Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 205 Operation Hurricane

"Operation Hurricane" kicked off in the dark night.

Missiles were launched one after another, streaking across the sky like meteors.

Hundreds of missiles were launched at once.

Boom boom boom~~

The military targets that were detected were hit one after another, and the missiles destroyed buildings and airports.

Prior to the operation, these military targets had been largely scouted.

There were overwhelming missiles and hundreds of modified drones.

With so many missiles and drones, even if there are anti-aircraft missiles, it is difficult to intercept them all.

Both the Iron Dome defense system and the Patriot missile defense system appear to be very weak at this time.

An interception success rate of 80% or even 90% seems completely meaningless at this time.

Even if a drone is intercepted by an anti-aircraft missile, it doesn't matter, because the price of one such drone is much lower than that of a Patriot air defense missile.

After all, a Patriot air defense missile costs almost 4 million U.S. dollars, or even as high as 6 million U.S. dollars.

And this kind of J-5 drone does not even cost 1 million U.S. dollars. With bombs included, the comprehensive price is almost equivalent to 1 million U.S. dollars.

No matter how you calculate it, it’s not a loss.

Boom boom boom~~

Explosions continued.

Drones continued to drop bombs, causing a series of explosions.

Fighters and bombers arrived in the sky more than ten minutes later, using precision-guided bombs to destroy radar positions, communication hubs, power hubs and other important military targets.

The bionic bird robot has also arrived above the battlefield.

However, it does not take many bionic bird robots to achieve full coverage of an area of ​​approximately 25,000 square kilometers.

Combat mechanical dogs and mechanical bulls also entered the battle.

An area of ​​only 25,000 square kilometers has no depth at all.

In modern warfare, depth is often overlooked.

In fact, in war, the importance of depth is undoubted. With depth, you can have the conditions for a protracted war. Without depth, it may collapse in one wave and be difficult to turn over.

Just like now, with a large number of missiles, drones, fighter jets, and bombers, this kind of strike intensity is extremely powerful in modern warfare, and often the first wave of attacks can cause a lot of casualties.

Down below, various air raid sirens have been sounded.

No one thought that a war would break out at this time.

You must know that although the situation was tense before and they were very tough, according to think tank analysis and intelligence support, it was far from the time for war to break out. Therefore, their attitude was very tough and they did not compromise at all, even at the cost of nuclear weapons for tough warriors.

But now, facing the overwhelming attacks, many people are panicking and seem to be in a hurry.

Even though he had practiced drills before, he seemed panicked now.

Tank brigades and armored brigades rushed forward, and artillery battalions continued to provide artillery support. A total of 300,000 coalition troops and tens of thousands of robots were launched in three directions to attack.

The 30,000 mercenaries in the coalition were the most ferocious, and the other local soldiers were at the back. Even the artillerymen ran away immediately after firing, for fear of being killed by the opponent's artillery counterattack, which seemed particularly timid.

But with these three blows, the lines of defense collapsed and they were directly beaten to the point of collapse.

Planes were destroyed at the airport before they even took off.

A plane even took off, only to be crashed by a bionic bird robot.

The local tyrants are so ferocious that if the missiles cannot be concentrated, they will use bionic bird robots and drones to collide with them and kill them all.

Compared with the high cost of fighter aircraft, bionic bird robots and drones are extremely cheap.

Among the 1,000 cheaply equipped drones, 500 drones were modified from J-5s.

Now all these 1,000 drones are put on the battlefield.

Fires were seen everywhere across 25,000 square kilometers of land, and thick smoke was billowing into the sky.

Fighter planes roared and artillery boomed.

The ferocity of the little bully is clearly revealed at this time.

No matter how it is called a little overlord, it is just a small place without depth. In the past, it was just because of having a brave son.

With the outbreak of war, the news here suddenly spread throughout the world.

The whole world is confused.

What's going on? Why did the Arab coalition suddenly become so angry and launch a military operation all at once?

When the fight was at its worst before, they didn't start fighting directly.

It was good now, this period of time had been peaceful, but instead the fight started, catching everyone off guard.

Can't figure out what happened.

Various investment institutions have already had a premonition that oil prices are expected to rise next, and may even break through the sky and hit a record high.

Various military experts and current affairs commentators rushed to understand the latest relevant news as soon as possible, and then analyzed and wrote reports one after another.

In the past, most experts believed that there would definitely not be an outbreak. The biggest reason was that the current situation was not right and everyone could make a small amount of money.

The boss and the third child are working hard, and everyone else can just follow the second child as a group of people.

Make money, don’t be shabby!

It's fine now. The war started, but the experts from all walks of life were slapped in the face and their faces were a little swollen.

Most of the experts in the world have made their predictions wrong.

What was even more unexpected was that it was not that the Arab coalition forces suffered heavy losses, but that the offensive was fierce.

Obviously, the combat effectiveness of the Arab coalition has improved a lot in the past two years.

After using the three axes, the Arab coalition forces had already invaded, causing huge losses to the opponent.

The flames of war burned the entire 25,000 square kilometers of land. Many troops were directly defeated by the impact. Various weapons were thrown everywhere. Many soldiers were hiding everywhere, hiding in houses and tunnels.

The horror of war can only be fully realized when it comes.

Life is very fragile in the face of war. One bullet can kill one person, and one artillery shell can kill or injure several people.

In various places, this war was included in the focus news for the first time.

China is no exception!

Major media outlets have reported on it. Some of them directly broadcast live in the local area, while others used background pictures from other media and then reported it.

No one thought that a war of more than ten hours could cause such great damage.

This war also directly and vividly illustrates the importance of depth. Even in current wars, depth is extremely important.

This depth has been neglected in the military field in the past thirty years.

If there was enough depth, it would be impossible to break through the defense in such a short time.

It is because it has no depth and is in the shape of a belt, with a maximum width of no more than a hundred miles. The three attack groups were penetrated through the country in one strike and were divided. They suffered heavy losses, and there was no terrain that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

For a moment, everyone was paying attention to how the other party's son would react when he saw his father being beaten.

After all, everyone knows that the Little Overlord has been able to show off his power and arrogance for more than half a century because he has a son who is so good that he can directly give it to active fighter jets, and even soldiers can immediately become volunteers and fly fighter jets to fight.

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