Three hundred thousand coalition troops, which is not far from the previously announced goal of forming a coalition of five hundred thousand troops!

And in order to improve the combat capabilities of the coalition, it was not only the original regular army that was transferred, but also tens of thousands of mercenaries, which were classified as mercenaries.

"Nima, this is really outrageous. The combat effectiveness of the mercenaries in the coalition, whether it is individual combat effectiveness, tactics, or battle effectiveness, is actually better than other regular armies!" Cai Jin looked at a previous military exercise within the coalition and couldn't help but think Start complaining.

Do you dare to imagine that with the same equipment, a mercenary group in the coalition army could beat up a brigade in the regular army!

Do you dare to imagine that with just one strike, a brigade was completely defeated? ?

Cai Jin somewhat understood why the Arab coalition wanted to form a mercenary army!

Among the 300,000 coalition troops, the number of mercenary troops is 30,000, accounting for 10%!

If there were no mercenary corps, and the coalition army was formed by training regular troops drawn from various member states, its combat effectiveness would probably be quite low.

Of course, if not exposed to the outside world, the Arab coalition's paper data is quite powerful.

Throughout the coalition, the Air Force has a strong fleet of early warning, transportation, and aerial refueling aircraft. The Air Force has a total of 20,000 people. It has 7 attack fighter squadrons, 9 fighter squadrons, 1 reconnaissance aircraft squadron, 1 early warning aircraft squadron, and 2 modified training aircraft. squadrons, 3 transport aircraft squadrons, 2 helicopter squadrons, 9 training aircraft squadrons, and 417 combat aircraft.

In terms of air defense, there are a total of 16,000 people and 33 surface-to-air missile batteries, including 92 20mm anti-aircraft guns, 50 30mm anti-aircraft guns, 128 35mm guns, and 150 40mm guns. In terms of surface-to-air missiles, there are 141 'Cheyenne' 128 units of mim-23bi 'Hawker' improved version, 40 units of 'Sidewinder'.

The Army has 264,000 people, including 15 armored brigades, 20 mechanized brigades, 4 airborne brigades, and 32 artillery battalions!

Regardless of combat effectiveness, just looking at paper data, whether it is weapons and equipment or the size of the army, they are quite luxurious.

Unfortunately, the current combat strategy of the entire Arab coalition is very simple, that is, three axes.

First, the bionic robot troops conducted joint operations with the air force and artillery. Then the mercenaries entered the battle, while other troops were responsible for cheering and cleaning the battlefield.

It was this kind of three-blade ax that actually won many battles on the battlefield. Although there were some losses, the losses were almost negligible compared with the gains.

Cai Jin took out snacks and drinks, and looked at the screen with interest.

Because today is just the day, the Arab coalition is going to launch a ‘hurricane operation’ to quell the fighting here.

If it hadn't been for a spur of the moment, I would have missed such a wonderful show.

But Cai Jin was a little confused as to why there had been no news about such a big operation before.

After looking up the relevant information, Cai Jincai suddenly realized that various news from the Middle East had been coming in almost every day since last year.

Maybe this kind of thing is equivalent to a replica of Raised Wolf.

He lied so much that no one believed him.

Wei Wei shook his head, how to say this kind of thing, it can only be said that you can live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil by yourself.

Now Cai Jin just wants to be a melon-eater and watch a big show.

As for what chain reaction it will cause later, we will know next anyway.

Anyway, I don’t know about this kind of thing in the long term, but in the short and medium term, the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages.

I don’t know if my father was beaten or even beaten to death. Will the son go crazy and take revenge, or will he fake crying and pretend nothing happened?

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