Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 212 Internet Conference

Cai Jin and Gong Chaoming left Yongxing Island and returned to Future Technology Group.

This time, the Navy ordered 100 of each marine bionic robot.

It’s not much, it’s experimental in nature.

Bionic swordfish robot, 1 million/piece.

Bionic flying fish robot, 800,000/piece.

Bionic swordfish robot, 800,000/piece.

Bionic returnee robot, 500,000/piece.

Bionic jellyfish robot, 400,000/piece.

The total order is 350 million yuan!

Moreover, these marine bionic robots have entered the confidential list.

Don't say it, even if you disclose the information to the outside world.

As for the bionic robots that Cai Jin brought to Yongxing Island, they all stayed on Yongxing Island and were being tested.

It can be regarded as a gift from Cai Jin to the navy.

For the navy, combat mechanical dogs and mechanical bulls do not have that much effect.

The most important thing is to put them on some islands and reefs for existential purposes or to strengthen their firepower.

For the navy, marine bionic robots and some marine bird robots are the most useful.

Cai Jin returned to the factory and began to arrange the production of these bionic robots.

Since they are classified as confidential, the production of these bionic robots must naturally be carried out in small factories.

After the arrangements were made, Cai Jin set off for Wuzhen.

The weather in Wuzhen in November is pretty good, not too hot, not too cold, the temperature is just right and quite comfortable.

The 2022 Internet Conference will be held here, and the entire Wuzhen appears prosperous.

Compared with the previous two years, the atmosphere here seems to have returned to three years ago.

Compared with the China Internet Conference, the World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen is more grand and the atmosphere is more lively.

Nationwide, ZJ Province is at the forefront of the Internet, especially e-commerce.

According to statistics from the ZJ Provincial E-Commerce Promotion Center, HZ City has 63,839 live broadcast e-commerce anchors, and 510,000 people are engaged in this job in the city. This means that 1 out of every 16 people in the city is engaged in live broadcasting. E-commerce.

The number of e-commerce Internet celebrities in Hangzhou ranks first, and the industry scale has exceeded 200 billion!

One can imagine how terrifying this is.

That has formed an industrial chain!

There are not only e-commerce internet celebrities, but also training industries, and even factories!

After arriving in Wuzhen, after the leisurely gathering, there will be formal interviews. There are also many social elites at these interviews. At the same time, there will also be live broadcasts on the Internet. It can be said that many people who are interested in the Internet will watch these interviews. In recent years, many well-known Internet terms have been born from some conversations on this stage.

Those who can be interviewed are the heads of the most cutting-edge companies in the industry, or the founders of a unicorn-level company (valued at one billion US dollars). A regular visitor every year is Xiaomi’s Rebus. When interviewed alone, he was full of interest and everyone was smiling.

Xiaomi has also made great progress in these years.

Although Warwick has returned to the fifth position in the world in the mobile phone industry, it has returned to its peak and benefited the most. However, Boss Lei also took the opportunity to reshape the supply chain, which is expected to become the third global trend in the industry.

Whether in terms of revenue or profit, Xiaomi is growing rapidly.

The only thing that made Rebus lose face was that a few years ago, he made a high-profile declaration and issued a military order that he would definitely win the Indian market. As a result, after a few years, it failed.

Not long ago, Xiaomi India was undergoing large-scale layoffs. The number of employees in the company has been reduced from 1,400 to 400, which means it has laid off a thousand people!

Make money in India and spend money in India. I want to take one home!

It once again confirmed what a ‘cemetery of foreign companies’ is.

The Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet of Things Conference has more than 2,100 representatives from more than 120 countries and regions participating offline or online.

The theme this time is "Build the Cyber ​​World Together, Create the Digital Future Together - Work Together to Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace"!

This conference focuses on four major sections: cooperation and development, technology and industry, humanities and society, governance and security, and sets up sub-forums on global cyberspace hot topics!

The world's leading Internet scientific and technological achievements were released during the conference, and more than ten top Internet scientific and technological achievements were unveiled; the "Light of the Internet" expo attracted more than 400 Chinese and foreign companies to actively participate, and the "Light of the Internet Cloud Exhibition Hall" was opened for the first time. Utilize 3D and virtual reality technologies to create an immersive, 365-day non-ending 'online cloud exhibition'; the "Direct to Wuzhen" global Internet competition brings together outstanding entrepreneurial teams and projects at home and abroad to explore new technologies, new models, and new business formats for Internet development !

The "World Internet Development Report 2022" and "China Internet Development Report 2022" released by the conference also attracted much attention.

It is worth mentioning that after Cai Jin announced that the world has ushered in the era of artificial intelligence, ChatGTP, a chat machine developed by Open Ai in the United States, was also hailed as artificial intelligence.

In fact, in Cai Jin's view, ChatGTP is not considered artificial intelligence. It is more appropriate to say it is a personal digital assistant.

Compared with the artificial intelligence of Future Technology Group, ChatGTP is just artificial intelligence!

The technology tycoon at this conference, Brother Dong, is also one of the focuses. The rise of Pinxixi in recent years has impacted the Taobao system, but it has not had a great impact on The positioning of the two is very different.

After went public, it received traffic support from QQ online, and its offline self-built logistics and warehousing played a powerful role. With delivery speeds no less than those of SF Express, more and more high-end people and high-income groups will choose to use The number of people shopping on may not be very large compared to the mass base, but they have strong spending power. Once they form a consumption habit, it will not be easy to change their habits whether it is Taobao or Pinxixi.

When the leaders of second-tier Internet companies finish their speeches or interviews, what is left is naturally the biggest easter egg.

Ma Yun of Alibaba, Ma Huateng of Tencent, and Cai Jin of Future Technology Group were interviewed at the same time, and they could also have direct on-site conversations with each other on various issues.

This attracted the attention of Wushuang. Even Rebus, Dong Ge, Ding Sanshi, Zhang Chaoyang and others came to the scene. They naturally got the first row of the auditorium, and other reporters were naturally even more active. I don’t know how many people paid an unimaginable price for this ticket, and even some people from the political circles happily came over to join in the fun.

When the applause started, three people entered the room one after another.

The two are giants who have dominated China's Internet for 20 years. They are Chinese business tycoons in the past ten years and have many fans.

And Cai Jin is a newly rising giant. Although his rise has been short-lived, he is ferocious enough, so ferocious that anyone would find it incredible when he thinks about it.

The three people represent the past, present and future.

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