The public is outraged!

The Northeast Production Base of Future Technology Group involves not only Future Technology Group, but also suppliers. The commercial buildings, office buildings, and shopping malls under construction that Hecheng has auctioned off, and even those who buy houses, are all interested. The laid-off workers are receiving training, which is also directly related to their interests.

It can be said that this time it involves all aspects.

The interests of most people are consistent with the Future Technology Group.

Suddenly, the whole situation appeared to be a quick one.

Then there is the transfer of personnel. Those who perform well will be promoted, while those who perform poorly and have not missed the mark will be transferred to Qingshui Yamen.

In addition, a group of cadres from other places were mobilized to Hecheng.

In China, the most indispensable thing is people, especially people who want to make a difference in their official careers!

Cai Jin's phone number couldn't be reached and he couldn't be contacted.

The new team and provincial leaders are determined to show their attitude. In the ice and snow, it can be seen that everyone is rushing to work.

The tough attitude from above gave rise to strong fighting power from below.

The project, which was originally progressing slowly, was like riding a rocket.

Even if it is the Spring Festival, there is no holiday, but we must seize the time to meet the construction deadline.

As the Spring Festival approached, Cai Jin went to Chengdu alone and received a warm welcome from Chengdu.

Even at the busiest time at the end of the year, leaders from Chengdu and the province personally hosted banquets for Cai Jin to give him a clean slate.

To be honest, what happened in Hecheng this time was also a killing of chickens and monkeys in Rongcheng, which alerted both Rongcheng and Sichuan and Shu provinces.

How important is a future technology group production base? Chengdu has the most say on this, and Sichuan and Sichuan Province also have the deepest understanding.

Extremely efficient, everything is done in accordance with the rules, and the money that should be paid will be settled as soon as possible. So far, nothing messy has happened.

Now, the second phase of the project has been completed and is about to undergo pre-production.

"Boss Cai, we in Chengdu will do our best to protect the production base, and we will continue to improve our service capabilities and provide more efficient services to everyone." The top leader in Chengdu solemnly said: "Build a service-oriented government. This is what we have been working hard on, and we will move forward unswervingly on this road.”

“In our province, we attach great importance to the production base and will never tolerate anyone or anything delaying or perfunctory in this regard. Anyone who dares to step on the red line in this regard is a sinner in Chengdu and Sichuan and Sichuan Province. I will be severely punished!" The attitude of the province is very clear.

Cai Jin felt quite pleased when he saw the attitude of the city and province.

The completely opposite attitudes of the two places before and after made Cai Jin's anger calm down.

"Dear leaders, we are in a period of great changes unseen in a century, with the explosion of science and technology, and the social changes are very drastic. We also need to continue to learn and improve our capabilities. This production base not only produces civilian products, but also There is no room for any mistakes in military products." Cai Jin emphasized.

The Rongcheng production base has a very important position.

Because from the beginning, its positioning was not only to produce civilian products, but also to include military products.

It's just that Cai Jin didn't take advantage of the convenience brought by this part of the function, otherwise, the nature would be completely different.

In the civil field, if the supporting facilities cannot keep up, it is nothing more than a defendant, and it is a civil dispute.

In the military field, it's completely different. You can even go to a military court.

The next morning, Cai Jin got up early, had breakfast at the hotel, and began to inspect the production base.

The first thing to inspect was the dormitory area.

A large dormitory area has already been built. This is the employee community. Only a small part of the rent and water and electricity bills are collected to maintain the management, maintenance and repair of the community.

On the first floor of the building outside the community, there are various storefronts, and the rent of these stores is also included.

Breakfast shops, supermarkets, restaurants, everything.

Then several dormitories were randomly selected for inspection.

Cai Jin frowned slightly. He found that these dormitories were still quite dirty overall.

To be honest, he was quite dissatisfied with this.

Each of these dormitories is a four-person room, and the space is quite large. The environment is actually quite good. There is space for air conditioning, a washing machine and a refrigerator, and everything you need.

But now that it's like this, to be honest, it makes people frown a little bit when they see it.

The person in charge of the dormitory area at the production base suddenly felt his heart skip a beat.

To be honest, he didn't expect that Cai Jin would take precious time to visit the dormitory area, and not to see the newly built ones, but to randomly select the dormitories that were already occupied.

"Pang Yi, is this how you manage the dormitory area of ​​the production base? If you ask a pig to manage it, he can manage it better than you." Cai Jin's mouth was like a machine gun, and he cursed at the person in charge of the dormitory area: "What if? If you don’t want to do it, write your own resignation letter and don’t occupy the manhole without shitting!”

Cai Jin felt angry just thinking about it.

This employee dormitory complex was managed by a professional property company, and the people from Future Technology Group were just auxiliary. The result was good, and it turned out like this.

Pang Yi's face turned red and white for a while.

"Liu Yang, is this how you recommend high-level talents to the group? Are you thinking that the mountains are high, the emperor is far away, the sky is high, and the birds can fly, and become a border official???" Cai Jin's eyes were piercing, and his words made Liu Yang feel panicked, Even in winter, I am sweating profusely.

As the person in charge of the Chengdu production base, Liu Yang has a great say in the selection of cadres and can recommend them to the group.

It can be said that if such a big mistake happened, he, as the person in charge of the base, has an unshirkable responsibility. .

Liu Yang felt bitter in his heart.

This is the critical period of assessment at the end of the year. If something like this happens, I am afraid that the bonus for the year will be withheld, and there may even be a risk of a decline in job grade.

Cai Jin did not continue to inspect the dormitory area. A glimpse of the leopard found that the problem here was definitely not an exception.

Now that problems are discovered, a special working group will naturally move in to carry out various investigations and rectifications.

Cai Jin no longer needs to pay attention.

Afterwards, he inspected the first phase of the factory. After one year of production, the number of employees here has increased to 9,000!

Last year's output value also reached 6 billion yuan!

It is expected that in the new year, the output value will exceed the 15 billion yuan mark.

Cai Jin personally went to the front line to listen to everyone's inner thoughts.

Although the company's feedback channels are open, it is inevitable that some people are worried and dare not give feedback.

But with Cai Jin in front of him, it's different.

You don’t have to worry about whether the boss will receive it, because the boss is right in front of you.

Cai Jin grew darker and darker as he listened.

He did not expect that this production base would cause so many problems in just one year.

This is simply appalling.

Cai Jin chose to call the police without hesitation, first controlled the person, and then waited for the investigation team to arrive.

Cai Jin looked at Liu Yang again, his expression was already very ugly.

No matter what, Liu Yang, as the person in charge of the base and a senior member of the group, will be held responsible if anything happens.

Leadership responsibilities cannot be shied away at will.

Liu Yang felt bitter in his heart.

He didn't even expect that such a big mistake would occur under his leadership, and he didn't even know anything about it.

But he couldn't explain it yet.

At this time, any explanation is feeble.

Cai Jin never thought that when artificial intelligence covered everything up and down, as if it were transparent, there would be people putting themselves in danger, and the artificial intelligence would not be able to detect it.

It can only show that the most difficult thing to understand in the world is the human heart.

Artificial intelligence has developed to this day, but it is still inferior to humans.

Originally, Cai Jin was in a good mood when he came to Chengdu.

But today, when he saw the darkness here, his good mood was gone, only heavy.

Future Technology Group's salary is not high, it is definitely top-notch in the industry.

It is not easy to earn a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan in other companies, but in Future Technology Group, it is common to earn a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan.

Whether it is medical insurance or social security, they are implemented in accordance with rules and regulations.

There are a lot of the five insurances and one housing fund that you should have.

But even so, there are still people who are not satisfied and dare to step on the red line.

Cai Jin suddenly realized that he needed a detailed assessment of the group from top to bottom in all aspects.

Only by identifying and eradicating these borers can the entire group's big tree thrive.

Cai Jin gave orders to Benben, and he needed to know what he was doing.

As long as there are clues, Cai Jin believes that he will not be able to escape Benben's search.

Unless the other party does not use the Internet at all, there is no data at all, holding cash, spending cash, and then even a few words do not exist in the network connection.

After attending the completion ceremony, Cai Jin was not in the mood to attend the so-called celebration banquet.

Cai Jin did not attend the celebration banquet, so naturally no one else would attend.

In the hotel suite, Cai Jin opened his laptop.

Benben has completed the task and sorted each employee according to their job number to form a spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet clearly flagged suspicious areas.

"People's hearts are not as strong as snakes swallowing elephants. It seems that many people lack awe in their hearts!" Cai Jin sneered in his heart.

Some people, even those whom Cai Jin is very familiar with, have reached the position of company executives, with annual income of millions.

But despite being in a high position, he still dared to reach out.

There are even relatives and friends of Cai Jin here!

Cai Jin screened out the list of possible problems and sent it to the Supervision Department, which he handed over to the Supervision Department for handling.

Originally, it was almost spring break, but as soon as the order was issued, the Supervision Department launched an investigation.

This investigation is not limited to within the company, but also involves the Public Security Bureau.

Teams formed temporarily went to various companies and reviewed them one by one according to the list.

After the working group arrived in Chengdu, Cai Jin left Chengdu and returned to the headquarters after a few words.

The wages and bonuses that were to be paid to some people have been stopped.

Those who called for a halt were all on the list.

Nie Xiaoyu gently squeezed Cai Jin's shoulders. She knew that Cai Jin was feeling uncomfortable at this time.

To be honest, Nie Xiaoyu did not expect that such a big thing would happen.

There are so many people involved!

And even her offline direct stores are having problems.

In some directly-operated stores, employees privately raise prices to earn extra money.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

"Xiaoyu, do you think the human heart is the most difficult thing to understand in the world? We obviously have a complete system. As long as we work hard, we can live a good life. Why should we be greedy and reach out?" Cai Jin seemed a little depressed.

Nie Xiaoyu paused for a moment: "Yes, the human heart is the most complicated, so our ancestors said that the human heart is sinister."

"But we also have to see the positive side. Most people are kind and they work hard to get rich." Nie Xiaoyu said.

The total number of people involved in this list accounts for about 3% of the total number of employees.

And not all of these 3% people have problems.

Otherwise, there would be no need to investigate and just deal with it directly.

When Cai Jin heard this, he felt a little better.

Yes, I only saw 3%, but I didn’t see 97%!

Most people are still honest and perform their duties.

"Next, it seems that we need to conduct in-depth investigations every year to ensure that there are no borers in the big tree of our Future Technology Group! Even if there are borers, they can be eliminated as soon as possible." Cai Jin said.

Although it is unethical and illegal to investigate the account status of individuals and their relatives, it is necessary.

In the past, Cai Jin focused on cutting off the infiltration of spies.

But now I realize that just guarding against spies is not enough, you also have to guard against internal moths.

"Liu Yang, what do you plan to do?" Nie Xiaoyu asked.

This time, Liu Yang was one of the executives involved.

There were no abnormalities in Liu Yang's account, but there were abnormalities in Liu Yang's family accounts. Large amounts of money had been remitted three times.

"It depends on the situation. If he really reached out, he should be fired. If he didn't reach out and was hidden by his family, then he should be demoted." Cai Jin said: "If it is just a misunderstanding, given the current problems, , he is not suitable to continue to work in the Chengdu production base, and he will be downgraded by two levels!"

Cai Jin was not beaten to death with a stick.

Since the company has complete rules and regulations, then do things according to the rules and regulations.

No matter what happens, Liu Yang cannot avoid punishment.

Canceling the year-end bonus is only a minor punishment, and lowering the level is considered the lightest punishment.

If it's serious, Liu Yang might even face jail time.

Although it can be said that Liu Yang had no merit but hard work, Cai Jin did not intend to show mercy outside the law, but implemented everything in accordance with the company's rules and regulations.

This time, Cai Jin also saw a shortcoming of a group, that is, it was developing too fast and the talent growth rate could not keep up.

No matter how good the system is, in the final analysis it is people who implement it.

If people have problems, no matter how good the system is, there will be flaws.

Cai Jin is actually responsible for these problems now.

He takes it for granted and is too naive. He just thinks that because he provides a good environment and excellent salary, everyone will work in peace and peace of mind!

But it turned out that this was nothing more than a naive idealization.

If it were really that simple, there wouldn't be so many famous companies that have been eliminated over the years.

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