Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 211 Assessment and Excitement

Early the next morning.

Cai Jin got up.

The canteen, many of the dishes here are grown by the troops on the island!

Yongxing Island is almost three hundred kilometers away from Hainan Island. Naturally, it is impossible to rely on supplying everything from Hainan Island. In that case, the cost will be too high and the cost will be too high.

Therefore, for example, fresh water will be saved regularly, and vegetables will be planted in the vegetable garden.

Cai Jin ate with gusto.

The vegetables here are very delicious, even better than the vegetables I ate when I was a kid.

Perhaps, this is the taste of tropical vegetables and fruits.

The tropical fruits on the island are a feast for Cai Jin!

At ten o'clock in the morning, the evaluation meeting began.

A beach with deep trees and excellent confidentiality.

Even the most advanced overseas reconnaissance satellites cannot detect the actual situation here.

A pool, this pool leads directly into the sea!

It was right at the time of high tide.

Dozens of people gathered here, including experts and the military.

Cai Jin took out a large box and took out a series of bionic robots.

"These marine bionic robots are equipped with nuclear batteries. Considering the marine environment and nuclear battery radiation, the marine bionic robots have a service life of ten years!" Cai Jin first introduced: "This is a bionic flying fish robot. As the name suggests, it is modeled after a flying fish. The robot can swim in the water for a long time and can also fly out of the sea for a short period of time and glide."

Cai Jin first introduced the bionic flying fish robot. After the introduction, Cai Jin simply and roughly threw it into the pool.

Then the fingers of both hands were clicking on the computer keyboard. If anyone looks at Cai Jin's laptop, they can see that the bionic flying fish robot has swam along the waterway into the sea.

Others were immediately surprised.

They did not expect that Future Technology Group already had such advanced and incredible technology in bionic robot technology.

You must know that this is in the sea. To achieve this point, you need to have extremely high technology and overcome many difficulties.

What's more, these marine bionic robots have unlimited endurance, which simply makes everyone stunned.

These marine bionic robots have unlimited endurance, which means they can use the sea to reach all oceans around the world.

Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean

This is so scary!

It's simply more terrifying than a nuclear submarine!

Nuclear submarines are expensive to build and theoretically have unlimited endurance, but the people inside the nuclear submarine cannot do that!

But the most expensive of these marine bionic robots only costs one million!

The cost of building a nuclear submarine can purchase at least a thousand marine bionic robots.

It is difficult for submarines to detect such marine bionic robots because under sonar recognition, there is no difference between these marine bionic robots and marine life.

However, these marine bionic robots can identify submarines and launch attacks on submarines and surface warships.

Although it will not destroy the warship, it can make the warship lose its combat effectiveness for a short period of time.

The propulsion system was destroyed. If you want to repair it, you first have to drag the warship to the port for repair. This is not easy and will take at least a year.

Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

Of course, they own this marine bionic robot, and they are even more excited.

This is a trump card, a big killer!

Cai Jin introduced other bionic robots one by one.

Such as the fastest bionic swordfish robot!

For example, the bionic robot jellyfish robot and the bionic turtle robot used for fixed reconnaissance!

This time, Cai Jin brought five marine bionic robots, three fast bionic robots, and two slow but wide reconnaissance robots!

Put five bionic robots into the pool and let them enter the sea.

Cai Jin and others returned to the military base and came to the conference room.

On the large screen in the conference room, following the ‘Benben’ connection, the scene in the ocean clearly appeared.

"Everyone, this is the marine bionic robot developed by our company. It will profoundly change the mode of future naval warfare." Cai Jin said: "Now everyone can test these marine bionic robots through the program."

Next, others began to test these five marine bionic robots.

The more I test it, the more incredible it becomes.

The fastest bionic swordfish robot can maintain a speed of 110 kilometers per hour and gallop in the sea. Whether it is an underwater submarine or a surface submarine, if it encounters a bionic swordfish robot, it will definitely be life or death, and there is no way to escape!

After all, in front of the bionic swordfish robot, the speed of the warship seemed like a turtle.

More importantly, the depth of these bionic robots under sea water is lower than that of current submarines!

This means that it is difficult for ships to escape the reconnaissance and attack of marine bionic robots!

"Leader, our navy must purchase these bionic robots!" the Yongxing Island garrison commander roared excitedly.

With only tens of thousands of these marine bionic robots, such a vast sea area will be as impregnable as the Great Wall. It is not an exaggeration to say it is a modern version of the Great Wall on the Sea.

Just from the perspective of reconnaissance, this means that this vast sea area will be a forbidden area for all warships, and they will be discovered as soon as they enter.

"Yes, leader, we must report to our superiors that we must purchase these bionic robots. With them, we can truly form a blue ocean navy!" Other naval commanders have realized the importance of these marine bionic robots. sex.

From a certain perspective, these marine bionic robots are even more important than missiles and torpedoes.

Don't say ten years of service life, even one year of service life is completely acceptable.

After all, if the service life is only one year, you don't need to keep it in sea water, but put it down when you have a task, thus extending the time.

"Okay, okay, we will write a report and submit it to the superiors then." The person in charge of this evaluation meeting said with a headache.

After all, these marine bionic robots are much more expensive than land bionic robots and bionic bird robots.

The unit price of several models is one million!

Even if it is cheap, it will cost 300,000 yuan!

But it’s normal to think about it. Navy ships have never been cheap.

It is normal for a warship to cost one billion!

Look at the US military’s nuclear submarine, which costs billions of dollars to build, and a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which costs tens of billions of dollars!

He rubbed his temples. It seemed that he had to learn more this year and call himself "poor" more often. In this way, he could have more funds to purchase bionic robots.

Cai Jin was very indifferent to everyone's excitement. These were all within his expectations.

The excellent performance of these five marine bionic robots will make it difficult for these people to resist the temptation as long as they are not blind.

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