Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 259 Return to Space

Chinese New Year holiday.

Many employees are on vacation, but the Supervision Department is not.

This time Cai Jin's attitude was extremely strong and tough. As the Supervision Department, it failed to notice such a big problem. This in itself is the Supervision Department's dereliction of duty.

So naturally I didn’t dare to slack off, but worked even harder.

I want to atone for my sins.

In this department, the deterrent force is still quite strong, and it represents Cai Jin's will.

Now, they have to carry out Cai Jin's will.

Some employees thought that if they took out their money and left the company, they would be done with it. They didn't realize that they were not just violating the company's rules and regulations, but also breaking the law.

If you break the law, it will naturally be dealt with by the law.

The entire Future Technology Group is covered with a heavy solemnity.

"Some people are just incompetent. They always take chances and don't want to take the right path. They always want to take shortcuts. Now it's better. Now if something happens, it's over!"

"Cheng Yu, this bastard, really has a dark heart. After three years in the company, he actually took more than 30 million yuan. How dare he take it!"

"You can still live if you do evil in heaven, but you can't live if you do evil on your own! Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that it won't be repaid, it's because the time has not come! These bastards are all top students. They learned all the bullshit. They deserve it. Parental training?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, as a master, you already have a subsidy from the company, and now you dare to ask for money from the person who leads you. This is because your self-confidence has been inflated. Mad, are you crazy about making money? It's okay now. I got fired and got nothing, I deserved it.”

"I just want to be different. I make money secretly and carefully, and I am so sure-footed with the clean money. Why am I going crazy? Now that I am fine, I don't even have a job. I want to go out and find such a good job. Where can I find it?"

"I just said, why don't you hold a wedding party this year? With such worries, how can the boss still be in the mood to hold a wedding party?"


Employees were talking about it in WeChat groups and privately.

And the media even reported it one after another.

Chinese people have always believed that "family scandals should not be publicized", so if there is any internal scandal, it is often covered up if possible.

It is really rare for a company like Future Technology Group to expose its family scandals.

In the past, people thought that private enterprises would not have corruption problems.

But this time, it was clearly shown in front of everyone that there are also corruption problems within private enterprises.

Many people have compared what happened to Huawei, Alibaba, and Tencent last year.

As we all know, fortresses are often breached from within. Many companies fail not because their competitors are too strong, but because of their own internal problems.

Don’t be afraid of competition, be afraid of losing control!

This is a fear every boss has.

The big trees have dead branches, and the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. The larger a company is and the more people it has, the more difficult it will be for internal management and risk control.

Even though Warwick has always attached great importance to internal anti-corruption and even set September as Warwick Anti-Corruption Day, Xu Zhijun, the rotating chairman of Warwick, once said: "We have to deal with a lot of employees taking bribes every year. Some people have entered the police station, or prison."

Mr. Ren also mentioned that Warwick Company had launched a ‘confession and leniency’ campaign. “More than 4,000 people in the company have confessed to declaring fraud, and many of them are senior cadres.”

Tencent, too.

Ma Huateng has always given people the impression of a gentle person. In public, he rarely loses his temper and rarely uses strong words. Even when the magazine Computer World published the article "Tencent in Dog Days", Ma Huateng's first reaction was: "How can they curse people?"

Among the many Internet tycoons, Ma Huateng is a relatively elegant person. Unlike Zhou Hongwei, known as "Zhou Big Cannon", he likes to defy the sky, the earth and the air. Ma Yun, on the other hand, is full of courage, advocating chivalry and martial arts spirit, and will subvert the bank if she takes any action.

But just last year, at Tencent's internal meeting, Ma Huateng changed his usual gentleness and became tougher. He severely criticized Tencent's internal employees. "The corruption problem within the group is really shocking."

"I'm telling you, but you don't have a chance to watch it, and you will be scared to death after watching it!"

Well now, it’s finally Future Technology Group’s turn.

It happened to be when Cai Jin was spending the Spring Festival with his wife and family at home.

After endless debates on Yingjiang's side, a decision was finally made.

After approving US$200 billion to restart the F22 production line, support contractors, and repurchase the F22 production chain, another US$200 billion was approved for NASA to jointly develop sixth-generation fighter jets with Lockheed Martin.

Then NASA experts and military experts analyzed the current situation with the think tank.

The meaning behind the words is the same.

The space program must be restarted.

The gentlemen in Congress were very happy this time and directly approved US$300 billion to restart the space program.

However, NASA complained all the time when being interviewed by the media.

Because according to the proposal, it is necessary to build a space station, land on the moon, and land on Mars, no matter what, it will cost two trillion US dollars.

As a result, the congressmen only gave us US$300 billion. This is simply unreasonable.

You know, NASA is used to being carefree and having fun, so how could it be possible that it would lead a hard life?

A coffee machine dares to bill $450,000.

As a result, Yingjiang can only support private companies. Otherwise, even if Yingjiang can print money, at the rate at which NASA spends money, they really can't afford it.

This time, if there was really nothing we could do, why would we be willing to approve US$300 billion to NASA?

You know, before the Rabbit manned the moon landing successfully, NASA vowed that they would return to the moon in 2023 and gave a detailed timetable. But now 2023 is over, and more than a month has passed in 2024. Moon only stays at reports but has no substantive actions.

But NASA also has a way. If it doesn’t have enough funds, it can find allies to harvest the wool!

If you want to participate in the International Space Station project, you can, just pay!

If you want to go to the moon with NASA, no problem, just pay!

If you want to go to Mars with NASA, you also have no money. Give me money!

Allies are not poor relatives, but they are all quite wealthy.

Even if life is hard now, money is always available.

Even NASA and the military are jointly planning to build a space aircraft carrier for military operations.

For a time, aerospace became the most popular field in North America.

Private companies, one after another, stared at NASA with green eyes.

To be precise, it is eyeing the huge amount of funding in the hands of NASA.

Even if you only have a piece of the pie, your mouth will be full of oil.

In the sixth-generation fighter project, except for a few companies such as Boeing, which can get a share of the pie, other private companies cannot eat meat and drink soup. At most, they can make some hard money by supporting the project.

But restarting the space program will be different. Many private companies can make money from it, especially private aerospace companies such as SpaceX and Firefly Space Company. They are fully capable of making a fortune, just like eating meat. .

As soon as the news of the resumption of the space program came out, the stock prices of these private airlines and related companies rose sharply, which was good for the aviation sector.

When Cai Jin saw the relevant news at home, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

This is already in the urn!

In the aerospace field, this is a huge investment and requires burning a lot of money.

And this investment will not yield returns in a short time.

In addition, it seems that 300 billion US dollars will be used to restart the space program, but no one knows how much money will actually be used to develop aerospace.

"Well, as expected of an old American, she still has a lot of heritage. As long as the money is in place, returning to space is really nothing." Nie Xiaoyu said with emotion that the old American has a profound heritage.

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After all, he has been the world hegemon for almost a century, and his blood is quite thick." Cai Jin smiled lightly and said: "But this is just right. We can compete in space and decide the winner. It's a different height, so that you don't have to crawl around on the ground and have no choice."

There are quite lively discussions on the Internet, but many of them are bearish on Rabbit and bullish on Eagle Sauce!

I have to say that this remote breeding technology is indeed powerful.

People in most countries around the world didn't take it seriously after seeing this news.

Because the aerospace field is not something that small countries can play well.

Let alone a small country.

Even among the five good people, only two can afford it at present. The remaining three are half dead, with technology but no capital. The other two have no technology, or have incomplete technology. They have some money, but not much. They want to make efforts in the space field, but they are really powerless.

Of course, there are no exceptions, and that is the magical third brother.

The third brother also shows an ambitious space plan, investing large sums of money to join the chessboard of space, and striving to become a chess player.

The third brother is very unique in the world. He developed his own tanks. As a result, he didn’t even use the Arjun tank he had been working on for decades. Instead, he built an LCA Tejas fighter. As a result...

Before manned spaceflight was realized, the third brother began to want to manned the moon and Mars.

"Ajin, do you think Yingjiang can really return to space successfully?" Nie Xiaoyu said with some worry.

Cai Jin smiled lightly and said: "Well, look at this news. The International Space Station is about to be decommissioned. This news is more interesting."

The International Space Station is the largest space flight object ever built by mankind. It is 108 meters long, weighs over 400 tons, and is larger than a Boeing 747 passenger aircraft. The International Space Station in its full state can accommodate the work and life of 6 astronauts. Each shift lasts at least half a year.

Naturally, the cost of building this International Space Station is also quite high, costing more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, and its operation has already consumed 160 billion U.S. dollars.

And you must know that even the current International Space Station has not been fully completed, and can only be regarded as half completed, because the current International Space Station weighs 160 tons!

As for why it was not fully completed, the reason is very simple. The cost of building the International Space Station far exceeded the budget, and the 16 participating countries were reluctant to increase investment, so it became a semi-finished product.

According to original expectations, the International Space Station should operate until 2028. However, it has shown many aging problems and unexplained cracks have been temporarily patched a few years ago, so its retirement time has been set since a few years ago. In 2024!

Of course, now that the International Space Station is about to be decommissioned, a very important reason is that Da Mao doesn’t want to play anymore.

And Da Mao is responsible for transporting supplies and astronauts.

If Da Mao stops playing, the International Space Station will naturally not be able to play.

As early as a few months ago, Damao had officially confirmed that it would join the international cooperation project of the Chinese Space Station.

Compared with the International Space Station, the mass of the Chinese Space Station has now reached 150 tons, and it will not be long before it reaches 300 tons!

It is precisely because CNSA has been accelerating the construction of China's space station that even now, no one outside has doubts about China's 'Luanniao' large-scale strategic aerospace airborne platform project. They never thought that this project would be A super giant space station!

Under such circumstances, the Chinese Space Station is undoubtedly the best choice.

And now, 15 projects from 20 countries and 30 entities have been successfully selected into the first batch of scientific experiment projects of the Chinese Space Station!

"Returning to space means returning to space. It's no big deal. We must have confidence in our Chinese aerospace industry!" Cai Jin smiled lightly.

With one space shuttle in service and one aerial space fighter in service, the outcome has actually been decided.

If your neck is stuck, you can't even enter space, so how can you compete?

By the end of the year, CNSA will have ten space shuttles!

As for aerospace fighters, the number delivered by Future Technology Group alone will reach 50!

With such an obvious disparity in power, he really couldn't understand how it was possible to break the card.

"Let me tell you a secret, this year CNSA will hold a manned mission to Mars!" Cai Jin lowered his voice.

Nie Xiaoyu's eyes widened with surprise: "Really or not, are you going to manned a mission to Mars so soon?"

Manned landing on the moon is no longer big news.

But manned landing on Mars would be different!

Mars is much farther from the earth than the moon is from the earth. Even when it is closest, it is more than a hundred times farther!

And the size of Mars is much larger than the moon.

Over the years, everyone has always been full of curiosity about Mars, and even thought that there was life on Mars.

Cai Jin nodded slightly: "We are going to manned a mission to Mars!"

According to the normal process, we should actually launch a large-scale exploration of Mars, and then confirm it step by step. Only when we are sure, will we launch a manned mission to Mars.

But now, CNSA is trying to get it right in one step and make another big news.

Manned landing on the moon, after all, everyone used to have the impression that NASA had achieved manned landing on the moon more than half a century ago, and it was a leftover from others.

But NASA has never sent humans to Mars.

This is to be the first to manned missions to Mars, thereby gaining the upper hand in terms of morale.

And with the advanced space shuttle, there is no need to slowly verify the technology step by step. Instead, the space shuttle directly takes the rover to Mars and directly conducts scientific research and inspection work.

Even with a little more trouble and a higher price, you can build a small scientific research station and directly allow scientific researchers to conduct scientific research at the Mars scientific research station.

From a technical perspective, there is no difficulty at all in manned landing on Mars.

Even if there is a large temperature difference between day and night, it will not be a problem for CNSA. At worst, they can land when the temperature is suitable and enter the space shuttle when it is cooler.

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